Phrases about animals

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 15 February 2025
Animal Idioms!  Learn English Idioms, Phrases and  Expressions with Animals
Video: Animal Idioms! Learn English Idioms, Phrases and Expressions with Animals


Animals are extremely amazing beings who teach countless values ​​and the true meaning of respect. Unfortunately, human beings often do not know how to respect the environment and animals as they deserve, so many species have become extinct and many others are at risk of extinction.

If you are an animal lover and are looking for phrases that serve as inspiration to share messages that encourage respect for animals, the importance of preserving them and helping to raise awareness, in this article by PeritoAnimal you will find what you need. Here we will make available more of100 sentences about animals to reflect, phrases of love for them, short phrases and some images for you to share on social media. Keep reading and be sure to save the messages you like the most.

Phrases of love to animals

To start with, we've compiled a series of phrases of love for animals, with different ways of demonstrating this love for them. Sharing how much we love animals also allows us to get closer to other people and get everyone together to fight for their well-being.

  • "Before having loved an animal, part of our soul remains unconscious", Anatole France.
  • "Pure and sincere love needs no words".
  • "Love is a four-legged word".
  • "Some angels don't have wings, they have four legs."
  • "Respecting animals is an obligation, loving them is a privilege."
  • "If love had a sound, it would be a purr."
  • "Not all the gold in the world is comparable to the love an animal gives you."
  • "We don't know anything about love if we've never really loved an animal," Fred Wander.
  • "Love for all living creatures is the most remarkable attribute of the human being", Charles Darwin.
  • "I'm for the right of animals as the right of humans. That's the path to a complete human being," Abraham Lincoln.

Phrases about animals to reflect

The behavior of animals among themselves and with humans can make us reflect on many questions of life. Keep reading and see each of these phrases about animals to reflect:

  • "If you spend time with animals, you risk becoming a better person," Oscar Wilde.
  • "Animals speak only to people who can listen."
  • "You can judge the true character of a human being by how they treat animals," Paul McCartney.
  • "From the animals I learned that when someone has a bad day, they just sit in silence and keep company."
  • "To buy an animal you only need money. To adopt an animal you only need a heart."
  • "The dog is the only animal that loves its tutor more than it loves itself."
  • "We mustn't forget that animals exist for their own reason. They're not meant to please humans," Alice Walker.
  • "Some people talk to animals, but many people don't listen to them. That's the problem," A.A. Milne.
  • "The human being is the cruelest animal", Friedrich Nietzsche.
  • "Animals don't hate, and we're supposed to be better than them," Elvis Presley.
  • "Only the animals were not expelled from paradise", Milan Kundera.
  • "In the eyes of animals, there is much more kindness and gratitude than in the eyes of many people."
  • "There is no fundamental difference between humans and animals in the ability to feel pleasure and pain, happiness and misery," Charles Darwin.
  • "Animals are trustworthy, full of love, grateful and loyal, tough rules for people to follow," Alfred A. Montapert.

Phrases of respect for animals

Respecting animals is something that should not be questioned, as all human beings should take into account the importance of respecting any living being. To help make other people aware, you can see some examples of phrases of respect for animals and use them as inspiration to create your own phrases or simply share them on social media.

  • "People who really appreciate animals always ask their names," Lilian Jackson Braun.
  • "Animals are not properties or things, but living organisms, subject to life, that deserve our compassion, respect, friendship and support", Marc Bekoff.
  • "Animals are sensitive, intelligent, fun and fun. We need to take care of them as we do children", Michael Morpurgo.
  • "May everything that has life be freed from suffering", Buddha.
  • "First it was necessary to civilize man in his relationship with man. Now it is necessary to civilize man in his relationship with nature and animals", Victor Hugo.
  • "Like us, animals have feelings and the same needs for food, shelter, water and care."
  • "Humans have their justice, they can defend themselves, animals can't. Let's be their voice."
  • "I respect animals more than people because we are the ones ruining the world, not them."
  • "Loving and respecting animals means loving and respecting all animals, not just those we share our home with."
  • "If your compassion doesn't include all animals, it's incomplete."

