Scabies in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
😷 SCABIES IN DOGS - Symptoms, Contagion And Treatment
Video: 😷 SCABIES IN DOGS - Symptoms, Contagion And Treatment


For tutors or future tutors of puppies, it is essential to understand what is canine mangeto the symptoms and treatment and even some home remedies. THE dog mange it is a skin disease caused by various types of mites and can have serious consequences if not treated properly. It is found all over the planet and affects numerous animal species. It usually occurs by direct contagion with some other affected animal or objects that have been in contact with it.

Therefore, under suspicion of any symptoms, the dog should go to the veterinarian to diagnose the type of scabies and treat it as soon as possible. Continue reading this PeritoAnimal article and understand the Symptoms and Treatments of Dog Mange.

mange in dog

Canine mange is a dermatological infection caused by ectoparasites, specifically by mites. Depending on the type of mite that causes this condition, we have one type of scabies or another and, therefore, a specific treatment. When ours becomes infested with mites, they lodge in your skin and fur. They quickly begin to feed on the skin, sebum and keratin, proliferating at great speed.Due to this infestation of the skin, the dog suffers a great itching that causes it to rub and scratch against almost everything until it causes wounds. Early detection of symptoms is very important for the final result, as this will prevent contagion to other pets and the severity of the case in particular.

You mites are ectoparasites under microscopes, like small spiders found on animals and plants as part of a normal ecosystem. There are many different types and each type can produce different diseases and problems in some animals.

As we already said, there are different types of mange that affect dogs, caused by different types of mites and its treatment is more or less easy depending on the origin and moment of the process in which we start the treatment and cure. We must bear in mind that scabies is perfectly treatable, although very uncomfortable for anyone who suffers from it, but if it is not properly treated, secondary infections and diseases can occur and even the animal's death.

Types of Canine Mange

The classification of most common types of dog mange is as follows:

Scabies Demodectic

It is one of the most common mange in dogs. It is also known as black scab and is produced by the mite. Demodex kennels. This mite lives naturally in our dog's skin, but when the defenses are too low this mite uncontrollably produces and develops the disease. It occurs very often in dogs with a low immune system, that is, with very low defenses. In addition, another of the most common forms in which this type of mange appears in dogs is during childbirth, when the mother gives birth, it passes on to the puppies. Sometimes, if it is very mild, the problem can only pass with a recovery of the animal's defenses based on a good diet. There are several types of demodectic mange:

  • Localized demodectic mange: This canine mange usually occurs mainly on the head, especially on the face and ears. This localized mange is more common in puppies less than one year old and will usually disappear on its own after a short time. The first symptoms are loss of skin around the eyes and mouth. If it occurs in other parts of the body, hairless spots will appear on the feet, feet and loin, up to three centimeters in diameter.
  • Generalized demodectic mange: this level of demodectic mange can begin to be seen when five or more hairless spots occur on the affected dog's body. In addition, large areas may appear completely hairless.
  • Demodectic Pododermatitis: it is the most resistant form of demodectic mange, difficult to diagnose and treat. It only appears on the paws and always leads to bacterial infections, which have an unpleasant odor.

Sarcoptic mange

It is the most common infection in mange dog, even more than demodectic and in fact it is also known as canine mange. The mite that causes it is called Sarcopts scabiei and, therefore, this type of scabies is also identified as scabies. This mite reproduces at great speed and is not part of the skin environment of our puppies. It is highly contagious, its contagion occurs by contact and can also affect humans. Therefore, we must handle infected animals with latex gloves. Symptoms usually start to appear within a week of infection. This scabies is the most itchy one, which can lead to the wrong assumption that it is a flea infestation. The ideal is to detect it as soon as possible to prevent it from spreading and worsening, as it will later be more resistant to treatment.

Othodectic mange or ear mange

This dog mange is produced by the mite. otodectes cynotis and it is more common in cats than in dogs. It is contagious and affects our pets' ears and ears. In addition to the usual clinical signs in scabies, it ends up causing secondary otitis in the animal. These mites are visible inside the ear and if we look closely we see small white dots in motion.

Scabies Cheyletella

It is also known as cheiletheelosis. This scab is produced by the miteCheyletella spp. Although it is more common in cats, it is highly contagious among puppies and especially puppies. It can be transmitted to humans by producing red, irregular eruptions.

