Most poisonous marine animals in Brazil

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 15 February 2025
15 Most Dangerous Animals In Brazil
Video: 15 Most Dangerous Animals In Brazil


Brazil is a country of great animal and plant diversity, and it certainly has places of great exuberance and natural beauty. Some beaches and reefs on the Brazilian coast are certainly among the most beautiful in the world, but some of these places can also hide some of the most poisonous marine animals in Brazil, and despite its beauty, you certainly don't want to come across one of these.

Stay tuned here at PeritoAnimal for these fun facts from the animal kingdom.

The world's most dangerous marine animals

The most dangerous marine animals are not only found in Brazil. See here in another article that PeritoAnimal has prepared for you to stay on top of the 5 most dangerous marine animals in the world.

Among the most dangerous marine animals in the world we have:

Tiger shark

The white shark is the most feared shark in the marine world due to its size, but believe it or not, it has a temperament as docile as a whale, and will only attack if provoked. It is the tiger shark that deserves to be highlighted as one of the most dangerous marine animals in the world, as it is a species of shark considered aggressive. An adult can reach 8 meters in length and their favorite food is seals, dolphins, fish, squid, and they can even feed on small sharks.

stone fish

It is considered the most dangerous marine animal in the world for being the most poisonous fish in the world. Its venom can cause paralysis, and is dangerous for being a master of disguise for inattentive swimmers. It is not an aggressive animal, as it prefers to keep its disguise by feeding on fish.

marine snake

It is also not an aggressive animal, but if the person is not careful, its venom can also cause paralysis seconds after the bite. They feed on eels, shellfish and shrimp.


Saltwater crocodiles are among the most dangerous marine animals in the world due to their aggressive temperament in breeding seasons. They are known for their specific attack known as the "death roll" where they grab the prey with their mouth, rolling over it in the water to break the victim's bones, and then dragging it to the bottom. They can attack buffaloes, monkeys and even sharks.

Poisonous and venomous marine animals

Not only in Brazil, but in the world, it is rare for a person to die from contact with a marine or poisonous animal. However, as these animals have been studied for the realization of an antidote, they are considered as animals of medical importance, since some have poison so lethal that they can kill a person, or leave important sequelae if the person survives the poison.

Among the poisonous and venomous marine animals, which can be found in Brazil, we have several such as:


They are simple animals usually found in coral reefs close to the ground.


They belong to the Cnidarian group, they are animals capable of injecting poison, which can cause anaphylactic shock and death if the person is not helped in time. They are spread all over the world, and several species can be found in Brazil, especially in the summer, which is the breeding season for these animals.


Molluscs are species of marine animals that live in shells and there are only 2 species capable of killing a human being, the Conus geographus it's the Textile Conus (in the image below). Both species inhabit the Pacific and Indian oceans. The other species of the genus Conus, are predators, and although they have poison that is used to capture their prey, they do not have venom, that is, enough poison to kill a human being and can be found on the northern coast of Brazil.

Some fish they can also be considered venomous, such as Catfish and Arraias. At stingrays have a stinger and some species can have up to 4 stingers that produce a venom with neurotoxic and proteolytic effect, that is, a venom with proteolytic action is one that has the potential to necrotize body tissue, which can cause the person to suffer limb amputation as it is not reversible. Among the species in Brazilian waters are the stingray, spotted ray, butter ray and frog ray. You catfish venomous people from Brazilian waters have stingers with an action similar to that of stingrays, but they live in lakes and rivers.

There are many other poisonous animals in the world, not just marine animals. Read our full article on this matter.

poisonous aquatic animals


The platypus is one of the few marine mammals that have venom. It has spurs on its hind legs, and even though it's not lethal to humans, it can cause very severe pain. Platypuses are found in Australia and Tasmania, and they only produce this venom during their breeding season, leading experts to believe it is to protect the territory of other males. Experts analyzed the venom produced by the platypus and found toxins similar to the venom produced by some venomous snakes and spiders. Although it is not a poison capable of killing a human being, the pain can be so excruciating that it can cause hallucinations. Read our full article on platypus venom.

puffer fish

Also known as balloonfish or sea frog, this small fish has the ability to inflate its body like a balloon when it feels threatened by a predator, some species have spines to make predation difficult, however, all known pufferfish species have a gland capable of producing a tetradoxine, a poison that can be a thousand times more deadly than cyanide. It is a very popular fish in gastronomy, which is why it is linked to human deaths.

World's most poisonous marine animals

among the animals most poisonous marines in the world we have:

blue ringed octopus

It is not found in Brazil, being native to the Australian coast. Its venom causes paralysis, which can lead to motor and respiratory arrest, and killing an adult in 15 minutes, despite its small size, which can reach up to 20 centimeters in length, is proof that size is not documented.


Originally from the Indo-Pacific region, which comprises the Indian and Pacific oceans, this species of fish that lives in coral reefs. Its poison does not actually kill a person, but it can produce intense pain, followed by edema, vomiting, nausea, muscle weakness and headaches. It is a species that became popular as a pet and kept in captivity in aquariums due to its beauty, but we must not forget that it is a carnivorous fish, feeding on other fish smaller than it.


This jellyfish is a cousin of the Sea Wasp, which you've probably heard of as the most poisonous animal on the planet. Irukandji is originally from Australia, which means that it is not found in Brazil, and is extremely small, the size of a fingernail, and as it is transparent, it is difficult to detect. There is no antidote for its poison, which can cause kidney failure and subsequent death.

Portuguese caravel

It belongs to the Cnidarian group and are animals similar to jellyfish, with the difference that the Portuguese Caravel floats on the surface of the waters and is unable to move around on its own, depending on the current and sea winds. It has tentacles that can reach up to 30 meters in length. Although the Portuguese Caravel looks like an animal, it is actually a living being composed of a colony of interrelated cells, and this organism does not have a brain.The Portuguese caravel releases a toxin of both local and systemic action, and depending on the area of ​​the burn, the person needs help, as the systemic effect of the toxin can cause cardiac arrhythmia, pulmonary edema and consequent death. They can be found all over the world.

Dangerous animals from Brazil

If you like to be informed and get to know the dangerous species that inhabit Brazil and the rest of the world, these articles by PeritoAnimal will certainly interest you:

  • Brazil's most venomous spiders
  • The black mamba, the most venomous snake in Africa