- Burmilla: origin
- Burmilla: features
- Burmilla puppy
- Burmilla: personality
- Burmilla: care
- Burmilla: health

In this article we will show you one of the most special breeds of cats, considered a very exclusive breed due to the small number of specimens existing all over the world. We are talking about Burmilla cat, originally from the United Kingdom, a breed that arose spontaneously, being also quite recent. For all that, this cat is still very unknown to many people.
At PeritoAnimal, we'll explain everything you need to know about burmilla cat breed, its origin, its physical characteristics, its personality, care and much more. Do you know where this curious name comes from? If the answer is no, read on and find out!
Source- Europe
- UK
- Category III
- Strong
- Small
- Medium
- Great
- 3-5
- 5-6
- 6-8
- 8-10
- 10-14
- 8-10
- 10-15
- 15-18
- 18-20
- Active
- outgoing
- Affectionate
- Intelligent
- Curious
- Cold
- Warm
- Moderate
- Short
Burmilla: origin
the burmilla cat is from the UK, where a Burmese cat crossed with a male chinchilla persian in 1981. This meeting happened by luck and, thus, the first litter of the breed we know today as Burmilla arose in a natural and unplanned way. Now why the name "Burmilla"? Quite simply, the first people who discovered the breed called it that because of the combination of "Burmese" and "Chinchilla".
Since only three decades have passed since the birth of the first specimens, this is considered one of the newer cat breeds. In fact, the breed has not even been recognized in its home country, where it is considered an experimental breed, according to the Cat Association of Britain. Likewise, it is not registered in the United States. However, official international organizations such as FIFe (International Feline Federation) already registered the standard in 1994.
Burmilla: features
The Burmilla cat has a average size, weighing between 4 and 7kg. Its body is compact and solid, as are its extremities, which have developed musculature, the front legs being thinner and a little shorter. Its tail is straight, very long and finished in a round tip. Its head is wide and round, with full cheeks, slit green eyes, outlined by black eyelids. Ears are medium in size and triangular in shape, with a rounded tip and a wide base.
After reviewing Burmilla's previous features, it's natural to ask yourself, "Are there Burmilla cats with blue eyes?" The truth is, no, all specimens of this breed must have green eyes to be considered pure.
THE Burmilla cat coat is a little longer than that of the Burmese cat, being equally soft and silky, in addition to very bright. The fur has a lot of volume because it has a two-layer structure, with a shorter sub-layer that favors insulation. The colors accepted are those with white or silver base combined with lilac, cinnamon, blue, cream, black and reddish.
Burmilla puppy
If anything differentiates the Burmilla kitten from other kittens, it is without a doubt the color of its eyes and coat. So the baby Burmilla cat already has beautiful green eyes and white fur or silvery, which develop their combined color as they grow. In addition to these traits, differentiating a puppy of this breed from others can be tricky, so it will be necessary to look for a veterinarian specializing in cats or wait for it to grow a little.
Burmilla: personality
Something highly remarkable about the Burmilla cat is its magnificent and endearing personality as it is a cat. attentive, affectionate and very attached to his family. Those who live with a Burmilla guarantee that it is a good-natured cat, that loves company and generally gets along well with all members of the family, be it other people, cats or just about any other animal. In general, it is a very tolerant feline, especially suitable for families with children, as it loves to spend time playing with them and receiving pampering.
Burmilla is a cat very balanced for, although he loves games and activities, he is very easygoing. As such, he rarely shows a nervous or restless attitude. If it turns out to be that way, it means that something is wrong and you may be suffering from a health problem or stress, something that needs to be identified and addressed. In this sense, the communicative skills of this feline breed also stand out.
Burmilla: care
Burmilla is an easy-to-maintain breed, suitable for people who are raising a cat for the first time, as it requires little attention and care to be in good condition. As for the coat, for example, it only needs to receive a couple weekly brushes to look neat and shiny.
On the other hand, you should pay attention to the cat's diet, as it is necessary to provide a quality diet, adjusted to nutritional needs and physical activity, which will determine the daily caloric expenditure and food needs. It is also essential to ensure that you have fresh water at your disposal at all times, otherwise you could become dehydrated.
Lastly, it's important to have the environmental enrichment. Although we are talking about a quiet cat, remember that he likes to play and have fun, so it will be essential to provide a variety of toys, different height scratchers, etc. Likewise, you need to spend part of the day playing with him, enjoying his company and giving him all the affection you can.
Burmilla: health
Due to its spontaneous appearance, the breed do not have congenital diseases nor have a special inclination to suffer from any condition in relation to other races. Even so, it should not be forgotten that, like any other cat, it must have its mandatory vaccinations and deworming, as well as regular veterinary appointments that allow detecting any anomaly as quickly as possible.
In addition, it is recommended to monitor the state of your mouth, eyes and ears, performing the necessary cleaning with the most suitable products and procedures for each case. Likewise, it is important to keep the Burmilla cat exercised and well fed, favoring the good maintenance of its health status. With all these precautions, the average life expectancy of a Burmilla varies. between 10 and 14 years old.