Phrases about wild animals

Preserving our planet's flora and fauna is fundamental to guaranteeing the existence of all living beings, including human beings. For this reason, we decided to bring some phrases about wild animals that can help people realize their importance:

  • "When the last tree is cut down and the last fish caught, man discovers that money is not eaten", Indian proverb.
  • "The day will come when humans will see the killing of an animal as they now see another human being", Leonardo da Vinci.
  • "The only fault of animals is that they trust the human being."
  • "Fear is like a wild animal: it chases everyone but kills only the weakest."
  • "Two things surprise me: the nobility of animals and the bestiality of people."
  • "Animals need your help, don't turn your back on them."
  • "In nature is the preservation of the world", Henry David Thoreau.

cute phrases about animals

There are many beautiful phrases about animals, some of them are super original and allow us to show the beauty of these living beings. With that in mind, we've gathered some of these phrases about animals to inspire you:

  • "Without my animals, my house would be cleaner and my wallet fuller, but my heart would be empty."
  • "Animals are like music: it's useless to try to explain their value to those who don't know how to appreciate it."
  • "An animal's eyes have the power to speak more than a great language," Martin Buber.
  • "Dogs are not our whole life, but they make it complete."
  • "When an animal dies, you lose a friend, but you gain an angel."
  • "Sometimes you meet beings that are poems without words."
  • "If we could read the minds of animals, we would only find truths," A.D. Williams.
  • "When you touch an animal, that animal touches your heart."
  • "When you look into the eyes of a rescued animal, you can't help but fall in love," Paul Shaffer.
  • "Even the smallest animal is a masterpiece."

Phrases for those who like animals

If you're looking for short animal quotes to share on Instagram or another social network, check out: :

  • "Be the person your dog thinks you are."
  • "Treat animals as you would like to be treated."
  • "A purr is worth a thousand words."
  • "Friends aren't bought, they're adopted."
  • "An animal's loyalty knows no bounds."
  • "My heart is full of footprints."
  • "My favorite breed is: adopted."
  • "Animals teach us the value of life."
  • "There is no animal more treacherous than the human being".
  • "To err belongs to humans, to forgive belongs to dogs".
  • "There is no better gift than the appearance of a grateful animal."
  • "The best therapist has a tail and four legs."

Phrases about animals and humans

Although animals cannot read these sentences, dedicating them to them is always very special. So we leave some of the best phrases about animals and humans:

  • "When I needed a hand, I found a paw."
  • "The world would be a much better place if people had the hearts of dogs."
  • "If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty and gratitude, animals are better than many humans," James Herriot.
  • "Having an animal in your life doesn't make you a better person, but taking care of it and respecting it as it deserves."
  • "Hold your hand to an animal and it will remain by your side forever."
  • "Animals are more valuable than many of the people I know."
  • "Whoever feeds a hungry animal, feeds his own soul."
  • "The happiest day of my life was when my dog ​​adopted me."
  • "Give your heart to an animal, it will never break you."

funny animal phrases

There are also several funny and very entertaining animal phrases, like:

  • "My cell phone has so many pictures of cats that when it falls, it lands on its feet."
  • "There's no better alarm than a cat asking for your breakfast."
  • "When properly trained, the human being can become the dog's best friend."
  • "Dangerous dogs don't exist, they are the parents."
  • "Some animals travel long distances, others jump to great heights. My cat knows exactly when I'm going to wake up and lets me know 10 minutes beforehand."
  • "Dogs look at us as their gods, horses as their equals, but only cats look at us as subjects."

Phrases about animals for Instagram

Any of the above phrases about animals serve to share on any social network. However, if you still haven't found the ideal one, we leave some more suggestions:

  • "If you want to know loyalty, faithfulness, gratitude, trust, forgiveness and companionship in its purest expression, share your life with a dog."
  • "Gratitude is an animal 'disease' that is not transmissible to man", Antoine Bernheim.
  • "It's not my pet, it's my family."
  • "It's wonderful to see animals because they don't have an opinion about themselves, they don't criticize. They just are."
  • "We have more to learn from animals than animals do from humans."
  • "A cat will be your friend if he thinks you are worthy of his friendship, but not his slave."

More phrases about animals

If you liked our article about animal phrases, be sure to check other articles with many more inspiring phrases for you to share with friends, on social networks or simply keep them, check it out:

  • Dog phrases;
  • Cats phrases.

And, of course, if you know more quotes about animals don't forget to leave a comment!