The biggest marine fish in the world

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 3 March 2025
BIGGEST MARINE  fish shipment of this year 02/2022 | More than 100 of varieties
Video: BIGGEST MARINE fish shipment of this year 02/2022 | More than 100 of varieties


you know what they are the biggest marine fish in the world? We emphasize that, as they are not fish, you will not find in our list large mammals such as whales and orcas. Also, and for this same reason, we will not speak of the kraken and other diverse gigantic cephalopods that once inhabited the depths of the sea of ​​considerable size.

Continue reading this PeritoAnimal article where we will show the biggest fish in the sea that dwell in our oceans. Surprise yourself!

1. Whale shark

the whale shark or rhincodon typus is recognized, for now, as the biggest fish in the world, it can easily exceed 12 meters in length. Despite the magnitude of its size, the whale shark feeds on phytoplankton, crustaceans, sardines, mackerel, krill and other microorganisms that live suspended in marine waters. It's a pelagic fish, but sometimes it gets too close to shore.

This huge fish has a very characteristic appearance: a head flattened horizontally, in which there is a giant mouth through which it sucks water, slees your food and filters it through your gills depositing the food in the dermal denticles, to immediately swallow it.

Another characteristic feature of this, which is also the biggest fish in the sea, is the design on the back of some light spots that look like spots. Its belly is whitish. The fins and tail have the characteristic appearance of sharks, but with an enormous size. Its habitat is the planet's tropical and subtropical marine waters. Unfortunately the whale shark is threatened with extinction, according to International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List.

2. Elephant shark

The elephant shark or peregrine shark (Cetorhinus maximus) It is considered the second biggest fish in the sea of the planet. It can exceed 10 meters in length.

Its appearance is that of a predatory shark, but like the whale shark, it only feeds on zooplankton and various marine microorganisms. However, the elephant shark does not suck water, it moves very slowly with its mouth wide open in a circular shape and filters the huge amount of water between its gills. micro food that enters your mouth.

It lives in all marine waters on the planet, but prefers cold waters. Elephant shark is a migratory fish and is severely endangered.

3. Great white shark

the great white shark or Carchadorón carcharias it certainly deserves to be on our list of the biggest fish in the sea, as it is considered the biggest predatory fish of the oceans, as it can measure more than 6 meters, but it is due to the thickness of its body that it can weigh more than 2 tons. Females are larger than males.

Its habitat is the warm and temperate waters that cover the continental shelves, near the coasts where there are colonies of seals and sea lions, common prey of the white shark. Despite its name, the white shark only has this color in its belly. O back and flanks are greyed out.

Despite its bad reputation as a people hog, the reality is that attacks on humans by white sharks are actually very rare. Tiger and bull sharks are more prone to these attacks. The white shark is another species that also is threatened with extinction.

4. Tiger shark

the tiger shark or Galeocerdo Curvier is another of the biggest fish in the sea. It can measure more than 5.5 meters and weigh up to 1500 kg. It is slimmer than the great white shark and its habitat is in the coastal waters of tropical and subtropical coasts, although colonies have been observed in waters near Iceland.

It is a nocturnal predator it feeds on turtles, sea snakes, porpoises and dolphins.

The nickname "tiger" is due to the marked transverse spots that cover its back and sides of its body. Your skin's background color is blue-green. Its belly is whitish. The tiger shark is considered to be one of the fastest fish marine environment and is not threatened with extinction.

5. Manta ray

The manta or manta ray (Birostris Blanket)is a huge fish with a very disturbing appearance. However, it is a peaceful being that feeds on plankton, squid and small fish. It does not have the poisonous sting that other smaller rays do, nor can it produce electrical discharges.

There are specimens that exceed 8 meters in wingspan and weigh over 1,400 kg. Their main predators, not counting humans, are killer whales and tiger sharks. It inhabits the temperate marine waters of the entire planet. This species is threatened with extinction.

6. Greenland shark

The Greenland Shark or Somniosus microcephalus it is a very unknown pigeon that inhabits arctic and antarctic waters. In the adult state it measures between 6 and 7 meters. Its habitat is the abyssal areas of the Arctic, Antarctic and North Atlantic oceans. Its life develops up to 2,500 meters deep.

It feeds on fish and squid, but also on seals and walruses. In his stomach were found the remains of reindeer, horses and polar bears. It is supposed that they were animals that drowned and their mortal remains descended to the bottom of the sea. Its skin is dark in color and the squall shapes are rounded. The Greenland shark is not threatened with extinction.

7. Panan hammerhead shark

The panan hammerhead shark or Sphyrna mokarran - is the largest of the nine species of hammerhead sharks that exist in the seas. He can reach almost 7 meters and weigh half a ton. It is a much slender shark than its sturdier and heavier counterparts in other species.

The most striking feature of this squall is the peculiar shape of its head, whose shape clearly resembles a hammer. Its habitat is distributed by temperate coastal areas. Perhaps for this reason it belongs, together with the tiger shark and the bull shark, to the trio of squalls that most wasteful attacks against human beings.

The hammerhead shark consumes a huge variety of prey: sea breams, groupers, dolphins, sepia, eels, rays, snails and other smaller sharks. the hammerhead shark is very endangered, as a result of fishing to get their fins, very appreciated in the Chinese market.

8. Oarfish or regale

The paddle fish or regaleco (regale glesne) measures from 4 to 11 meters and lives in the marine depths. Its food is based on small fish and has the shark as its predator.

This one that has always been considered a type of sea monster is among the biggest fish in the sea and is not threatened with extinction. In the photo below, we show a specimen found lifeless on a beach in Mexico.

Other large marine animals

Also discover in PeritoAnimal the largest jellyfish in the world, with tentacles up to 36 meters in length, a complete list of really big prehistoric marine animals like the megalodon, the liopleurodon or the Dunkleosteus.

Feel free to get in touch if you have ideas about any fish that could be included in the list of the biggest fish in the sea in the world! We look forward to receiving your comments.!

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