Care of a cat after neutering

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 21 February 2025
Cat neutering: Our experience and practical care tips
Video: Cat neutering: Our experience and practical care tips


It is currently advisable neuter the cats of both genders to prevent their excessive reproduction and to avoid running away from home frequently, whose consequences are usually fights, accidents and even the premature death of the feline.

So if you chose to neuter your feline, you should know the care you should have with it after this procedure. To help you in this PeritoAnimal article we will explain all the care of a cat after neutering for your cat to have the best time possible.

To know everything your newly neutered cat needs, keep reading this article.

Responsible measure

We often feel responsible, and even guilty, when taking this drastic measure that affects our cat or cat's sex life. But it is a necessary option that will improve and prolong life of your pet. Check out all the benefits of neutering a cat in our article.

is taking a responsible decision for the benefit of your feline, which will save you a lot of problems and a lot of heartache.

the intervention

The surgery to neuter a cat must be done by a veterinarian and, for that, a total anesthesia will be necessary. After surgery, you should prevent the cat or cat from trying to remove the suture stitches. The veterinarian will advise you on the best way to do this and will prepare the animal's wound in the best possible way to minimize the risk. You must pay attention to the veterinarian's instructions and follow all his advice to the letter.

It is likely that for a few hours the cat or cat will wear a Elizabethan necklace to prevent your mouth from approaching the wound. It is essential to prevent the cat from scratching the wound. Normally, cats don't like to wear this collar at all, but it is essential to wear it as the cat will try to lick the wound and tear off the suture stitches.

It is also recommended that the newly neutered cat is calm and moves as little as possible to start its recovery. If there's a favorite place in the house, leave the cat there. for a few days should pamper him a lot, even if it turns out to be hostile. Don't forget the discomfort the wound causes and the metabolic changes that have suddenly taken place in the feline's body.


After a few hours of intervention, the cat will be able to eat if it has an appetite. Intake of food and drink should be halved. As the animal is uncomfortable and painful, it is convenient to give it for three or four days wet food.

From now on, it should be the veterinarian who, depending on the age and characteristics of the cat, will indicate the diet to be followed.Neutered cats are prone to obesity, so their new diet should be defined by the veterinarian depending on the circumstances. there is for sale specific food for neutered cats.

Watch and control your feline

should be attentive to evolution and recovery of your cat. Anything abnormal that you detect such as vomiting, bleeding from the wound or stool, diarrhea, total weakness, or any other unusual behavior, you should immediately consult your veterinarian.

The cat will be recovering from the illness for a few days, so it's not uncommon if it has some kind of strange or abnormal behavior.

total tranquility

While the cat is recovering it should remain calm and serene for a few ten or twelve days. Therefore, you should not travel or enter into having a new pet. If there is more than one cat in the case, keep it separate for a few days to prevent licking your partner's wound.

Keep windows, porches or other places in the house closed that are dangerous for your cat and that he used to visit frequently before surgery. The operation decreases your strength and the usual jumps and balances can fail and cause serious damage to your pet.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.