Why do cats disappear?

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 4 March 2025
Why Do Cats Disappear For Days On End?
Video: Why Do Cats Disappear For Days On End?


Cats are extremely curious and independent animals that like to explore their territory to the full, whether just to mark their presence and communicate to other animals that they are the ones in charge there, or in search of some love interest.

It is common to hear stories of families that move and, from one day to the next, the pussy disappears and returns to the old house where they used to live. This is because this species of animal is very attached to its space and sometimes it is more difficult for it to assimilate a change than it is for you. But, why do cats disappear? And when they run away, do they come back?

Check out some fun facts about this peculiar feline habit in this PeritoAnimal article.

Why do cats run away?

First of all, it is necessary to understand how a cat's head works: for them, the his territory is not just the house he shares with his human family, where your toys and food are. This domain of yours can extend to a radius of 8 km away, which makes everything much wider, doesn't it?

In his mind, he's still at home even if he's a few blocks away, so it's essential that the pet's owner doesn't despair if he doesn't return after a walk. It's always good to check around the area and know the places your cat likes to be when walking around the neighborhood, it can help you understand why cats disappear and what to do when it happens.

Because cats disappear before they die

Many people believe that cats run away before they die because they don't want to see their owners suffer. This idea probably originated from a pre-domestic habit, developed by pure survival instinct.

Like many animal species, injured cats tended to hide in the wild so predators wouldn't find them and see them as easy prey. In other words: it is, in fact, the survival instinct of the animal that leads him to hide the pain and disappear when he is hurt or sick.

In these situations, it is common to find the pussy in darker, more isolated places, such as under your car or on top of a hidden shelf in your garage.

However, it is not because your kitten is missing that it is sick or about to die. Look out for other signs that can help you distinguish one simple escape from something more serious, who need veterinary care. When they are sick, the animals tend to become apathetic, worry less about cleaning their fur and lose their hunger. Read our full article on how to tell if your cat is sick.

Neutered cats run away?

If your cat is used to sneaking around every night, looking for other felines in the neighborhood, castration can help solve the problem. With the drop in hormones, the search for a partner decreases, which makes the pussy calmer. This is just one of the many benefits of neutering a cat. However, if it is part of the animal's personality, the cat can continue to run away, even neutered, so it is important to know your animal, understanding its habits, needs and care.

Cats when they run away come back?

Cats are animals that have olfactory and visual memory very sharp, due to their hunting and survival instincts. In general, when cats run away, they return home after a few hours, finding their way on their own.

They are able to memorize an environment from simple elements such as trees, park benches or certain buildings. That way, even at night, he can observe details of the path he is taking to redo it later.

That the smell of animals is more potent than that of humans we already know, but in the case of cats, this characteristic becomes even more evident. The pussies register various smells in their olfactory memory and, when they want to return home, they trigger these memories, looking for family records.

please note that the wind it can change the direction of an odor or extinguish it altogether and, therefore, it can influence the time it takes a kitten to find its way home. Depending on the direction of the wind, the animal may end up heading for another path, but, over time, it will notice a sequence of unknown smells and images, being able to return to its original path.

If your cat is used to walking around the neighborhood, then he has an ample arsenal of familiar smells and images, which makes his way back home smoother. Now, if the animal is not used to leaving the house and has disappeared, it is essential to try to retrace its steps and talk to neighbors who may have seen it.

what to do when the cat runs away

If your pussy has been missing for a while and hasn't returned yet, try to stay calm and look for it. Review his routine and see if there has been any significant change that he may not have liked, such as a move, a new family member, or a new pet. In these cases, the animal usually shows signs of dissatisfaction and it is possible that it has "adopted" another house as its own. Be aware that these absences are not recurrent.

Walk around the neighborhood and see if your cat isn't up in a tree or in some hidden corner of the neighborhood you passed by without paying attention. Go from house to house if possible and ask for the animal. Chances are, someone saw him walking around.

Talk to your neighbors who also have cats and make sure he hasn't stopped by, not even to eat or drink some water. In some cases, cats feel more comfortable being close to their own species and can seek shelter in houses who also have pussies.

If you've done all of this and still don't know where your pet might be, do it ads with photos from it and spread out across the region. The more people watching the better, right? See our article for all the tips to find a lost cat.

Keep the house safe and cover the gaps where it passes unnoticed is also a good security measure.

Above all the most important is put a microchip. This is the only safe method to identify your cat and it allows it to be quickly identified by any veterinarian. A collar with a nameplate can be dangerous. There are several reported cases of strangulation and serious injuries to felines due to its use.