10 things cats fear the most

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
12 Things Cats Hate the Most
Video: 12 Things Cats Hate the Most


Cats are very fun animals. We can say that they are sleepy, whimsical and, most of the time, cuddly, characteristics that make them one of the favorite pets nowadays.

Now, although most cats believe they are the kings of the house, they have some enemies who can keep their hair standing on end. Do you want to know what they are? Do you know what cats are afraid of? Then you can't miss this Animal Expert article about 10 things cats fear the most!

1. Water

Water is one of the things cats hate most. Even if only a few drops land on your body, a cat will likely run away from the dangerous spot at full speed. It's true that some cats have no problem getting wet and even love to bathe, but this is generally not the most common.

Among the theories explaining this aversion to water, the most established is based on the fact that many cat breeds came from desert areas located in the Middle East and China, where had little contact with water over the centuries.

2. Strong odors

Did you think dogs were the only animals with a sensitive sense of smell? Wrong! While it's true that cats' sense of smell is not as sensitive as that of their canine companions, that doesn't mean that their nose misses the wide variety and intensity of the scents that surround it.

Therefore, the cats move away from strong smells, like vinegar, onion, gasoline, alcoholic beverages, between others. If any of these scents are present in the air, your cat will be alert and will try to get away as quickly as possible. See the 10 scents that cats hate the most and avoid them.

3. Hold them by force

Cats are very independent animals, so they like to keep their own space and be free. That's why your cat hates being trapped in your arms when you don't want to receive affection, or be forced to do something you don't want, to the point where you feel real fear. Without a doubt, this is one of the things that cats fear the most, but mostly, they hate the most about humans. To learn more, see this article on the 5 things cats hate about humans.

Cats are affectionate animals, but for them everything has a dose. So if you're carrying your cat and you find it trying to get away with all its strength, let it go. If you refuse, be aware that he will likely scratch or bite you!

4. Unknown people

If you're wondering what scares cats, one of the things cats are afraid of it is the arrival of strangers in your territory. Not all cats are afraid of strangers entering their home, but most run for cover when they realize that someone outside the family has arrived.

Apparently this is because cats do not deal well with unknown situations, and a strange person with a lot of smells and sounds he has never heard, fits perfectly into this category. However, if that person stays in the house for a few days, he will gradually approach until he feels confident. Now, if you've just adopted a cat and you realize he's afraid of you, check out our article on how to earn a cat's trust.

5. Loud noises

Cats have highly developed senses and perceive the world differently from humans. One of its notable features is its acute sense of hearing. Therefore, loud noises annoy and frighten cats, which is another thing they fear most.

Screaming, Christmas fireworks, loud music, vacuum cleaners, thunderstorms, horns and many other things frighten cats, and can even cause stress and anxiety. Check out the main symptoms of stress in cats and act quickly.

6. Changes in routine

Eat, sleep and play, then eat, sleep and play. It may seem familiar to you, and this is definitely your cat's everyday life, as they are animals that love to have routines in their lives. For that reason, changes tend to confuse them a little and even scare them off.

If you have plans to change something in your pet's life, such as its diet, where it sleeps or even if you plan to move, it is best to introduce the changes gradually and be patient in the cat's adaptation process..

7. Surprises

It's no secret that cats they are fearful and cautious animals, and so they hate to be surprised. Videos that show people scaring their cats with cucumbers and other things go viral on the internet, but the truth is that cats are not afraid of these objects, but of the fact that they have approached them without being able to notice. For more details, don't miss this article: why cats are afraid of cucumbers.

Although they may sound funny, surprises frighten your cat, and that just creates anxiety and stress in him. That's why we recommend that you look for other, healthier ways to have fun with your pet.

8. Balloons

Round, silent, with slow movements and, to top it off, flying! Balloons are one of those things that will make your cat run for cover without a second thought, as they cause real fear in these animals.

Why do balloons scare cats? It is difficult for cats to understand what they are, especially in the case of floating helium balloons. In most cases, they confuse them with a menacing predator, and so they prefer to run away.

9. Dogs

Although there are exceptions, this is usually another thing cats fear the most. tend to feel insecure in the presence of dogs. The reason? Dogs tend to bark and chase cats when they encounter one along the way. However, it was shown that both breeds are able to get along pleasantly after an adaptation process.

If you've ever lived with a dog and a cat and you've found that they can't stand each other, check out our advice for getting along with a dog and a cat.

10. That they stare at them

No animal likes long-lasting, penetrating looks, and cats are no exception. With their tutors, they may not show any fear or reaction, however with strangers may feel threatened when looked directly into the eyes. In the face of danger, they can react with violence or flee.

If for some reason your cat's eyes and yours meet, the best thing to do is to blink very slowly so your cat feels safe.