10 famous movie cats - names and movies

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
Top 10 Movie Cats
Video: Top 10 Movie Cats


The cat is one of the animals that lives with humans for the longest time. Perhaps for this reason, it has appeared in countless short stories, novels, movies and television series. For that reason, in this article we will share with you the names of famous Disney cats, movies and their meaning. So, if you are a lover of cats and the seventh art, in this post by PeritoAnimal we will remember names of famous movie cats. You can not lose!

1. Garfield

Garfield, one of the best known feline characters and can't be missing from the list of famous cat names in cinema. he is a cat lazy and glutton, who loves lasagna and hates Mondays. This chubby British sorthair cat lives in a typical American house with its owner, Jon, and his other mascot, Oddie, a good-natured and unintelligent dog.

Garfield was first seen in comics, but due to its great popularity, two films were produced in his honor, in which the protagonist is produced on a computer.

2. Isidore

Speaking of names of famous movie cats, in addition to Garfield's adventures, the exploits of his other version, the cat, were also shown in the cinema. Isidore, that for those who don't remember, "is genius and is the king of the city".

The film was made a little before the aforementioned films by Garfield, in the 80s and, as in the case of the previous feline, its first appearances were in comics.

3. Mr Bigglesworth and Mini Mr Bigglesworth

Like every self-respecting movie villain, Dr. Maligno (the Austin Powers villain), as well as his inseparable mini-self, had two cats of the sphynx breed, named respectively Mr Bigglesworth and Mini Lordr Bigglesworth.

In some versions the names were translated into Baldomero and Mini-Baldomero, which are also valid as names of famous movie cats, right?

4. The cat in boots

One of this cat's most recent and critically acclaimed appearances is on the Shrek movie, whose dubbing in Spanish was done by Antonio Banderas and in Brazil by actor and voice actor Alexandre Moreno. His presence in the film was so celebrated that another film was produced with the cat in Boots as a protagonist. There is no doubt that the cat in boots is one of the famous cats in cinema.

This cat wasn't the only animal in the Shrek movie that could talk, as there was also a donkey capable of doing this that, from time to time, abused this ability.

5. Jones

Your name may not be familiar on the list of the most famous cat names in cinema, but jones is the name of the cat that appears in the alien movie, one of the most famous horror movies in history.

This cat, whom the protagonist, Space Lieutenant Ellen Ripley, affectionately refers to as Jonesy, stars in a moment of real tension when Ripley sends a crewman in search of the animal with the Alien hovering nearby. It also appears, albeit briefly, in the second part of Alien, entitled Aliens: The Return.

6. Church

Without leaving the horror genre, maybe the oldest ones here, as well as the more freaky, remember church, another british shorthair cat that appears in the movie Damn cemetery.

This cat died and was resurrected thanks to Indian magic, although when it came back to life its character was, say, a little less docile than when it was "really alive". The film in question is based on a novel by Stephenking, like any worthwhile 80s horror movie.

7. The Aristocats

Changing gender radically in this Disney movie, a wealthy elderly Frenchwoman decides to leave her fortune by dying to her butler, on condition that he take care of her cats Duchess, Marie, Berlioz and Toulouse (henceforth, the Aristocats) until her death.

Edgar, the butler, whose behavior was very mean and not very intelligent, from what we can see of his later behavior, tries to get rid of of the Aristocats using plans as original as putting them in a chest and sending them to Timbuktu, no more, no less. Being a children's movie, and not intended to spoiler, it's easy to deduce that the Aristocats get the better of the butler, and they also sing a lot better. They are a great source of inspiration for the names of famous movie cats.

8. Chesire's cat

O Cheshire Cat appears in the story of Alice in Wonderland, and is characterized by a constant smile, an enviable ability to appear and disappear at will, and a taste for deep conversation.

Alice in Wonderland was written by an English mathematician and was taken to the cinema on several occasions and in the most varied forms, from silent films to adaptations made by Disney or Tim Burton, that's why he is one of the names of famous cats in cinema.

9. Azrael and Lucifer

Not all famous movie cats act like heroes or have a kind personality, on the contrary, there are some who assume the villains role or from your companions. It is the case of Azrael, Mascot of the evil Gargamel, the torment of the Smurfs, and of Lucifer, Cinderella's stepmother's black cat.

In addition to having names that evoke evil beings, both have in common an interest in eating the protagonists or the protagonists' friends, as Azrael tries to devour the Smurfs and Lucifer wants with all his might to eat the rats that sympathize with Cinderella as the coffee shop. morning.

10. Cat

I mean that you were there racking your brain thinking of names and we told you that 'Cat' is one of the names of famous cats in cinema.

We finished this top 10 of the most famous cats in cinema with Cat, the "nameless" companion of Audrey Hepburn in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's. According to the actress herself, recording the abandonment scene was one of the most unpleasant things she ever had to do, as she was a great animal lover.