types of butterflies

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 15 January 2025
Different Types Of Butterflies | Butterfly Names | Painted Lady Butterfly | List Of Butterflies
Video: Different Types Of Butterflies | Butterfly Names | Painted Lady Butterfly | List Of Butterflies


Butterflies are lepidopteran insects that are among the most beautiful in the world. Their stunning colors and the variety of sizes they feature make them one of the most striking and fascinating animals out there.

Do you know how many species of butterflies are there? The truth is that there are thousands of them, so here at PeritoAnimal, we present you this article about types of butterflies, their names and classification. Discover the most amazing species! Come on!

Characteristics of butterflies

Before talking about the types of butterflies, it is necessary that you know some general characteristics about them. The butterflies belong to the order of lepidopterans (Lepidoptera), which also includes moths.

The butterfly's metamorphosis is the process that allows it to become the beautiful winged insect you know. Your life cycle it has four stages: egg, larva, pupa and butterfly. The duration of each stage, as well as the butterfly's life expectancy, depends on the species.

These insects are distributed almost all over the world, except Antarctica. They feed on the nectar of flowers, and that's why they are pollinating animals.

How many types of butterflies are there?

the order Lepidoptera includes 34 superfamilies, which are as follows:

  • Acanthopteroctetoidea
  • hallucitoid
  • bombycoid
  • Choreutoidea
  • Copromorphoid
  • Cossoidea
  • Drepanoid
  • Epermenioid
  • eriocranioid
  • Galactic
  • Gelechioidea
  • Geometroid
  • gracillarioidea
  • Hepialoid
  • Hesperioid
  • Hyblaeoidea
  • incurvary
  • lasiocampoidea
  • Micropterygoid
  • Mimallonoid
  • Nepticuloid
  • noctuoidea
  • Papilionoid
  • Pterophoroid
  • Pyraloid
  • Schreckensteinioid
  • sesioidea
  • Thyridoidea
  • Tineoidea
  • Tischerioidea
  • Tortrichide
  • Uroid
  • yponomeautoidea
  • Zygaenoid

Furthermore, these superfamilies include diverse families, subfamilies, genera, species and subspecies...butterflies seem endless! Currently, have been described 24,000 species of butterflies different, but there are likely to be many more. Do you want to know the types of butterflies? We present you next!

Types of nocturnal butterflies

Many types of butterflies have nocturnal habits. At night they have fewer predators as most birds are sleeping, which increases their chances of survival. In addition, the wings of these butterflies have a coloration that allows them to be easily camouflaged in tree trunks and leaves.

these are some examples of nocturnal butterfly types:

Spanish Lunar Moth (Graellsia Isabelae)

European Lunar Moth is the most widely distributed nocturnal species. You can find it in Europe, where lives in forests in Spain and France. They hide in the canopy of trees during the day, but at dusk they are able to travel long distances, especially during the breeding season.

This species is also one of the most beautiful, as it has wings that feature a pattern that combines pistachio green, brown, black and pink.

zebra butterfly (Heliconius charithonia)

Another nocturnal species is the zebra butterfly. And the Florida official butterfly (United States), although it is also distributed in other regions of the country, in addition to being present in South and Central America.

It has black wings crossed by white stripes. In the larval stage, its body is dark and full of hair.

four-eyed butterfly (Polythysana cinerascens)

One of the most curious types of butterflies is the four-eyed one. It's kind of widely distributed in Chile. Their habits are very particular, as males are diurnal, but females are nocturnal.

Their wings have different colors, but stand out for having four circular spots that simulate eyes. Thanks to this, it is quite possible that the butterfly can distract the attention of its predators, who mistake it for a bird or other larger animal.

Types of daytime butterflies

There are also butterflies that fulfill their life cycle during the day. Are of this type the most beautiful color species and impressive. Discover these examples of daytime butterflies:

Leptidea synapis

The first of the day butterflies is the beautiful Leptidea synapis.It is a species distributed throughout Europe and Asia, where it lives in patria and fields. Measures up to 42 millimeters, and unfortunately, its population has greatly decreased in recent decades.

This butterfly has a white body and wings, with some silvery areas. Sometimes they can also have small black spots.

favonius quercus

THE favonius quercus is a species of butterfly with wide distribution in Europe. Measures up to 39 millimeters and nests in trees, where forms extensive colonies. It feeds on nectar and usually flies during summer afternoons.

