How to improve my cat's breath

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 15 February 2025


Cats are animals that have a very genuine character and a considerable degree of independence, however, people who live with an animal of these characteristics know well that felines also need sufficient attention, care and affection.

It is possible that, at some point in proximity to the feline, you notice that it gives off a very unpleasant odor from its oral cavity, which is known as halitosis, since this is a sign that is estimated to affect 7 out of 10 adult cats.

In this Animal Expert article we show you how to improve your cat's breath in order to improve your oral hygiene.

bad breath in the cat

Bad breath or halitosis can be common among adult cats and is a sign that we should give some importance to. Although this is a sign that is most often associated with poor oral hygiene, tartar accumulation or problems with eating, it is also may be indicative of a pathology that affects the stomach, liver or kidneys.

If your cat suffers from halitosis, it is important that you go to the veterinarian to rule out any serious pathology but also to be able to treat a possible oral disease, because the American Veterinary Society states that after 3 years, 70% of cats suffer from some problem with your hygiene and oral health.

Warning Signs in Feline Halitosis

If your cat gives off bad breath it is very important to visit the vet to make sure the halitosis is not caused by an organic disease. However, if your pet shows some signs that we show you below, you should pay special attention as they indicate serious pathologies:

  • Excessive brown tartar accompanied by excessive salivation
  • Red Gums and Difficulty Eating
  • Urine-smelling breath, which may indicate some kidney pathology
  • Sweet-smelling, fruity breath usually indicates diabetes
  • The foul odor accompanied by vomiting, lack of appetite and yellowish mucous membranes indicates liver disease

If your cat has any of the above manifestations, it should go immediately to the veterinarian, as the animal may need urgent treatment.

Feeding the cat with bad breath

If your cat suffers from halitosis it is important review your food and introduce any changes that might be helpful:

  • Dry kibble should be the main food for cats with bad breath, as due to the friction required for ingesting it, it helps to eliminate and prevent tartar build-up.

  • The cat should drink at least between 300 to 500 milliliters of water a day, enough fluid intake will help adequate salivation, which aims to drag part of the bacteria that are in the oral cavity. To achieve this, spread several bowls full of fresh water in various areas of the house and offer them moist food sporadically.

  • Give your cat prizes with specific feline dental care foods. This kind of snacks they may contain aromatic substances and are of great help.

Cat Weed Against Cat Bad Breath

Catnip (Nepeta Qatari) drives any feline crazy and our kitten friends love to rub themselves with this plant and even bite it and we can take advantage of this to improve their breath, since this type of herb has a minty odor, this plant is even known as "feline mint" or "cat basil".

Provide your cat with a vase of catnip and let him play with it as he pleases, you will eventually notice an improvement in his breath.

Oral hygiene in the cat

At first it may seem like an odyssey to brush teeth for our cat, however, it is necessary. For this, we should never use a toothpaste for humans, as it is toxic to cats, we must purchase one. cat-specific toothpaste which even exist in the form of a spray.

We also need a brush and the most recommended are those that are placed around our finger, try to brush your cat's teeth at least twice a week.