5 signs of pain in the dog

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 16 February 2025
5 Signs Your Dog is in Pain
Video: 5 Signs Your Dog is in Pain


When our best friends start to behave strangely, we worry a lot that they may be in some kind of pain or going through some uncomfortable situation. Although, how to know if the dog is in pain? Not recognizing the warning signs can do your dog a lot of harm.

Although the dog does not have the ability to speak, they have many other forms of communication, mainly through behavior. It is through the dogs' behavior that they are able to express their emotions and, in particular, their pain. It is our duty, as the caretakers of these very special animals, to learn to read these messages and detect in time if something is happening to our dear pet. If necessary, we should go to the veterinarian.

Do you want to know what to give to dog in pain? Do you want to take care of him in the best way possible? At Animal Expert, we made this article with several important tips on what are the signs of pain in the dog. In addition, you will be able to improve your knowledge about dog health.

Signs of pain in the dog

Like us humans, dogs also show that they are in pain. Most of the time, the dog with pain starts to present behavioral changes, walking difficulties or other physical symptoms.

It is important to always be aware, as some symptoms are subtle and may go unnoticed. Therefore, in case of any signs that your pet presents, it is important to ask the veterinarian to verify if the behavior could be a symptom of pain. Next, we detail the 5 signs of pain in the dog.

1. panting

Panting (breathing deeply) is a normal behavior in dogs, especially on those hot days or when the walk was very intense. Panting is a natural way for dogs to cool their body and lower their body temperature.

The problem is when this excessive panting there is no apparent reason, which could be one of the signs of pain in the dog. If you notice that your dog is breathing abnormally, it can be a clear sign that he is not feeling well, that he is experiencing an episode of stress or fear due to some pain. It is also possible that he is feeling very hot or suffering from intoxication.

2. Isolation

Dogs look a lot more like humans than we think. When a person does not feel well, it is normal for him to isolate himself, but there are people who manifest their pain through aggressiveness. The same is true with dogs.

If your dog is in some pain, he will show an antisocial behavior, not welcoming you when he gets home and avoiding any physical contact. Sometimes he can even get aggressive. It's important to always take into account that your dog is not trying to hurt anyone or being obnoxious, it's just your dog. way to express that you are in pain and prefer not to be touched.

3. Excessive licking

As with other daily routines, it is natural for dogs to feel the need to clean themselves frequently. In fact, they are very fond of licking and cleaning themselves. What is not normal is that they are obsessively doing this all day.

Analyze your dog's behavior for this type of behavior when he is totally healthy. He may be feeling some pain and, to relieve it, he starts licking parts of his body that he didn't lick before. This is a behavior he exhibits with the hope to clean and heal the wound in question., even if it is internal. However, if you notice that your dog compulsively licks an open wound, be careful, he could be facing acral lick dermatitis.

4. No appetite

Appetite, or in this case, lack of it, can be another sign of pain in the dog. Who wants to eat when they're sick? This is one of the body's primary reactions when you have pain or illness. It's not that your puppy doesn't feel like eating, but it can be painful to walk to the plate of food. In that case, try bring the feed closer to his bed. If your dog still goes a long time without eating, your dog may be suffering from an illness that may not necessarily be serious. Although, it is necessary to make an appointment with the veterinarian. Some of the serious illnesses dogs can suffer from are: canine anorexia, kidney or liver problems, systemic infections, dental disease and even cancer.

5. General changes in behavior

If your pet has never been the typical barking dog, nor a "silent" dog, but lately he barks a lot, or is almost always silent, he may be warning you that something hurts. It is very important to know your dog, its dynamics, personality, what he likes and dislikes. This is the only way the tutor can make the proper comparisons to detect if your best friend is going through some uncomfortable experience, has a wound or is in pain.

If you notice that your dog is limping, or something much more subtle, for example, not wanting to go upstairs or look for the ball you like so much, this can also be a body sign of pain. Another sign of pain can be shown when the dog keeps its back arched or is very tense.

Often, dogs that feel unwell lie on their side with their paws outstretched, or doneen in a different way than usual. There are several signs that can indicate pain in the dog. Every different behavior can be a warning!

Dog with pain in the body, what can it be?

When the dog has pain in the body, it may be that he has some kind of weakness in the body. Therefore, they begin to show some signs, such as:

  • Panting;
  • Arched spine and low head;
  • Tremors throughout the body;
  • dog is stretching more than normal;
  • contracted muscles;
  • Other physical changes.

My dog ​​screams in pain, what can it be?

If your dog even screams in pain, it is because he is suffering a lot. In these cases, the recommended is immediately seek a veterinarian, before the pain can get worse. If the dog is in pain, it exhibits some of the behavioral changes we've indicated earlier.

Only the veterinarian can make a physical exam your dog and determine what's wrong, that is, the cause of the pain. If you are waiting for an appointment and would like to identify the source of pain in your dog more quickly, we recommend that you take a look at the article on the most common diseases in dogs.

Symptoms of a dog dying of old age

When the dog reaches older age, its body works more slowly and the probability of getting sick increases significantly. Thus, those who take care of elderly dogs need to pay extra attention, as they are weaker than normal at this age. We can highlight some symptoms that usually appear if the elderly dog ​​is close to leaving:

  • Gums without color;
  • wheezing and breathing difficulties;
  • Lethargy;
  • Low body temperature.
  • Anxiety to vomit;
  • Restlessness;
  • Abundant salivation;
  • Weakness.

Check out this article by PeritoAnimal to know other symptoms that the dog is dying or watch the channel's video on the subject:

What to give to dog in pain?

If, after all these signs, you have identified similar behaviors in your dog, you need to seek help from a professional. Just as we humans cannot self-medicate, animals also cannot be medicated without the advice of a veterinarian.

Another important recommendation is that we must never give human medicines to pets., as this can further damage your puppy's health.

What you can do to alleviate your dog's pain until he's seen by a veterinarian is to take shorter walks with him, so he doesn't exert too much effort. Another tip is to take photos and videotape your dog's unusual behaviors to show your veterinarian.

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.

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