
How to Make Cardboard Cat Toys

Play behavior i e ential to the cat' well-being. Did you know that, in nature, cat pa 40% of their time hunting? That' why it' o important for the cat to play, a it' the only way indoo...

Benefits of apple cider vinegar for dogs

O Apple vinegar i one of the mo t u ed natural product to complement medical treatment for certain di ea e in human , a well a to make homemade co metic that help improve the quality of our kin or hai...

10 easy-to-train dog breeds

O training it' the be t exerci e you can give your dog, while timulating hi body and mind. And even more: it i one of the e ential care we need to provide our furry to prevent the mo t common beha...

truth or myth about cats

Cat cau e a lot of admiration and curio ity for kill and their in tinctive behavior, which turn them into protagoni t of everal myth . That they have even live , that they alway fall on their feet, th...

Top 6 short-haired puppies

Want to meet 6 mall hort-haired dog ? O ize and fur are two factor that directly affect the time of adopting.Mo t people who live in the city look for a mall dog, adaptable to life in an apartment a w...

At what age can you separate puppies from their mother?

take into account the p ychological and phy ical a pect of a puppy' development i e ential to know at what age to eparate from it parent. Doing it ahead of time can be very harmful, cau ing your g...

What to do if people are afraid of your Pitbull

If you have a Pitbull, I'm ure you've heard that they are dangerou dog that can attack and thing like that at any time. And it i likely that family and friend were the fir t to tell you the e ...

Why do dogs howl when they hear music?

Many dog ​​handler have witne ed their dog' howling ituation at certain time . Howling behavior can mean a lot of thing , about how your pet i feeling, communication, and more. Dog are en itive an...

Aerial Animals - Examples and Characteristics

Flying i one of the way animal u e to move, but not everyone i able to do thi . In order to fly, it i nece ary to have phy ical characteri tic that allow the flight. The human being, through the ob er...

Can a dog eat melon?

O melon (cucumi melo) i a deliciou fruit, which perfectly combine weetne , "fre hne " and everal beneficial propertie for human health. Therefore, it i quite common for tutor to a k them elv...

Basic pet care

There are many people who want to incorporate a pet into their live . It' a good deci ion a long a you can provide all the care your cho en animal need for it well-being. Therefore, in order to ev...

Strong smell in dog feces, what can it be?

Dog fece can provide u a lot of information about your health. On a daily ba i , it i recommended to monitor it appearance, con i tency and al o it mell, which i the point that we will develop in more...

Canine mast cell tumor: symptoms, prognosis and treatment

O ma t cell tumor, which we'll talk about in thi PeritoAnimal article, i a type of kin tumor very often, which can be benign or malignant. Although it affect older puppie of any breed, brachycepha...

canine rage

It i likely that the canine rage i a better known condition and any mammal can become infected with thi di ea e and dog are the main tran mitter worldwide. The only place in the world where the rabie ...

5 Signs Your Cat Is Bored

A with people, cat can get bored too and di couraged. When a cat get up et, it i for ome rea on and i u ually related to lack of enrichment, ocialization and play.If you believe your cat i bored, it w...

Most poisonous marine animals in Brazil

Brazil i a country of great animal and plant diver ity, and it certainly ha place of great exuberance and natural beauty. ome beache and reef on the Brazilian coa t are certainly among the mo t beauti...

10 famous movie cats - names and movies

The cat i one of the animal that live with human for the longe t time. Perhap for thi rea on, it ha appeared in countle hort torie , novel , movie and televi ion erie . For that rea on, in thi article...

Catalan Shepherd

O catalan hepherd he i one of the mo t appreciated and valued dog by tho e who have enjoyed hi company and pre ence. Thi furry companion i very loyal and, without a doubt, one of the be t heepdog out ...

Canine Babesiosis (Pyroplasmosis) - What You Need to Know!

Canine Babe io i i a di ea e that can be eriou if not di covered in time, even cau ing the animal to die.It i al o known a piropla mo i , the di ea e i cau ed by a protozoan called the Babe ia kennel ...


O bunny belier it ha a wide range of name uch a Mini Lop or the droopy-eared rabbit, a it drooping ear make it a unique and di tingui hed pecimen. it cientific name i Oryctolagu cuniculu .There are tw...