- what they actually try to tell you
- Don't forget that...
- Don't introduce your puppy to anyone who doesn't want to meet him
- social relations

If you have a Pitbull, I'm sure you've heard that they are dangerous dogs that can attack and things like that at any time. And it is likely that family and friends were the first to tell you these things. At PeritoAnimal we know that this happens.
If your Pitbull is correctly socialized, if you have taken the trouble to train it correctly, have perfect control over it and think it is less dangerous than a dead fly, you may have felt like laughing at all these things they say about your dog. .
But have you ever wondered why Pitbull puppies are said to be aggressive and dangerous? In this article we will explain to you what to do if people are afraid of your pitbull.
what they actually try to tell you
Most of the time, people who say these kinds of things about a Pitbull (or any other dog) are really meaning something like this: "I'm afraid of your Pitbull. Please control it".
There are people who are simply afraid of dogs. It is not about people who hate animals and also whether or not they have reason to be afraid of the dog, as they have the right to feel safe in public spaces and when they visit your home.
So, if you have a copy of this breed, it's good to act appropriately when it comes to showing people that your dog is not dangerous. To do this it is not enough to try to convince others that your fear is unfounded, but to act respectfully towards the feelings of others by showing that your dog and you are behaving well.
It is good to explain that not all Pitbulls are dangerous and that their character depends on genetics, socialization, training and reproductive status. Showing that you have a deep understanding of the subject of puppies, and particularly of this breed, can help generate security in others, but also have to do other things.

Don't forget that...
In addition to the fear created due to the Pitbull's bad image, it is true that deal with powerful and active dogs, which can cause fear when they are out of control or appear to be. Therefore, it is normal for many people to feel fear if they come across a Pitbull running unguided in public spaces. The same can happen with dogs of other breeds, don't forget that.
Taking your dog to public spaces with a guide is very important. Pitbulls are considered potentially dangerous dogs in some countries, so they must wear a guide and muzzle in public spaces. You will be able to release your puppy in places that are allowed and where it does not frighten other people.

Don't introduce your puppy to anyone who doesn't want to meet him
Another important aspect is don't force others to accept your dog. This doesn't mean that you have to lock up your poor dog every time you have visitors in the house, but make sure you're not always close to and on top of your visitors. This will not be necessary if you have visitors who like dogs, especially the Pitbull.
Unless it is a truly important person in your life like your partner, a family member or a very close friend, it is not necessary for everyone to know your dog or be happy to have him around.

social relations
Finally, let's talk about two situations that tend to make people very nervous. When there is a Pitbull and also other dogs or children present. Strangely, the same doesn't happen when the dog is a large white Golden Retriever.
In these cases, the best thing you can do is to have your dog tied up with a leash, until you check that the situation is under control and that your dog is correctly relating to everyone else. Be sure to go to dog areas where they may be unguided. The important thing is to use the muzzle to prevent any fines or bad reactions. If people are afraid of your Pitbull, they will feel safer knowing you are a responsible owner.
On the other hand, you will better represent this breed if you act carefully and respect the right of others to be afraid of a dog they don't know.
The only way to change Pitbull's negative image and show that it's actually simply a dog and not a monster is to show that Pitbull dog owners are empathetic people who are considerate of others.
Although the title and content of the article refer only to the Pitbull, all that was said is valid for all other dogs. An important part of knowing how to get along with our pets is knowing how to get along with other humans as well.