Scabies Pneumonyssoides

The responsible mite is calledPneumonyssoides caninum and occurs in the noses of dogs and other carnivores. It is not very frequent and usually does not cause severe symptoms. In the case of massive infestations it can cause chronic sneezing, nosebleeds and nasal secretions. It is transmitted from one dog to another by nose contact.

Dog scabies contagion

They exist various forms of canine mange contagion. For example, when there is a significant decrease in defenses, the usual mites on the dogs' skin take advantage of the opportunity and spread out uncontrollably.

Another way is during childbirth and in the nursing of the dogs in case the mother is infested. Lastly, contact contagion in any canine specimen is what we tend to see the most. In case the animal is healthy and strong, the chances of contracting this condition are smaller, but if we see it very often present in already sick and malnourished individuals with low defenses. Contact can occur between dogs or with objects and places that are infested with mites where an animal with this parasitic disease has been.

There are factors that cause our pet is more likely to get scabies, for example, lack of hygiene, an environment that is harmful to health, poor health that leads to low defenses, poor nutrition, constant contact with many dogs abroad, among others.

In the case of demodectic mange there is more propensity to shorthaired dogs and in some breeds such as the beagle, dalmatian, teckel, doberman, boxer, bulldog, pointer, shar pei and terriers.

Dog mange symptoms

To detect scabies we must pay attention to several canine mange symptoms that may arise, which are very specific symptoms of this type of skin condition and which immediately call attention. You most common dog mange symptoms are:

  • Itching and burning of the skin;
  • Redness and inflammation of the skin;
  • constant scratching;
  • Rub against objects and the ground for relief;
  • Stop eating (anorexia);
  • Great weight loss;
  • Loss and weakening of the skin with completely hairless areas;
  • Skin rash (red spots);
  • Skin scales;
  • Skin sores and blisters;
  • Skin bad smell;
  • Dry, crusted and thick skin in the more advanced stages of scabies.

When you identify any of these canine mange symptoms in your pet you should act quickly to prevent the condition from spreading. Although we can alleviate symptoms with some remedies that we'll look at later, it's critical consult the veterinarian and follow the appropriate treatment for each type of scabies as indicated by the specialist.

How to prevent mange in dogs

As they say, better safe than sorry and in this case it's the same thing. The most effective way to fight canine mange is to prevent it, although we also know that this skin disease can be cured with proper treatment and care, but it is a slow process that makes our pet suffer from fur. symptoms that are quite bothersome.

Like dog mange prevention measures we must follow these recommendations:

  • Maintain good daily hygiene from our faithful friend, in addition to giving him monthly baths with a proper shampoo and daily brushing.
  • we keep a hygiene of your environment.
  • Avoid contact with animals that may be infected with scabies and, in case you suspect that your puppy is suffering from scabies, you should also avoid contact with other puppies so as not to transmit it to other dogs.
  • Respect the calendar of veterinary appointments, deworming (external with pipettes and internal with tablets) and vaccination. This way you'll get an early detection of the problem and avoid infestations and diseases that can weaken your puppy and make him more prone to getting mange.
  • It is very important to prevent the reappearance of scabies, which occurs easily, to prolong the treatment as long as possible and to go to the veterinarian several times in a row until you can confirm that the problem has disappeared.
  • Also treat all other animals that may have been in contact and disinfect all things such as blankets, beds, collars, food and beverage containers, among other objects that have been in contact with the sick dog.
  • provide a proper nutrition and healthy for the dog so that it and its immune system are strong.
  • To prevent ear scabies we must provide good care and ear hygiene to our pet.

How to treat dog mange

If prevention isn't enough and our furry companion ends up showing symptoms of scabies, we must consult the veterinarian as soon as possible. so you can diagnose whether or not it is this condition, and what type it is so that you can offer us the best solution. The treatment to follow will not only depend on the type of mange that our dog is suffering, but will also depend on the breed and age among other factors.

Canine Mange Pill

The treatment that the specialist indicates may be mainly medications that are a oral, topical or injectable acaricide, usually with ivermectin, selamectin, moxidectin and milbemycin oxime. In addition, it will provide analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, some shampoo or powders for baths with soothing products for the skin and with acaricides and some more specific medication for a secondary skin problem, such as a possible infection by bacteria (bactericide or antibiotic) or by fungi (fungicide).

