
Why do cats throw things on the ground?

Anyone who hare their life with a cat ha witne ed thi ituation... Being quietly doing omething and uddenly your cat threw omething of your on the floor. But, why cat throw thing on the ground? I it im...
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Home Remedies for Cat Worm

Receiving a cat at home implie a great re pon ibility, becau e although we are facing an animal with an independent and very autonomou character, a a guardian you mu t be able to ati fy all it need an...
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Canine Atopic Dermatitis - Symptoms and Treatment

THE canine atopic dermatiti (CAD) i a chronic kin di ea e that cau e inflammation or hyper en itivity due to an allergy. Affected dog con tantly cratch and rub them elve trying to alleviate their di c...
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how to groom a dog at home

Do you want to know how to groom a dog at home? In thi article by PeritoAnimal, we explain everything you need and all the tep to follow to groom your dog correctly. While ome people avoid pet hop and...
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Can a dog eat avocado?

Avocado i a very ta ty fruit typical of tropical and ubtropical region that i highly appreciated all over the world. It ha many beneficial propertie for human , but i it the ame with puppie ?Opinion d...
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Permethrin Poisoning in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

Everyone who ha a dog at home know the torture that flea and tick can become, both becau e of the di comfort they can cau e to the animal, and becau e of the danger they are for it health and the diff...
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parson russell terrier

A part of the group of Terrier , we find the Par on Ru ell Terrier, a variant of the well-known Jack Ru ell . the e dog nice and funny they tand out for their dynami m and their ability to learn new t...
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Why does my cat lick me? 4 reasons 😽

Everyone know that cat are ome of the cleane t animal around. They pend their live licking them elve to be very clean. The e lick are ometime offered to their tutor a well. Ha your cat ever given you ...
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Dog fungus - Symptoms and treatments

A temperature ri e, many pecie of animal and plant reactivate their life cycle and can cau e reaction in our furry friend . But when we ee a le ion on our dog' kin, how can we differentiate it fro...
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fur balls in cats

One of the mo t common characteri tic of feline i their level of cleanline . It' an animal that clean very often, who u e the litter box and can't tand it being dirty. For the e rea on , they ...
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What breeds of guinea pigs? Meet the 22 races!

When in a wild guinea pig, there i only one breed of piglet, of a ingle color (grey). However, dome tic guinea pig have been bred over thou and of year and there are different breed , color and type o...
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Names for black cats

Choo ing the right name for the new animal that will join the family can be one of the mo t difficult ta k . E pecially if we are ba ed on their phy ical characteri tic or per onality, like the black ...
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Animals that breathe through their skin

There are many kin-breathing animal , although ome of them, due to their ize, combine with another type of breathing or modify the body hape to increa e the urface/volume ratio.In addition, kin-breath...
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Tips for preventing a cat from entering your garden

Many people come home and ee fece or uprooted plant in their garden. You may even find a trange cat re ting peacefully in your garden. The cat i an independent and daring mammal that won't he itat...
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Can I give my cat antibiotics?

Cat are u ceptible to multiple di ea e and many of them of bacterial origin, maybe they are a ri k group, ince among their main characteri tic tand out an independent behavior that tran late into a li...
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Dog bleeding from the nose: causes

No ebleed i called "epi taxi " and, in dog , it can have everal cau e , from the milde t one , uch a an infection, to the more eriou one , uch a poi oning or clotting problem . In thi articl...
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Differences between hedgehog and porcupine

Talk about hedgehog and porcupine i not the ame thing. Many people mi takenly u e the term to refer to the ame type of animal and, thu , they cannot be more mi taken. The hedgehog and the porcupine ha...
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Canine Parainfluenza - Symptoms and Treatment

Anyone who ha a dog ha an unconditional friend and that' why our pet de erve the be t and we a owner mu t give it a continuou and complete tate of well-being, but unfortunately thi doe n't ju ...
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Allergy Test in Dogs

At allergie they occur when an animal' defen ive y tem overreact to certain component found in the environment or food, recognizing them a harmful to the body and fighting them. Thi reaction ha un...
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Why does the cat lick and then bite?

If you have one or more cat , you've certainly been through thi ituation: your cat i calmly licking you... and uddenly bite you! What happened? Wa he not enjoying the ma age? Why did my cat have t...
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