
Fruits and vegetables for rabbits

Do you know what rabbit eat ? rabbit are herbivorou animal , therefore, it i e ential that your daily diet include fruit and vegetable . They are food that provide vitamin and will provide rabbit with...

the fox as a pet

There i a tendency in our ociety that i perhap wrong, but that i undeniably in talled in our mind : we like exclu ivity, thing that are different from the u ual. Thi fact ha al o reached the world of ...

Can cat eat egg?

Chicken egg are one of the mo t common food in the diet of human being , due to the benefit it offer for health and al o for it ver atility in the kitchen, which allow you to prepare a multitude of we...

Why does my cat eat sanitary sand?

Perhap you've ever een your cat eating the litter from your box and you don't under tand thi behavior. Thi i due to a yndrome called prick, which con i t of inge ting non-nutritional object , ...

american bulldog

O american bulldog or american bulldog, i a powerful, athletic and courageou dog that in till great re pect. Thi dog i one of the mo t imilar to the original 19th century bulldog. The inexperienced ey...

Amount of food for a beagle

if you ju t adopt a beagle dog, you mu t know that you have ju t gained a faithful, affectionate, very active and energetic companion. If you have a paciou home and time to give you all the exerci e y...

butterfly rabbit or english spot

Known a the butterfly rabbit, engli h butterfly or engli h pot, the butterfly rabbit i a breed of rabbit that i characterized by it beautiful potted coat. The pecial a pect of it pot i that they are d...

How to get a dog away from a bitch in heat

It i normal for bitche in heat to attract many male willing to generate off pring. However, if you are trying to avoid an unwanted pregnancy, thi ituation can become uncomfortable.If you are looking f...

Diarrhea in Elderly Cats - Causes and Treatments

Diarrhea i the clinical ign that mo t indicate inte tinal di ea e in feline pecie , being frequent in older cat , a well a the oppo ite: con tipation or con tipation. While in younger cat diarrhea i e...

How long does the delivery of a cat last?

O birth of a cat it i one of the period that mo t cau e doubt for caregiver , perhap becau e it i a proce that occur mainly internally, o it i difficult to control it at fir t glance, which increa e u...

The 5 smallest dogs in the world

mall puppie tend to delight almo t everyone: they are fun, ea y to hold and generally require le pace and exerci e than large puppie . If the e little one are al o your favorite , in thi PeritoAnimal...

Dog coughing and vomiting white goo - what to do?

Coughing and vomiting are often a ociated and, although they are not di ea e per e, they are a warning from the body that omething i not right. Therefore, it i important to identify the cau e and know...

Tips for training a Golden Retriever

Having a dog without training i not taking advantage of the pet' innate learning abilitie , in addition to that, it i a matter that we tend to que tion when an animal arrive at our hou e. In the c...

Where do cats sweat?

Certainly, one of the thing that i mo t attractive about cat , be ide their independent per onality, i the beauty of their fur and the multiple color combination , which make each feline unique thank ...

What can a dog with diabetes eat?

One of the main problem of edentary life tyle of our pet i overweight. Dog don't get enough exerci e for the amount of food they eat each day. One of the con equence of the e extra pound i diabete...

How to tell if the dog has a fever

In u human it i a very popular cu tom to place a hand on the forehead and back of the body to check whether a per on ha a fever. Likewi e, with dog , there i a certain habit of thinking that a dog wit...

gray dog ​​breeds

You gray dog they are among the mo t ought after of all dog breed with their completely gray coat combined with blue, yellow or dark eye . If you are al o thinking about adopting a gray dog, in thi ar...

Kerry Blue Terrier

Lively, cheerful, energetic, protective and affectionate, without a doubt all the e adjective can de cribe the dog breed that we are introducing you to here at PeritoAnimal. Thi i the Kerry Blue Terri...

Most common diseases in the English Bulldog

Did you know that the Engli h bulldog Wa it initially u ed a a fighting dog? We are talking about the 17th century and between thi tage and the contemporary, countle cro ing were carried out until obt...

Toys for Hyperactive Dogs

A with people, puppie are u ceptible to building up energy in the body. If we don't help you channel it correctly, it can cau e nervou ne , anxiety and hyperactivity. In the mo t eriou ca e , we c...