Are cats jealous?

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 4 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
Are CATS Jealous Animals? - Everything About Jealousy in Cats
Video: Are CATS Jealous Animals? - Everything About Jealousy in Cats


Many people claim that their cats are jealous and act aggressively or possessively with others, whether it's a feline, a dog, or a human. However, is it true that there is a jealous cat or is it more a form of humanization?

Are cats jealous? In this article by PeritoAnimal we will explain if there is jealous cat, how to identify a jealous behavior in this species and what to do in the face of behavior considered inappropriate. Keep reading!

jealous cat: behavior

To begin with, it is necessary to ask whether it is correct to say that there is a jealous cat, since jealousy is an emotion and feeling attributed solely to human beings. But if you understand a little more about what jealousy really is, you understand that it is a adaptive emotional response important in gregarious animals.

However, although the domestic feline (Felis sylvestris catus) is a solitary animal, domestication allowed the species to receive important advantages by participating in social dynamics, in addition to those it maintains during reproduction, such as living with humans, who provide them with food, shelter and care. Or with other domestic animals that become an important source of environmental enrichment.

In this way, the cat chooses a person or animal as a "reference figure" with which it relates, socializes and interacts on a daily basis. Technically, the reference figure is known as a "valued social partner" and, as we mentioned earlier, it can be another cat, a dog or a human being. It is, in short, a social figure with which the cat feels safe and can be the feline's favorite guy. On the other hand, the "social rival" is the figure that is in the middle of this relationship and, in this way, the cat can reveal behaviors that humans interpret as jealous conduct, that is, rejection and aggressiveness.

In general, it is more common to talk about jealousy in dogs, as there are studies that use this term[1] (although still much discussed) but, with respect to cats, there is no publication on clinical ethology in domestic felines. For that reason, it is an incorrect term to use today.

Still, many pet owners claim their pets are jealous. In fact, a study on the behavior of several domestic animals highlighted the similarity between them, showing the existence of secondary emotions in animals that are not primates. [3]

Jealous Cat Symptoms

Without scientific studies that can assess the existence of jealousy in domestic felines, it is difficult to find a pattern of behavior that can alert the appearance of jealousy in cats, however, if you focus on those behaviors that are frequent in dogs or horses, we highlight the following jealous cat symptoms:

  1. The feline seeks attention from the "reference figure" regularly;
  2. Pay attention to the socialization between the "reference figure" and the "social rival";
  3. It disrupts the relationship between the "reference figure" and the "social rival";
  4. Shows signs of negative calm or even shows aggression by the "social rival".

jealous cat: causes

What humans understand by jealousy, in fact, may be related to various behavior problems caused by poor socialization of the kitten, for example, the appearance of fears resulting from negative experiences, territoriality, among others. Below, we'll talk in more detail about the frequent situations that can cause cats to show jealousy in front of others:

jealous baby cat

Pregnancy and the birth of a baby imply a significant loss of attention on the part of the "reference figure", in addition, many parents often fight with felines when they approach the newborn with curiosity, which can cause a negative association to the baby. It's fundamental avoid punishments and/or screams on those occasions.

Cat jealous of the partner

Many people warn that cats are jealous of their boyfriends, but in this case it's often a "funny" situation because they unconsciously encourage behavior that's not recommended as well as dangerous.

cat jealous of another cat

As we mentioned earlier, cats are solitary animals but you should know that they are also very territorial. Therefore, the adaptation of new individuals in your home is usually complicated when one of the felines is in adulthood. Different negative behaviors like aggressiveness, territoriality, fear or depression can appear in a cat jealous of another cat. To learn how to get a cat used to another kitten, check out this PeritoAnimal article.

cat jealous of dog

Especially cats that were not socialized with dogs as puppies, when there is adoption of a dog, this can cause a lot of stress, as the lack of knowledge of the species' own body language, in addition to the large size, can sometimes cause fear, depression , aggressiveness, among other behavioral problems in a jealous cat.

Jealous cat: what to do?

Many people do not know how to deal with a jealous cat, what to do in these cases can be the difference to enhance or reduce behavioral problems. For starters, if you're facing a jealous baby cat, it is essential to take pertinent safety measures to prevent the cat from scratching the newborn. A good tip is to prevent the feline from having access to the baby's room.

In lighter cats, you can try to work with the cat yourself, trying to positive the presence of the "social rival", making that individual's presence translate into a pleasant experience. You can offer tasty prizes, affection or kind words. It is also possible to apply pheromones for cats to improve the animals' well-being. If you get nervous, try to calm the jealous cat by leaving it alone, making it feel calm and secure.

However, in the most serious cases, it is essential to seek help from a veterinarian specialized in ethology because he will help you diagnose behavioral problems, advise you on how to behave with your pet and also with behavior modification sessions.

Also check out our YouTube video about whether the cats are jealous: