- Vulvovaginitis in bitches and vaginal discharge
- What is vaginal discharge?
- Causes of vulvovaginitis in bitches
- anatomical anomalies
- Discharge in puppies due to immaturity of the reproductive system (prepubertal vaginitis)
- hormonal influence
- Bacterial, viral or fungal infections
- Piometer
- Childbirth and postpartum
- Neoplasms (tumors)
- Canine vulvovaginitis treatment

Canine vulvovaginitis is a very common problem in dogs of any age, breed and reproductive cycle. Its causes may include anatomical abnormalities, hormonal disturbances, viral or bacterial infections or be due to a systemic disease. In either case, it is necessary that you take the dog to the veterinarian for a complete examination and stipulating the best treatment.
Vaginal discharge is one of the most frequent clinical signs in this problem and raises a lot of concern to the guardian. If you want to know more about vaginal discharge and vulvovaginitis in bitches, your causes and treatments, keep reading this article by PeritoAnimal, where we will develop a little more about these themes.
Vulvovaginitis in bitches and vaginal discharge
Vaginitis is defined as an inflammation of the vagina and the vulvite such as inflammation of the vulva, which may or may not be accompanied by infection. When inflammation of both structures occurs, it is called vulvovaginitis and, in most situations, it manifests itself through vaginal discharge.
Cystitis is the bladder wall inflammation and it can also give rise to bacterial cross-infections, due to the anatomical proximity between the urethral and vaginal orifice.
What is vaginal discharge?
Vaginal discharge is any fluid that comes out of the vagina and is usually produced in small amounts, going unnoticed most of the time. However, in case of pathology, it is produced in quantities and with abnormal characteristics.
Yours color Can it be:
- Translucent;
- whitish;
- Yellow;
- Greenish;
- Hemorrhagic.
already yours type Can it be:
- Mucoid (common in adult bitches);
- Purulent (also common in adult bitches);
- Bloody/hemorrhagic (less common in adult bitches).
And yours consistency varies between:
- Pasty;
- Aqueous;
- Fibrinous.
Causes of vulvovaginitis in bitches
The characteristics of the vaginal discharge can help the veterinarian to discover the diagnosis and to know what is happening with your dog, so it is important to have a good physical exam and a good collection of information about your pet's lifestyle and habits. .
Then we explain the possible causes of vaginal discharge in bitches and what discharges are normally associated with each.
anatomical anomalies
When it comes to an anomaly of the reproductive system, it usually manifests itself very early, usually when the bitches reach the height of their first heat (between 7 and 10 months, which may vary beyond this interval depending on the breed and the individual). Also, the type and color of the discharge may vary depending on the anomaly.
Discharge in puppies due to immaturity of the reproductive system (prepubertal vaginitis)
Sometimes, the bitch has not yet reached sexual maturity or had her first heat (estrus) and she expels a generally translucent, colorless discharge, similar to egg white. This one egg white runny in bitches, it is very common females among the 8 and 12 weeks old.It may last a few days and be confused with the first heat once you observe:
- Swollen vulva (swollen, more prominent);
- Vaginal licking;
- Males showing interest as if the bitch were in heat.
This is the case where the tutor asks if, if he sees the bitch with transparent discharge, if you should worry. The answer is complex as in any veterinary case: how does the situation evolve? Is it taking a while to pass? Does the bitch have other symptoms or changes? Everything will depend on these answers.
In the case of prepubertal vaginitis, the most of these cases are a temporary situation. and has no implications for the animal's health, not in need of treatment.
If you want to know more about discharge in puppies, see also this other article from PeritoAnimal.
hormonal influence
When the bitch reaches sexual maturity and has her first heat due to hormonal influence, it is accompanied by different types of discharge throughout the reproductive cycle, being in some phases more evident than others.
Bacterial, viral or fungal infections
At bacterial infections they arise when there is an imbalance of microbial populations and when there is an overgrowth and/or emergence of a certain type of bacteria.
The origin of these bacteria can be from the uterine surface or vaginal mucosa or come from urinary tract bacteria (urinary infections) or intestinal bacteria (enterobacteria), due to cross-contamination that occurs as a result of anatomical proximity.
In cases of bacterial infection and depending on the degree of infection, that is, the severity, the color of the discharge may vary between the yellow and various shades of green. This type of discharge is called purulent and indicates the presence of bacteria.
These infections can occur in very young, adult or even old bitches, but they can be avoided if they have correct hygiene with your pet.
In cases of infection, we can still have other associated symptoms:
- Fever;
- Loss of appetite;
- Weight loss;
- Increased water intake (polydipsia);
- Increased urination (polyuria);
- Apathy;
- Vaginal licking.
If the bitch is suffering from a urinary tract infection, it can add to its symptoms:
- Pain and difficulty in urinating (dysuria);
- Urinate more often, but small amounts (polaciuria);
- Urinating with blood (haematuria).
Fungal infections, such as canine candidiasis, are not resolved with antibiotics, but with antifungals, which is why it is so important to identify the causative agent.
These are the symptoms of candidiasis in bitches:
- Vaginal and vulvar itching resulting in licking of the region and presence of lesions such as wounds;
- Vaginal discharge (may be purulent if secondary bacterial infection occurs);
- Local redness.
Pyometra in bitches is a type of uterine infection that is characterized by large accumulations of pus and other secretions inside it, which can be closed (much more severe) or open (severe, but in which the discharge is seen at the exit of the vulva, being more easily detected). It appears in older, whole bitches and is a cause for great concern.
The bitch has a very swollen abdomen, has a lot of pain, fever, increases her intake of water and urine more than normal, and may become more apathetic and even aggressive when trying to manipulate. Castration is a measure that serves both prevention and treatment.
Childbirth and postpartum
During and after birth, the bitch may release mucoid, purulent or hemorrhagic discharges. In normal situations, when the amniotic sac bursts, the fluid is translucent and somewhat fibrinous. When it's expelling each placenta, it can be bloody. In the case of fetal death or placental retention, she can develop an infection and have a purulent discharge (yellow-green), and this requires you to take the animal to the vet as her life could be at risk.
Neoplasms (tumors)
Tumors are another common cause in older dogs that can manifest through vaginal discharge, among other symptoms.

Canine vulvovaginitis treatment
As we stated before, the treatment of canine vulvovaginitis depends on the cause and, before medicating your animal, you should consult the opinion of your trusted veterinarian to know what to administer and in what doses and amounts, since an under-dosage can give rise to drug resistance and an overdose can even kill the animal.
However, you can guarantee the hygiene and cleaning of the genital region of the bitch by cleaning with towels or compresses moistened with saline solution to keep her free of accumulated debris and discharge.
In short, the treatment and remedy for canine vulvovaginitis varies from case to case and always depends on the final diagnosis made by a trusted veterinarian.
This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Vulvovaginitis in bitches: causes and treatment, we recommend that you enter our section on Diseases of the reproductive system.