- 1. Cats have 7 lives: MYTH
- 2. Milk is good for cats: MYTH
- 3. Black cats are unlucky: MYTH
- 4. Cat always lands on its feet: MYTH
- 5. Pregnant can't have a cat: MYTH
- 6. Cats don't learn: MYTH
- 7. Cats don't like their owner: MYTH
- 8. Cats are enemies of dogs: MYTH
- 9. Cat sees black and white: MYTH
- 10. Cats need less care than dogs: MYTH

Cats cause a lot of admiration and curiosity for skills and their instinctive behavior, which turns them into protagonists of several myths. That they have seven lives, that they always fall on their feet, that they cannot live with dogs, that they are dangerous for pregnant women... There are many false statements about our feline friends.
To fight prejudice and promote a better knowledge about felines and their true characteristics, PeritoAnimal wants you to know 10 False Cat Myths You Should Stop Believing.
1. Cats have 7 lives: MYTH
Who has never heard that cats have 7 lives? This is certainly one of the most publicized myths around the world. This myth is probably based on the ability of felines to escape, avoid accidents and even some fatal blows. Or even, it could come from some mythological story, who knows?
But the truth is that cats have only 1 life, just like us humans and other animals. In addition, they are delicate animals that need to receive proper care, whether from preventive medicine, such as correct nutrition and hygiene. A feline rearing in a negative environment can easily develop several symptoms associated with stress.

2. Milk is good for cats: MYTH
Although lactose has gained some "bad reputation" in recent years, the typical image of a cat drinking milk from his dish. Therefore, many people continue to question whether cats can drink cow's milk.
All mammals are born prepared to drink breast milk and this is without a doubt the best food while they are babies. However, the organism changes as it develops and acquires different new nutrition and, consequently, different eating habits. During the lactation period (when they are suckled by the mother), mammals produce a large amount of an enzyme called lactase, whose main function is to digest the lactose in breast milk. When it is time for weaning, the production of this enzyme progressively decreases, preparing the animal's body for the food transition (stop consuming breast milk and starting to feed on its own).
Although some kittens may still produce some amount of the enzyme lactase, most adult males are allergic to lactose. The consumption of milk for these animals can cause serious gastrointestinal problems. Therefore, milk being good for our cats is considered a myth. You should choose to feed your cat a commercial kibble specially designed for his nutritional needs or opt for a homemade diet prepared by a professional with experience in animal nutrition.
3. Black cats are unlucky: MYTH
This false statement dates back to the times of Middle Ages, when the black cat was associated with the practice of witchcraft. In addition to being a prejudice, it has very negative effects, as it is a reality that black cats are less adopted due to these mythical beliefs.
There are several arguments to claim that this belief is just a myth. First of all, luck has nothing to do with color or a pet. Second, a cat's color is determined by genetic inheritance, which is also not related to luck or bad luck. But most of all, if you adopt a black cat, you will have confirmation that these little ones are anything but bad luck. They have a unique character that brings a lot of joy to everyone around them.

4. Cat always lands on its feet: MYTH
Although cats can often fall on their feet, this is not a rule. In fact, cats have a very bodyflexible, which allows them to have a excellent mobility and withstand multiple drops. However, the position in which the animal reaches the ground depends on the height to which it falls.
If your cat has time to turn around on its own body before it hits the ground, it can land on its feet. However, any fall can pose a risk to your cat, and falling on your feet is no guarantee you won't get hurt.
Furthermore, cats only develop the instinct to quickly turn on themselves after the 3rd week of life. Therefore, falls are often especially dangerous for kittens and should be avoided for the entire life of the animal.
5. Pregnant can't have a cat: MYTH
This unfortunate myth causes thousands of cats to be abandoned every year because the guardian became pregnant. The origin of this myth is associated with the supposed risk of transmitting a disease called toxoplasmosis. In very brief terms, it is a disease caused by a parasite (the Toxoplasma gondii) whose main form of contamination is direct contact with the infected cat feces.
toxoplasmosis is infrequent in domestic cats who consume commercial pet foods and who have basic preventive medicine care. Thus, if a cat is not a carrier of the parasite, there is no risk of transmission to the pregnant woman.
To learn more about toxoplasmosis and pregnant women, we recommend that you read the article is it dangerous to have cats during pregnancy?

6. Cats don't learn: MYTH
It's true that cats naturally develop most of the instinctual skills and behaviors characteristic of their species, but that doesn't mean they learn it on their own. In reality, the training not only is it possible, but it is highly recommended for our cats. One education Appropriateness will help your little one to adapt to apartment life, which prevents them from trying to escape and developing more aggressive behaviors.
7. Cats don't like their owner: MYTH
Cats have an independent character and tend to keep lonely habits. This doesn't mean that a cat doesn't care about its guardian and doesn't feel affection. Certain characteristics and behaviors are inherent in their nature. Despite this, the domestication has changed (and continues to change) many aspects of cat behavior.
It is not fair to compare the character of a cat with that of a dog as they are completely different animals, with different life forms and ethograms. Cats preserve most of the instincts of their wild ancestors, they can hunt and many of them would be able to survive on their own. On the contrary, the dog, due to the extensive domestication process since its ancestor, the wolf, is totally dependent on the human being to survive.

8. Cats are enemies of dogs: MYTH
Life inside a house and the correct socialization of the kitten can shape certain aspects of feline and canine behavior. If your cat is properly introduced to a dog (preferably while it's still a puppy, before the first 8 weeks of life), it will learn to see it as a friendly being.
9. Cat sees black and white: MYTH
Human eyes have 3 types of color receptor cells: blue, red and green. This explains why we are able to distinguish so many different colors and shades.
Cats, like dogs, do not have red receptor cells and are therefore unable to see pink and red. They also have difficulty recognizing color intensity and saturation. But it is totally wrong to claim that cats see in black and white, as they distinguish the shades of blue, green and yellow.

10. Cats need less care than dogs: MYTH
This statement is actually very dangerous. Unfortunately, it's all too common to hear that cats don't need a proper one. preventive medicine due to the resistance of their organism. But we all know that just like all other animals, cats can suffer from various diseases.
Just like any other pet, they deserve all the basic care of feeding, hygiene, vaccination, deworming, oral hygiene, physical activity, mental stimulation and socialization. Therefore, it is a myth to say that cats are "less work" than dogs: dedication depends on the tutor and not the animal.