How do I know if my cat is fat?

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
Is my cat fat?  Mr. Pirate and Clawdia demonstrate how to tell.
Video: Is my cat fat? Mr. Pirate and Clawdia demonstrate how to tell.


Obesity is a common cat disorder, especially with advancing age, therefore, caregivers should know that this is not just an aesthetic problem. Obesity and overweight will affect our cat's health, therefore, it is a condition that we must avoid. In this article of PeritoAnimal we will explain how to know if a cat is fat, the consequences of this problem and the measures that can be taken so that the feline regains its ideal weight.

cat body condition

Cats are characterized by their agile and elegant form. Capable of jumping, climbing and running, they work like perfect machines, so they must maintain a proper body condition. Thus, although it is not possible to determine the ideal weight according to age, there are criteria that specify whether the cat is at its ideal weight, thinner, much thinner or, on the contrary, overweight or more obese, or lesser degree. The criteria are on a number of items that can be found at veterinary centers.

A cat of ideal weight is well proportioned, we can appreciate your waist and ribs are palpable, or still visible. Also, the accumulation of abdominal fat is minimal. already in a obese cat it will be difficult to touch the ribs as a layer of fat will prevent it. The feline will present a rounded abdomen, also due to the accumulation of fat. Nor will the waist be distinguished. In some cases, there will also be fat deposits in the lower back. Therefore, a cat's body condition is assessed by observation and palpation.

How to make a cat lose weight?

We've already seen how to know if a cat is fat, now let's comment on which elements will help us keep it in its ideal body condition:

  • First, it is important to carry out veterinary checks. It is common that, as caregivers, it is difficult for us to realize that our cat is above its ideal weight. In these cases, the veterinarian will be able to assess you following the guidelines that we have already mentioned.
  • The exercise it's also basic. An outdoor-access cat usually has opportunities to stay in shape, however, an apartment-dwelling cat may not exhibit all the necessary activity. To avoid sedentary lifestyle, we must implement environmental enrichment measures. Read our article on exercise for obese cats.
  • Naturally, The feeding is a basic pillar to maintain a cat's ideal weight. This must be adapted to the animal's age and vital circumstances and must always be provided in the proper amount.
  • Similarly, control prize abuse or human food scraps.
  • In sterilized cats, we must reduce energy consumption.
  • Finally, any sudden change in your cat's body condition, both weight loss and gain, is a reason to consult your veterinarian.

As we see, there are many factors involved in being overweight. In addition to those mentioned, they also influence race, sex or age or those who depend on caregivers as the choice of diet, and how it is offered, in addition to the type of environment it offers and even their perception of the physical condition of the animal. The latter are factors on which we can intervene.

Consequences of obesity in cats

If, after all the guidance we've seen on how to tell if a cat is fat, we conclude that our furry friend is overweight, we should be serious about regaining his ideal body condition. Obesity is a risk factor for the appearance of different diseases and it can worsen the clinical symptoms of others. On the other hand, obese animals have a limited tolerance to exercise and heat and have more complications when using anesthesia.

Best food for obese cats: instructions and recommendations

In addition to increasing physical activity and enriching the environment when we know our cat is fat, we can try to help him lose weight through food. For this, we must count on the help of our veterinarian who, based on the current consumption of our cat, calculate the amount that we will give him daily to lose weight.

Is important reduce fat consumption, but not protein and also increase the amount of fiber and water ingested, so moist foods can help in these cases. is also better ration food into several portions instead of offering it freely throughout the day. A diet to reduce weight can also include premiums, but always mindful of the calories they provide, which in no case can exceed 10% of daily energy. The veterinarian must monitor weight progression to re-evaluate the diet.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.