what do dream about dog mean

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 3 March 2025
What does Dog dream meaning  Dream interpretation | Dreaming of dog |
Video: What does Dog dream meaning Dream interpretation | Dreaming of dog |


Dreams are one of the most intriguing mysteries of our society, as it has not yet been possible to prove the reasons why human beings dream. O dreams meaning it can be the most diverse, as it depends on the context of the dream and the feeling generated. You can often associate dreams with moments of joy, euphoria and, at other times, feelings of sadness and anguish. There are many possibilities.

Animal lovers, certainly, have had dreams about some element of the animal world. And, maybe you've already asked yourself what do dream about dog mean. In this article by PeritoAnimal we will explain about the different types of dreams and some possible interpretations.

What is the dream?

One of humanity's most curious mysteries is how and why dreams are produced. You've probably wondered why you had such a weird, happy dream or a nightmare. Even today it is not possible to have a conclusive answer to the meaning of dreams, but there are several studies[1] and some theories that try to explain the function of the dream, among them the best known are:

  • Hazard simulation theory: this theory describes that dreams are a form of preparation for everyday risky situations. I mean, in dreams you are able to face what threatens you and respond in a coherent and firm way, thus being a way of unconsciously practicing for a possible conscious moment.
  • Activation-synthesis theory: according to this theory, it is through dreams that we associate and consolidate the lived memories and for this reason, sometimes we have dreams that at first make no sense and are related to situations and people that a priori have no connection.

There are some everyday pictures that are commonly associated with different sensations and feelings. For example, the interpretation of dreaming about a snake is completely different from the meaning of dreaming about a dog as they are two figures interpreted differently in society. Keep reading this article as we will explain below what do dream about dog mean.

dream about dog

Dogs are considered man's best friends for their characteristics of loyalty, fidelity, joy and companionship. Many people seek to adopt dogs because they love animals and want a good companion for life.

If you're an animal tutor or a furry lover, you've probably already had a dog dream. As we mentioned earlier, dogs are associated with a positive and concrete image of a faithful friend. Therefore, dreaming about a dog refers to friendship relationships.

Next, we'll explain the possible dreams about dogs.

dream of black dog

As we already know, dreaming about a dog is linked to friendship relationships. But, dream about black dog it can have an even more specific meaning.

According to color psychology[2], black is associated with what is hidden, mysterious and unknown. It can also be associated with power, elegance and formality. Furthermore, it is the color of grief, loneliness and fear. So, depending on what kind of dream you have, the meaning of dreaming about black dog varies. For example, if you dream of black dog biting the connotation can be understood as a toxic friendship relationship, or if you dream of angry black dog it can mean a confused and troubled friendship relationship. On the other hand, if the dream about a black dog was good, the meaning of the dream may be related to a good friendship at work.

If you've just adopted a cute black dog, check out some dog name suggestions in this PeritoAnimal article.

dream about white dog

As mentioned in the previous section, dream about dog there is an association with friendship relationships. Also according to color psychology, white is associated with clarity, light and reflection, as this color is the result of the combination of all other colors. The white color also symbolizes peace, which is pure and innocent.On the other hand, this color used with exaggeration can be understood as emptiness, coldness and lack of personality. Therefore, everything depends on what were the sensations generated by the dream about white dog. For example, if you dream of white dog attacking you it could mean that some friendship is pulling away and being cold. On the other hand, if you dream of a white dog on a walk in the park it means you have a pure and trustworthy friendship.

dream about puppy dog

As I said before, it all depends on how your dream went. If the dream association is positive, for example dream of puppy dog ​​being taken care of by you, this may mean that a good friendship is being built. If you dreamed that a puppy died, it may be related to some problem in family relationships.

Check out in this article by PeritoAnimal what the meaning of sleeping dog positions is.

dream of playing dog

As strange as it sounds, dream of dog playing it can have a negative connotation. Since in the interpretation of dreams this can mean a troubled love relationship and constant disagreements.

dream of biting dog

O meaning of dreaming about dog biting it is usually associated with some very close friendship that is shaken and that is about to generate a reaction in one of the parties. your. If the dream is the other way around, that is, if you dreamed of a dog biting another person, it may mean that the reaction will be made by you to a situation provoked by the other person.

dream about angry dog

Dreaming of an angry dog ​​can be interpreted as a friendship that causes insecurity and anxiety. But if you ever wondered "what does it mean to dream about a dog attacking me", this may mean that there is some friendship relationship that you feel, in some way, threatened.

Do you know how many hours a dog sleeps a day? Check out the explanation in this PeritoAnimal article.

Dreaming of a dog that has died

For any tutor, it is very difficult to overcome and assimilate the loss of a pet. After all, they are animals that rejoice and fill anyone's life. That is why, dream about dog that has died can be a way to kill the longing for your furry companion and try to relive the good memories lived with him.