
different names for cats

One of the mo t nece ary but al o the mo t difficult ta k i choo ing a good cat name. Knowing thi and thinking of helping all new tutor , PeritoAnimal decided to make a li t with more than 500 differe...

how to care for a pug

Thi breed of dog i known a a pug and ha origin in china, although it i now a very popular pet in many countrie . Hi fame i not urpri ing becau e, in addition to having a lovely appearance, he i charac...

Funny animals: photos, memes and trivia

How many photo , meme , gif or video of animal have made you laugh thi week? Funny animal are tho e that make u laugh by nature, if you know what I mean. We human are o u ed to etting tandard of beaut...

Why doesn't my cat play?

Undoubtedly, one of the main rea on that motivate u to adopt cat i their playful and fun nature, a well a how affectionate they are. It' not trange, therefore, that if your feline how no intere t ...

Dog Toothpaste - 4 Easy Recipes

O care of your dog' teeth it' a important a making ure he ha hi vaccination up to date and being aware of hi health. For thi rea on, on PeritoAnimal you can find everal article about the impor...

Cat with hiccup - how to cure?

Po ibly we all know how irritating a hiccup pell can be. Ju t like human , our kitten can al o be affected by the e udden and involuntary movement . although the hiccup in cat don't be o often, th...

Animals threatened with extinction due to climate change

Currently, there are everal global environmental problem that are having an alarming impact on the planet. One of them i climate change, which we can define a the change in weather pattern on a global...

Halloween costumes for dogs

Halloween i a party that many owner take advantage of to dre up their pet , taking the opportunity to include them a another member of the family in their celebration.In thi article you can find the b...

origin of the dog

THE origin of the dome tic dog it ha been a controver ial ubject for centurie , full of unknown and fal e myth . Although currently there are till que tion to be re olved, cience offer very valuable a...

Cats clear negative energy?

Cat are fa cinating animal , with a propen ity for introver ion and independence. Perhap for thi rea on, the behavior of pu ie arou e o much curio ity, leading many people to interpret thi more re erv...

Make homemade perfume for dogs

When it rain or when it' a few day to take our dog to a pet tore, it' normal for him to tart to mell a little bad. And in the e ca e , many tutor are looking for ome kind of dog perfume.Theref...

Invasive species - Definition, examples and consequences

The introduction of pecie into eco y tem where they are not naturally found can have very eriou con equence for biodiver ity. The e pecie can ettle down, reproduce and colonize new place , replacing t...

Snoring dog: what can it be?

Have you ever noticed that your dog nore very loudly and wonder if thi i normal? He ha recently tarted noring and you want to know if you hould go to the vet? In thi article by PeritoAnimal, about gro...

How to Calculate the Human Age of a Dog

Until now we believed in the fal e myth that a dog year wa equivalent to 7 year of human life, thi equivalence ha already been completely di proved and there are other value ​​that allow u to define i...

Phrases about animals

Animal are extremely amazing being who teach countle value ​​and the true meaning of re pect. Unfortunately, human being often do not know how to re pect the environment and animal a they de erve, o m...

Monkey As A Pet - Is It Possible?

We popularly u e the term "monkey" to refer to more than 250 pecie of non-human primate (ape ). Among the be t known are chimpanzee , gorilla , tamarin and orangutan . The exotic beauty of t...

White Cat Breeds - Complete List

There are feline breed of all color in the world: grey, white, black, brindle, carey, yellow, with tripe acro the back or pot cattered over the body. Each of the e varietie ha particular feature that ...

black bear

O black bear (ur u americanu ), al o known a the American black bear or baribal, i one of the mo t common and emblematic bear pecie in North America, e pecially from the Canada and United tate . In fa...

Bravecto - Everything you need to know!

Flea and tick , for many dog ​​owner , i an almo t un olvable problem, it i a daily and never-ending battle. However, a the e para ite tran mit variou di ea e to both dog and human it i It i e ential ...

ragamuffin cat

Ragamuffin cat are huge feline with a particular, exotic appearance that have arrived by chance and conquered half the world ince their inception. They are adorable cat , not to mention that are beaut...