Breast Cancer in Bitches - Symptoms and Treatment

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
Dog Mammary Tumors Signs Symptoms and Treatments: Vlog 91
Video: Dog Mammary Tumors Signs Symptoms and Treatments: Vlog 91


Unfortunately, cancer is a disease that also affects our canine friends. In this article by PeritoAnimal, we will focus on the most common manifestations of the disease, which is breast cancer that can appear in our dogs. We will discover the symptoms, how we can diagnose and, of course, the treatment that can be adopted, as well as preventive measures, since, as always, prevention is better than cure.

If you are interested in learning more about breast cancer in bitches, your symptoms and treatment, read on!

What is cancer?

cancer is the anomalous growth, continuous and rapid of cells in the body. In breast cancer in dogs, as the name implies, this pathological development will take place in the mammary glands. Almost all cells die and are replaced over the course of an individual's life. IF there is a mutation in the mechanisms that command this cell division, very fast-growing cells will originate that will form masses capable of displacing healthy cells.

Furthermore, cancer cells do not fulfill the proper functions of cells. If the cancer grows and invades the area or organ from which it originates, will cause damage which, in time, will lead to the dog's death. In young animals, their growth tends to be faster, contrary to what happens in older animals, due to their own rate of cell regeneration.

There are genes that suppress cancer genes but there are also others that inhibit their function. All of this can be caused by external factors such as diet, stress or the environment. Thus, cancer is a phenomenon where genetics and environment interact. Furthermore, carcinogens are known, that is, influences that increase the chances of getting cancer. Elements such as ultraviolet light, X-rays, nuclear radiation, some chemicals, cigarettes, viruses or internal parasites have been proven to be carcinogenic in humans.

Tumors arising from cancer are called neoplasmsand can be benign or malignant. The first ones tend to grow slowly, without invading or destroying the tissues that surround them. Do not consume to spread to other parts of the body. When possible, it is surgically removed. On the contrary, malignant tumors invade adjacent tissues and grow without limit. These tumor cells can penetrate the circulatory system and pass from the primary tumor to other parts of the body. This process is called metastasis.

What are the symptoms of breast cancer in bitches

Bitches have about ten mammary glands, distributed in two symmetrical chains on each side of the body, from the chest to the groin. Tumors in these glands are, unfortunately, very common and most occur in bitches with over six years old, with greater incidence at ten years of age. These tumors can be benign or malignant.

This type of cancer is largely hormone dependent, which means that its appearance and development are linked to hormones, mainly estrogens and progesterone, which intervene in the bitch's reproductive cycle and for which there are receptors in the breast tissue.

The main symptom that, as caregivers, we will notice in our dog's breast cancer is the presence of a lump or painless mass in one or several breasts, that is, a physical examination will be sufficient to detect it. Larger breasts, that is, the inguinal breasts, are more frequently affected. This mass will have a variable size and a more or less defined outline, attached to the fur or free. Occasionally, the skin ulcerates and a wound. Sometimes you can also observe a bloody secretion by the nipple.

Breast Tumor in Bitches - Diagnosis

Upon detecting this first signal, we should look for veterinary care as soon as possible. The veterinarian, by palpation, confirms the diagnosis, differentiating it from other possible causes such as mastitis. As we will see, the treatment adopted, in any case, will be surgical removal.

The removed material must be sent for analysis (biopsy) and the specialized histopathological laboratory will be responsible for determining the types of cells present. Furthermore, this study will tell us whether the tumor is benign or malignant and, in the latter case, what is its degree of virulence. These data are basic for the prognosis, life expectancy or the possibility of relapse (percentage of repeat cancer in the same or different location).

Treatment of breast tumor in bitch

The effectiveness of breast cancer treatment in bitches will depend on early diagnosis. THE surgical removal, as we said, will be the chosen treatment, except in cases where there is a terminal disease or the presence of metastasis is found. Therefore, before entering an operating room, the veterinarian will carry out an x-ray that will allow you to distinguish the presence of masses in other parts of the body.

it is common to appear lung metastasis (which can lead to breathing difficulties). An ultrasound and a blood test can also be done. At surgery, the tumor and surrounding healthy tissue will be removed. The extent of removal depends on the size and location of the tumor. In this way, only the bulge, the complete breast, the entire breast chain or even both chains can be removed. The larger the tumor and its aggressiveness, the more unfavorable the prognosis.

Also, as it is a hormone-dependent cancer, if the bitch is whole, she can be ovaryhysterectomy, that is, the extraction of the uterus and ovaries. As we said, if your dog has metastases, surgical intervention is not recommended, although in some cases it can be removed if it is causing damage. Depending on the result of the biopsy, in addition to surgical removal, it may also be necessary to administer chemotherapy (prevents and controls metastasis).

On the other hand, the period postoperative it will be like any other surgery, in which we must be careful that our bitch does not tear off the stitches, as well as in the aspect of the wound, to control possible infections. You should also avoid sudden movements, violent play or jumping that could cause the wound to open. certainly it is necessary keep it clean and disinfected, according to the advice of the veterinarian, in the same way we must administer the prescribed antibiotics and analgesics. Keep in mind that the incision can be considerable in size.

How to prevent breast cancer in a bitch

As we have seen, the cause of the appearance of breast cancer in bitches is mainly hormonal, which allows us to adopt preventive measures such as early sterilization of our bitch. With the removal of the uterus and ovaries, the bitch does not go into heat, and without the action of the hormones necessary for this process, it is not possible for the development of any tumor.

It should be noted that this protection is practically complete in bitches operated on before their first heat. Performing the intervention after the first heat, the protection is about 90%. From the second and following heat on, the percentage of protection provided by sterilization decreases. It is important, therefore, to sterilize our bitch before your first heat. If we adopt it in adulthood, we should operate it as soon as possible, preferably when it is not in heat, since the irrigation of the area during these weeks increases, which increases the risk of bleeding during surgery.

Among the preventive measures, we also highlight the early diagnosis. It never hurts to examine our dog's breasts periodically and to seek quick veterinary attention in the face of any changes or presence of masses, stiffness, inflammation, secretion or pain.

From the age of six, it is recommended that a monthly exam be done at home in unsterilized or late sterilized bitches. Likewise, we must maintain routine veterinary checks. Dogs over 7 years old should have an annual physical examination, as, as we have seen, a simple physical examination can detect the presence of cancer.

Finally, it is important to know that the use of medication to control the bitch's heat (progestin) favors the appearance of breast cancer. Also, bitches who have suffered from pseudo-pregnancies (psychological pregnancy) are also more likely to suffer from the disease. All data presented reinforce the need for early sterilization to provide your bitch with a better quality of life.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.