Males have a simple brown or dark gray coloration, while females complement it with blue markings on the two upper wings.

Hamearis Lucina

THE Hamearis Lucina It is one of most popular types of butterflies in Europe, it can be found in England and Spain. It measures up to 32 millimeters and inhabits areas of grassland or forest, where it lives in colonies. As for coloration, it has a black body marked by a pattern of orange spots. The caterpillar, in turn, is white with black spots and some hairiness.

Types of small butterflies

Some butterflies have impressive wingspans, while others are small and delicate. Smaller sized butterflies generally have a shorter lifespan and are simple in color and, in many cases, unicolored.

Check out these examples of types of small butterflies:

European Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta)

The European Red Admiral Butterfly reaches only 4 centimeters of wingspan, being thus one of the smallest butterflies that exist. It is distributed across North America, Asia and Europe, where it lives in forests.

This species is migratory, and is one of the last to leave with the arrival of winter. Its wings feature a combination of brown with orange areas and white stripes.

Cinnamon-striated (boeticus lamps)

the fluted cinnamon measures only 42mm. It is distributed across England and Scotland, where it lives in gardens or prairies. It is a migratory species capable of traveling from the Mediterranean to England.

As for appearance, it has delicate bluish wings with gray edges. The proportion of blue and gray varies in each species.

cupid minimus (Cupidus minimus)

Another species of small butterfly is the Cupidus minimus, species distributed in England, Scotland and Ireland. It is often seen in gardens, meadows and near roads.

Is it over there measures between 20 and 30 millimeters. Its wings are dark gray or silvery, with some bluish areas close to the body. Folded, their wings are white or very light gray, with darker circular spots.

Types of large butterflies

Not all butterflies are small, discreet animals, and some have a size that will surprise you. Can you imagine finding a butterfly that measures 30 centimeters? In some parts of the world, it is possible to find impressive animals like these.

Here are some examples of large butterflies:

Queen-alexandra-birdwings (Ornithoptera alexandrae)

The queen-alexandra-birdwings is considered the biggest butterfly in the world, as its wing span develops until reaching 31 centimeters. It is an endemic species from Papua New Guinea, where it lives in temperate forests.

This butterfly has brown wings with some white spots on females, while males have green and blue tones.

Giant Atlas Moth (atlas atlas)

Another of the biggest moths is the atlas, whose wings can measure up to 30 cm oflength. It can be found in China, Malaysia and Indonesia, where it lives in forests.

The wings of this moth have a pattern that combines colors such as reddish brown, pale green and cream. It is a species created to obtain silk.

Emperor Moth (Thysania agrippina)

The emperor moth is also known as ghost moth. It is another species that reaches 30 centimeters. It is another type of night moth, and has an appearance that allows it to differentiate it from the others: the white wings have a delicate pattern of wavy black lines.

Types of beautiful butterflies

The beauty of butterflies gives them an attraction that few species have. Some are similar to delicate flowers, and the color of others marvels the beholder. Do you know any of these beautiful butterflies? Discover the most beautiful ones below!

Blue-morph butterfly (morpho menelaus)

The blue morph butterfly is one of the most beautiful that exist, thanks to its exotic and bright blue color. It is distributed in the forests of Central and South America, where they live among bushes to feed on caterpillars and flower nectar.

In addition to the special coloring, measures up to 20 cm in length, which makes it one of the largest butterfly species in the world.

Aurora butterfly (Anthocharis cardamines)

The aurora butterfly is one of the most beautiful in existence. It is distributed throughout Europe and Asia, where it grows in pastures and areas of abundant vegetation.

With outstretched wings, the aurora butterfly is white in color with a large orange area. However, when folded, its wings have a flashy and bright combination of greens, which allows it to camouflage between plants.

Peacock butterfly (aglais io)

Another of the most beautiful types of butterflies that exist is the aglais io, or peacock butterfly. It is distributed throughout Europe, especially in England, Scotland and Ireland. It measures up to 69 millimeters and can be found in many habitats.

This butterfly has a beautiful coloring pattern: shades of brown, orange, yellow, black, white and blue adorn its wings. In addition, the pattern simulates eyes in some areas, elements that can serve to frighten or confuse predators.

Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus)

The monarch butterfly is one of the best known butterfly species in the world because of its appearance. It inhabits North America, and is characterized by having orange wings with black lines and white dots, a real beauty!

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