Ear mange in cats

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
Cat Ear Mites: 3 New Remedies
Video: Cat Ear Mites: 3 New Remedies


Scabies is a skin disease caused by ectoparasites (mites) that inhabit and penetrate the skin layers of animals and humans causing, among other symptoms, a lot of discomfort and itching.

Mange in cats is very common and can manifest itself through dermatological signs and ear infections. Yes, cats can also have inflammation of the skin that lines the pinna and ear canal, just like dogs and humans. But don't worry, cat otitis is curable and, if diagnosed and treated in time, it is easy to resolve.

In this article we will explain about cat mites, what are the different types of mange, Ear mange in cats and what treatment. Continue reading this PeritoAnimal article to learn more about this topic.

Ear mange predisposition and contagion in cats

In ear mange there is no predisposition, meaning any cat of any age, gender or breed can get mange.

The contagion happens through the direct contact with animals infected by mites, either indoors or outdoors. For this reason, if you suspect a cat has mange you should separate and restrict access to the street immediately.

Have you ever wondered if scabies is contagious to humans? The answer is it depends. There is a type of scabies that is transmissible to humans (zoonosis), however most of the scabies (thodectic and notohedral, which we'll talk about below) are not contagious to humans.

After visiting the veterinarian and confirming the diagnosis, treatment must begin, as well as the disinfection of all materials and tissues that the animal has had contact with (blankets, rugs, bedding, etc.).

Othodectic mange in cats

Scabies is a disease that affects the skin and its structures, in which it is invaded by mites that cause a very uncomfortable itching. There are several types of scabies, but in this article we will only focus on the scabies in cats that cause the most ear infections. othodectic mange and the notohedral mange.

Otodecia scabies is an ear scabies caused by the mite of the type Otodectes cynotis. This mite naturally inhabits the ears of many animals, such as dogs and cats, and feeds on skin debris and secretions. However, when there is an overgrowth, this mite will cause scabies and all the symptoms associated with it, which stand out:

  • Dark brown cerumen with small white spots on it (very characteristic), the small white spots are the mites;
  • Shaking and tilting the head;
  • Itch;
  • Erythematous skin (red);
  • Hyperkeratosis (thickened pinna skin) in more chronic cases;
  • Peeling and crusts;
  • Pain and discomfort to touch.

These problems are usually associated with secondary bacterial or fungal infections that aggravate the clinical signs described above. O diagnosis is done through:

  • Animal history;
  • Physical examination with direct observation through an otoscope;
  • Complementary exams by collecting material for observation under the microscope or for cytological/culture analysis or skin scrapings.

Treatment for otodectic mange in cats

  1. Daily cleaning of the ear with cleaning solution followed by application of treatment solutions;
  2. Application of topical acaricides;
  3. In cases of secondary infections, topical antifungal and/or bactericidal;
  4. In cases of more severe infections, systemic treatment with internal and external dewormers and/or antibiotic for mange in cats may be necessary.
  5. In addition, a thorough cleaning of the environment must always be carried out, together with the deworming of the affected cat and those who live with it.

THE ivermectinfor ear mange It is used as a treatment in topical form of gel/ear ointment or in systemic form (oral or subcutaneous). As a topical treatment it is also common to recommend spot-on (pipettes) of selamectin (Stronghold) or moxidectin (Advocate) every 14 days which are very good for treating mange in cats.

There are also home remedies that you can apply at home to treat scabies, which can be used as a home treatment. Do not forget that home treatments are not always sufficient and some may only mask the symptoms and not act on the cause itself, which is why a visit to the veterinarian is so important.

Notohedral mange in cats

Notohedral mange in cats, also known as feline scabies, is caused by the mite. Cati Notoheders and it is specific to felines, being very contagious among them. ANDthis mite settles in the deeper layers of the skin and it may go unnoticed in less invasive diagnostic methods. However, it is very itchy and causes a lot of concern to any tutor who watches their pet scratching itself nonstop.

You symptoms are similar to otodectic mange, however there are some characteristic symptoms you should be aware of:

  • Grayish crusts and scales;
  • Seborrhea;
  • Alopecia (hair loss);

These lesions have very characteristic locations such as the margins of the ears, ears, eyelids, face and can affect the neck. The definitive diagnosis is made through skin scrapings, with observation of the mites.

O treatment it is similar to otodectic mange and, as we know, it can be difficult to clean and apply drops to the cat's ears, so we recommend reading this article.

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Ear mange in cats, we recommend that you enter our section on Parasitic Diseases.