Brazil's most venomous spiders

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 23 January 2025
Milking the World’s Most Venomous Spider!
Video: Milking the World’s Most Venomous Spider!


Spiders are absolutely amazing animals that live all over the world. Some of them are completely harmless, but others are very poisonous and can, with their poison, kill humans and other animals. Spiders belong to the phylum of arthropods and are characterized by having an external skeleton composed of chitin. The name given to this skeleton is exoskeleton. Its main function, in addition to support, is to prevent water loss to the external environment.

Spiders exist in almost all parts of the world and Brazil is no exception. If you are curious to know what the most poisonous spiders in Brazil, keep reading!

weapon spiders

THE spider armada (Phoneutria) is a spider that can make anyone shiver. They are a very aggressive species, although they do not attack unless they feel threatened. So it's even better to let her live her life in peace while you live yours!

When they feel threatened, raise the front legs and are supported on the back. They jump very quickly towards the enemy to sting them (they can jump at a distance of 40 cm). Hence the name of her armadeira, because it "arms".

They are nocturnal animals and hunt and immobilize their prey through their powerful venom. They don't live in webs, they live in trunks, banana trees, palm trees etc. In homes they are found in dark places, such as behind furniture and inside shoes, curtains, etc. They like to be hidden, they don't seek to do you any harm. What sometimes happens is that you and she are living in the same house. When you discover her and she is frightened, she attacks because she is feeling threatened. Another characteristic of this spider's attack is that it pretends to be dead and attacks when the prey least expects it.

black widow spider

THE black Widow (Latrodectus) is one of the best known spiders in the world. Males live in the female's web and usually die shortly after mating, hence the name of these spiders. sometimes, the male can serve as food for the female.

By habit, these spiders are not aggressive unless they are squeezed. Sometimes, in self-defense, when disturbed in their web, they let themselves fall, becoming immobile and pretending to be dead, attacking later.

They live in the middle of vegetation, occupying holes. They can be found in other places, such as cans, which they use to protect themselves from the rain, if there is no vegetation around.

The accidents that occur with these spiders are always with females (since males live in females' webs, serving almost exclusively for the reproduction of the species).

Brown spider

THE Brown spider (loxosceles) is a smaller spider (about 3 cm) but with a very powerful venom. Hardly a spider like this will bite you, unless you step on it or sit on it by accident, for example.

These spiders are nocturnal and live in irregular webs near tree roots, palm leaves, caves, etc. Their habitat is very diverse. They are sometimes found inside homes, in colder parts of the country, as they prefer cold climates. It is common to find these spiders in attics, garages or wooden debris.

garden spider

THE garden spider (Lycosa), also called grass spider, has this name because it is often found in gardens or backyards. They are small spiders, about 5 cm, characterized by a arrow-shaped drawing on the abdomen. Like the armored spider, this spider can lift its front legs before attacking. However, this spider's venom is less powerful than that of the armada.

Experts, arachnologists, say that it is not worth worrying too much about spiders. These little beings, despite looking very scary, have nothing especially against you.It is very rare for them to attack unless they have no other possibility. Of course accidents do happen, mainly because they are very small and when you realize that she is there, you have already touched her or accidentally threatened her and you have no choice but to attack to defend yourself.

If you see a spider don't try to kill it, remember that if you fail it can attack you first. Besides, she's also entitled to life, isn't it? We must, whenever possible, promote a life in harmony with all beings that inhabit this planet.

If you are curious about spiders, also get to know the most venomous spider in the world.