care of a pregnant cat

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 4 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
Caring for pregnant cats
Video: Caring for pregnant cats

Cats are very independent animals and this attitude remains during the cat's pregnancy. Cats can handle their pregnancy very well on their own without the need for special care. However, if we can help her improve the process with some attention, so much the better.

By pampering her and giving her the space and food she needs, we can make her pregnancy run as smoothly as possible.

If you want to meet the care to be taken during the pregnancy of a cat, keep reading this PeritoAnimal article and learn how to take care of your feline at this very important moment.

Steps to follow: 1

The first thing you should do is take your cat to the vet to find out if you are in good health through a blood test. They will also tell you how long it is and when to wait for the puppies, so you can prepare yourself well for the big day. It is also a good idea for the veterinarian to be aware of when it will be, in case there is a mishap and you have to contact him.


The most important thing is the pregnant cat's food. During the first month and a half you can continue with your usual diet, but from then on you should share your food at various meals.

You should change your ration for another of high range special for puppies, as they are more caloric and provide more nutrients for your pet to arrive at birth in good health and be able to prepare for lactation. Despite being more expensive, it is an investment that will bring a lot of benefits to your cat and her cubs.


Cats don't usually need special supplements during their pregnancy, but if you see that your body weight is too low you should talk to your veterinarian to see if you need to. take some extra vitamins and thus prevent a possible miscarriage. During the entire process, you should be extremely attentive to any changes that occur, both physically and emotionally.


The cat will continue jumping and climbing as usual, especially in early pregnancy. don't try to stop her, as it is not dangerous, it actually helps to maintain your muscle tone and get you healthier at childbirth.


A pregnancy is neither an injury nor a disease, so you should continue to treat it as usual, playing with it in the same way. You should just keep in mind that to improve the care of a pregnant cat and preserve her health and that of her kittens, you should avoid making sudden movements and not squeezing your abdomen.

If you let your cat out of the house for walks, in the last period of pregnancy it is best not to leave her to protect her.


it's convenient prepare a nest so your cat can rest and take refuge in comfort. In addition, it is likely to be the place to give birth, so you should place the nest in a quiet place, away from noise and drafts.


And finally, pamper her and give her a lot of affection, this is the most important step of all. Your affection and attention are the best care for a pregnant cat. Remember that an adequate state of health and a positive emotional state will have a direct impact on the health of the puppies, so it is essential to receive all the support and affection you need.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.