Activated charcoal for dogs: uses, dosage and recommendations

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 15 February 2025
How to Administer Activated Charcoal
Video: How to Administer Activated Charcoal


Canine poisoning can occur due to domestic accidents, ingestion of toxic substances for animals or crimes. You symptoms of a poisoned dog vary according to the causative agent and the amounts ingested. They may include diarrhea, vomiting, severe pain, weakness, dizziness, muscle stiffness, salivation, fever, bleeding, among many others. As important as identifying them is trying to find out what caused this poisoning to facilitate your emergency treatment. Activated charcoal for dogs is an option for some of these and can adsorb up to 75% of the toxic substance in the animal's body. In this post by PeritoAnimal we explain how to use activated charcoal for dogs, dosage and recommendations.

Dog activated charcoal

Activated carbon is a carbon derivative with high porosity, known for its ability to filter out impurities, in addition to clarifying and deodorizing. Its uses are known both domestically, cosmetically or medicinally in humans. Its medical applications are known, mainly in cases of intoxication and poisoning, in which it works by adsorbing the toxic substance and decreasing the absorption of toxic elements by the digestive system.

O activated charcoal for animals It is administered as an adsorbent for toxins and poisons present in the gastrointestinal tract, in the treatment of intoxications. In this way, activated charcoal for dogs can be administered in some cases of poisoning, as we will see below, and can save lives, since reduces absorption of toxicants by up to 75%.

One must be aware, however, that not all types of poisonings and poisonings are resolved with activated charcoal. Therefore, under any suspicion of poisoning the veterinary care is always the safest way., since with the exact diagnosis, it is easier to be sure of the most effective treatment. That is, in an emergency you can administer activated charcoal to dogs, but the ideal is to have veterinarian monitoring to make sure that this really is the most appropriate emergency treatment.

Activated charcoal for poisoned dog

Activated charcoal has proven its effectiveness in cases of canine poisoning, but this always it will depend on the intoxicating agent, dosage and clinical picture. Therefore, under any suspicion of poisoning or intoxication, it is very important to investigate the causative agents and seek emergency care, as the assistance is different for each case. In the case of some substances, inducing vomiting is contraindicated and can even aggravate the condition. That's why it's important to consider the cause, observe the symptoms and call for emergency care.

In the post about how to treat a poisoned dog we explain that charcoal is usually used in cases of poisoning by:


This substance present in insecticides usually causes diarrhea and can lead to cardiovascular collapse. When the venom was ingested for less than two hours, urgent treatment consists of inducing vomiting, administering activated charcoal and, after one or two hours, gastric protectors.

Ethylene glycol

In case of Ethylene Glycol poisoning the dog seems to get dizzy and lose control of its movements. Emergency treatment consists of inducing vomiting, activated charcoal and sodium sulfate one or two hours after ingesting the venom.


Intoxication by different types of insecticides that contain chlorinated hydrocarbons, pyrethrins or pyrethroids, carbamates and organophosphate can be contained with the induction of vomiting and activated charcoal. Even so, it is essential to call a veterinarian as soon as possible.

poisonous insects

Some insects when ingested contain toxic chemical substances, such as Cantarida (Lytta vesicatoria), for example, which cause skin blisters, abdominal pain, digestive and urinary tract irritation, among others. Activated charcoal can be used to reduce intoxication.

poisonous mushrooms

Ingesting toxic mushrooms can cause problems ranging from digestive to neurological. These emergencies can be treated by inducing vomiting and using activated charcoal.

Activated charcoal for dogs that ate chocolate

The more cocoa there is in the chocolate eaten, the greater its toxicity to the dog. Symptoms usually appear hours after ingestion but ideally treat him as soon as possible with induction of vomiting and use of activated charcoal. If more than two hours have passed, vomiting will no longer work, only activated charcoal and veterinary follow-up.

In the video below, we explain why dogs cannot eat chocolate:

How to use activated charcoal for dogs

It is very important to be aware that activated charcoal for intoxicated dogs is a solution in some cases, as mentioned above, but not for all. Poisoning by chlorine, bleach, alcohol, mothballs, plants and some foods, for example, are not contained by the use of charcoal.

The general recommendation of activated charcoal for dogs is to use 1 g for every half a kilo of the animal. To use it, dissolve in a little water and mix until you get the consistency of a paste. This mixture must be administered with the syringe in the dog's mouth in 4 total doses spaced every 2 or 3 hours.

In cases of more severe poisoning, use 2 to 8 g per total weight and give it once every 6 or 8 hours for 3 to 5 days, until symptoms improve. Even after using activated charcoal for dogs in case of intoxication and the apparent well-being of the dog, it is essential to monitor the effect of the toxin as charcoal does not adsorb all of the substance.

Contraindications of activated charcoal for dogs

In cases of medical emergency there are no contraindications for activated charcoal for dogs, but its active ingredient can reduce and prevent the action of other substances ingested orally. You must take this into account if the dog takes any medication for continuous use and ask for veterinary recommendations regarding drug interactions.

Side Effects of Activated Charcoal for Dogs

Constipation and diarrhea (in formulations contain sorbitol) are side effects that may appear. See more information in the post where we explain what to do when a dog is intoxicated.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.

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