Ashera Cat Care

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 17 January 2025
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The main care you should have with the Ashera cat is external care, although it is totally associated with it. This is a hole that your finances can suffer if you decide to adopt an Ashera cat, because the current value of this breed is between 17,000 and 100,000 $ (US dollars).

We hope you've already recovered from your brief faint. The big difference in price compared to other cat breeds is because the Ashera cat was bred with four different mutations.

It is a very special cat in terms of size and origin, but the truth is that the Ashera cat care they don't differ that much from the care of an ordinary cat. Keep reading this PeritoAnimal article to find out everything!

Origin of the Ashera cat

It is likely that you are still questioning the high price of the Ashera cat. To start with, it is worth mentioning that the Ashera cat is the most exclusive domestic feline in the world. Also, the biggest.

history and origin

The Ashera cat comes from the United States of America, specifically from the Lifestyle Pets laboratory. Through advanced genetic engineering and hybridization of domestic cats with Asian leopard and African serval genes, they managed to create the biggest house cat in the world.

This lab only breeds 100 cats a year, so there is a waiting list among customers who want to adopt one of these exclusive pets.

The four varieties that are bred in the Lifestyle Pets laboratory are: common Ashera cat, hypoallergenic Ashera cat, Snow Ashera cat and Royal Ashera cat.

common ashera cat

The common Ashera cat resembles a kind of small leopard. It measures 1.50 cm in length, including the tail. They weigh 12-15 kg. Measurements and weights are common to all four varieties. What sets them apart is their fur.

The common Ashera has a brown/brown fur with black spots on both sides and elongated black spots from the neck to the beginning of the tail.

They are very affectionate and communicative cats, which emit very high-pitched meows that contrast with their large size compared to other cat breeds.

Hypoallergenic Ashera Cat

This Ashera cat variety is identical in appearance to the previous one, but has the peculiarity of do not cause allergy to people allergic to cats. Another peculiarity of this hybrid breed is that all the specimens are sterile.

Ashera Snow Cat

This Ashera variety is very reminiscent of a snow leopard in small. Over the tone of its white fur, small brown spots are distributed on both sides. On its loin, from head to tail, the spots are elongated. This distribution of their spots is common to other varieties.

The morphology of this precious hybrid is also common: small head with large erect ears, very long and beautiful body, and very long legs. The hind legs are longer than the front legs, which makes the loin part higher.

Ashera Royal Cat

This variety does not surpass 4% of the litters. Its fur has a very beautiful and delicate background in cream/orange color, and its spots are more defined than in its counterparts from other mutations.

All the different mutations of the Ashera cat are truly beautiful. There is a waiting list to get one of them, but paying more can speed up this process.

Given its dog-like size, Ashera can be used to walking with a lead and a leash.

care to be taken

Ashera, no matter how exclusive and hybrid it is, still a cat. Therefore, the necessary care will be the same as a common cat. Keep in mind the following when caring for an Ashera cat:


The first step will be a visit to the veterinarian, although during the first year there is a insurance that covers all appointments. In addition, the cat is delivered perfectly vaccinated and with the chip incorporated. A certificate attached to the feline's genetic fingerprint certifies its origin.


The Ashera cat needs excellent nutrition to keep its coat shiny and develop its muscles properly. You should always opt for premium and high quality ranges.


One way to avoid external parasites and prevent the accumulation of fur from the fur (with the consequent formation of fur balls) is to brush your Ashera cat regularly. In addition to helping you gain your new best friend's trust, it also helps keep him looking good. Use brushes for short-haired cats.


You should not bathe your Ashera cat excessively regularly, as this damages its skin and coat quality. Once every month and a half and even every two months will suffice.

However, despite the calm character of the Ashera cat, it can happen that he doesn't like to get wet.

toys and fun

Another key part of cat care is keeping the cat physically and mentally stimulated. Using toys, brain games and teaching your cat to use the scraper and the litter box are basic conditions for being happy.