
When your puppy is sick from overeating or from eating toxic or spoiled food, he may have vomiting or diarrhea. In this situation, the only thing we want is for our pet to improve quickly, right? A good diet based on healthy products is ideal to relieve symptoms in these cases.
At PeritoAnimal, we recommend a dog food with diarrhea that will alleviate the gastric discomfort he is suffering. However, the veterinarian should always be consulted to confirm that they agree to the administration of this diet. Don't forget that we only have one goal: to make your dog better!
Goals of a light diet
Feeding for dogs with diarrhea should be light and is mainly indicated for pets that are suffering from this problem, but also for other health problems such as:
- Digestive problems such as diarrhea and/or vomiting
- Lack of appetite
- Transitioning from commercial food to homemade natural diet
- Recovery from surgery
- some types of cancer
However, the goals These light dog diets are the same - make sure the dog is nourished and hydrated and can easily digest the food. Always, depending on the causes, the veterinarian will have the best advice for you. In case of weaker animals, the energy load should be high, so there should be a greater focus on proteins and calories.
Ingredients to choose
If your dog has diarrhea, it is very likely that be hungry is that be dehydrated, so you should avoid their unnecessary suffering. Start by offering small portions to see how well you tolerate the food.
The objective is not to eat everything you lost even if you go hungry, but you must proceed carefully. His diet should consist of the following percentages:
- 80% beef, chicken or fish without fat and without bones
- 20% fruits and/or vegetables
within the meat (or fish) choose those that contain less fat such as chicken, rabbit, turkey or hake. You should offer raw meat, one that is harder to digest when cooked. For those who don't like the idea of offering raw meat for fear of salmonella, although dogs love to eat meat that way, you can grill on both sides. Avoid using condiments, adding just a little salt so that you can drink water, as diarrhea causes a great loss of fluids. However, don't forget that salt is not good for dogs, it should only be offered in this specific case.
At vegetables and/or fruits they should be easily digestible, such as apples, carrots, pumpkins, potatoes, etc., avoiding leafy or citrus vegetables. If cooked, they can be digested more easily than raw (they can be cooked).
can also add a scrambled egg in the frying pan (without fat) in small amounts, as it is very nutritious and strengthens the dog's defenses, in addition to being rich in calcium.
If the veterinarian recommends one liquid diet, which is usually specific for after surgery, especially in the digestive tract, can opt for a natural (non-industrial) chicken broth. Boil the chicken with water and a little salt, never using vegetables such as onions or leeks, as they are harmful to dogs. With hi broth, it will be possible to hydrate the dog and stimulate its appetite little by little until it can tolerate solids. You can also prepare a thick rice soup.

Daily servings
Don't forget that a sick dog will be weak, and once he starts feeling better, he'll need more food, which in some cases needs to be regulated so he doesn't get sick again. The takings must be distributed, 4 to 5 times a day in an adult dog (which normally eats between 1 and 2 times a day) in smaller amounts. This way, the digestive tract will work more easily and Unwanted overloads will be avoided.
Normally, diarrhea lasts between 2 and 3 days and it will be necessary to see an evolution, but don't forget that the intestinal flora needs to replenish itself and that takes time. To improve intestinal flora, you can also add yogurt or kefir to your diet, always in small amounts. Another thing to consider is that you can make a puree with all the foods included in the diarrhea dog food list to aid digestion and ensure that the nutrients are well assimilated.