Bach Flowers for Insomnia in Dogs

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 7 March 2025
Bach Flower Remedies for Dogs:  A Brief Introduction
Video: Bach Flower Remedies for Dogs: A Brief Introduction


Did you know that the phases of canine sleep are very similar to the phases of our sleep? Like us, dogs also dream and can also have various sleep disorders, such as insomnia.However, the main difference is that a dog does not suffer from chronic insomnia, but rather it occurs in a certain period and for specific causes.

The causes of insomnia in dogs can be different, lack of sleep can be caused by noise, pain, disease, sexual behavior or the age of the dog, it being common for older dogs to present several changes in their sleep stages .

The most important thing is to treat insomnia in a natural and respectful way with our pet's body, whenever possible, so in this article by PeritoAnimal we will tell you about Bach flower remedies for insomnia in dogs.

What are Bach flower remedies?

Bach flowers are a completely natural therapeutic system which was started to develop in the year 1928 by Dr. Edward Bach.

As with most alternative therapies, such as homeopathy, the Bach flower system considers that the original cause of the disease resides in the mind and emotions, when this first alteration is not cured, it ends up having a negative impact on the physical organism.

Bach flowers are extracts from one or more of the 38 flowers that Edward Bach discovered.

To understand how these extracts work, you must understand that this is not a common medicinal plant extract (such as a fluid extract or a mother tincture), but a highly diluted extract, so much so that it does not have pharmacological activity, it is called one energy activity, thus acting on the emotions of the animal that receives them.

Many people need clinical trials before using these therapies, however, they should know in advance that since they are substances of a completely different nature, a drug of these characteristics cannot undergo the same clinical trial as a drug. For example, studies that measure the improvement of symptoms are needed, rather than establishing a mechanism of action that acts on certain cell receptors.

Bach flowers improve the quality of life of countless people and also their pets, offering a very important advantage: are completely harmless, have no side effects, and can be applied in any case because dogs interact with medications or are counterproductive against any pathology.

Bach Flowers to Treat Insomnia in Dogs

Nowadays and more and more often, reference is made to the holistic veterinarian, a professional who, in addition to having done studies in veterinary medicine, has specialized in the application of natural therapies to restore the animal's health.

If there is anything necessary for natural therapies to be effective, it is a complete patient individualizationIn this sense, our recommendation is that you go to a holistic veterinarian to show you what is the best Bach flower or combinations of Bach flowers to treat your pet's insomnia.

The flowers that should be taken into account initially to treat sleep disorders are as follows:

  • White Chestnut: It is especially useful for treating insomnia in older dogs who have invested sleep cycles in watchfull. This flower helps them to calm the anxiety they often suffer and relaxes them, preparing them for a good night's rest.
  • Mimulus: Is your dog really afraid of everything? If you have a dog that is easily startled at the slightest noise, this is one of the best florals because it acts directly on this emotion, which can be directly related to insomnia.
  • Aspen: It can be used in a complementary way with mimulus, although in this case we would be talking about a very suitable flower when the dog, in addition to expressing fear, is restless and seems to have the whole environment under control.
  • Vervain (Verbena): Does your dog have great energy and appear to be hyperactive? When our pet's energy is too much and interferes with their sleep patterns, this flower allows you to minimize this excessive enthusiasm when resting.
  • Agrimony: If your dog has had negative experiences or shows anxiety, this flower will help you to better channel these emotions, reducing your state of restlessness and providing you with better rest.

How to administer Bach flowers to the dog?

Bach flowers generally use alcohol as an excipient, although in minimal amounts, but the best option is to get an extract that does not contain this component. For this, you can ask to prepare these preparations in a pharmacy with Bach Flower Service and masterful manipulation.

These flower extracts can be administered in two ways:

  • By pouring 4 drops, 4 times a day, directly on the animal's tongue, always making sure that the saliva does not touch the dropper so as not to contaminate the entire preparation.
  • Adding 10 drops daily to the pet's water, bearing in mind that when changing the water, these drops must be added again.

Bach flowers can be administered in this way, regardless of the duration of treatment, until the animal shows a complete recovery from insomnia.

Must consult the veterinarian

While Bach flower remedies are harmless, insomnia may not be. As we saw in the introduction to this article, there are several diseases that can hide behind this condition of sleep.

If your dog suffers from insomnia, consult your veterinarian for an assessment of your health status. In addition, you should know that even if a pharmacological treatment is prescribed, Bach flowers can also be administered., helping to improve the dog's health status in a faster way.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.