In the case of ear scab the acaricide medicine will be a special topical one for the ears and should be administered by placing a few drops in the ears and massaging to penetrate. It will be essential that, regardless of the type of scabies, do the full treatment every day for the time indicated by the veterinarian and never finish it before, although the dog appears to be cured. If you withdraw treatment too soon because the problem seems to have passed, it is more likely that in a few days or weeks the scabies will reappear, as the few mites that may have remained can recover and start to proliferate again.

Home remedies for dog with mange

There are no home remedies to cure scabies, the there are remedies to alleviate the symptoms so bothersome, that they help our pet to overcome the process. Before doing any of them, it is advisable to consult your trusted veterinarian so that he can tell us what are the most efficient remedies for our dog.

You home remedies for dogs cThe scabies listed below help to complement the veterinary treatment:

Dog bath with mange

Baths are essential for the treatment and to relieve the intense itching that our partner feels in canine mange. We can bathe our mange-sick dog every week or two with a white, neutral soap and/or miticide prescribed by the veterinarian, with warm water and very gently.

We must leave the soap to act for a few minutes before rinsing, to avoid the dog licking it. You should wear latex gloves whenever handling your sick dog. Never brush it as your hands will gently massage your fur and skin. Let it dry on its own or dry it with a soft towel and never rub the towel on the animal's skin

Proper Diet and Vitamin Supplements

A change for the better in our dog's diet, along with vitamins, will help restore the strength of his immune system, can fight mites and help treat mange.

Raw food

It is good that during the mange process that the dog eats raw food such as vegetables and herbs. The most suitable are kyolic garlic, cat's claw and olive oil extract. Chop very small vegetables for easier feeding.


It may seem strange, but an excited dog who feels loved and with him will be a happier dog and therefore have an easier time of healing than a sad, depressed dog.

Oils for canine mange

Olive oil can help weaken mite deposits and eliminate the weak ones. In addition, you can combine lavender, almond and neem oils which will serve as a topical treatment and which will also weaken the mite nests. You can rub the affected areas twice a day, always after bathing. With the oil it will prevent the skin from becoming drier, managing to hydrate it. Never use car oil, which used to be quite popular for treating scabies e, but this does not help in improving the skin and we run the risk of the dog becoming seriously intoxicated if you lick it.

plants medicine for dog with mange

Some herbs and plants are very beneficial and can be applied topically mixed with oils or in food. These herbs are neem, cymbopogon and niaouli, which due to their antiseptic, antibacterial and skin regenerative properties are ideal against scabies.


To treat dog mange, garlic is a very effective natural antiseptic in addition to healing. We can grind two cloves of garlic and mix them with olive oil and apply directly to the affected areas. We can leave it on overnight and in the morning remove it with a soft damp cloth.

Wormwood (plant)

It is a natural remedy and a very effective insect repellent. We boil a few leaves in a liter of water and when the infusion is warm, we bathe our partner carefully. We must do it twice a week.

Chamomile against canine mange

Chamomile infusion is very good for disinfecting the areas affected by scabies. It will serve to clean wounds and greatly relieve skin irritations. It is best to apply it three times a week.


Either with an oat shampoo or with oatmeal mixed with water, we should apply it to our dog's skin with gentle, circular massages on the affected areas. Let it act a little to penetrate the dog's skin and rinse gently.


Either gently rubbing lemon slices on the areas affected by scabies or with homemade lemon water (you can leave lemon slices in hot water overnight to use in the morning). Using lemon we will disinfect our dog's skin.

yogurt to heal

It is good to apply one or two tablespoons to the wounds to help them heal. It is usually used a lot on the ears, applying a very thin layer that covers the skin well.

Canine mange passes to humans?

Some types of scabies are transmitted to humans, it is a zoonosis. So, if your dog has mange, it is essential to take care when handling it while the diagnosis has not yet been made.

You types of canine mange that pass to humans are sarcoptic mange, otodectic mange, cheyletiella and notohedral mange. The types of scabies that do not infect humans are demodectic scabies and pneumonyssoids. See how to treat sarcoptic mange in people.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Scabies in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment, we recommend that you enter our section on Parasitic Diseases.