My cat snores, is it normal?

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 1 August 2021
Update Date: 15 February 2025
Is My Cat Snoring Or Having Trouble Breathing?
Video: Is My Cat Snoring Or Having Trouble Breathing?


Cats and humans are more alike than you think. You've probably heard (or even suffered from) someone snoring in their sleep, but you knew that cats can also snore? It is true!

Snoring is produced in the airways during the deep sleep stage and is caused by a vibration that involves the organs from the nose to the throat. When your cat snores since a puppy, it is likely that it has no meaning and is just the way you sleep. However, if the cat suddenly snores, that indicates some of the problems that you can check out next - signs you should NOT ignore. Check the answer to the question "My cat snores, is it normal?" in this article by PeritoAnimal!

Common in obese cats

A chubby, chubby cat may look adorable, but in the long run obesity can cause it to develop. multiple health problems, since he is exposed to diseases that put his quality of life at risk, possibly even causing his death.

Among the common problems with obese cats is the fact that many of them snore while they sleep. The reason? That same excess weight, since the fat that surrounds its vital organs prevents the air from passing correctly through the airways, making the cat snore.

Advice for an overweight cat

Any overweight feline needs veterinary supervision, as it will be necessary to administer a diet for obese cats that will allow them to reach the animal's ideal weight. Also, combining this diet with exercise for obese cats helps improve their condition.

Common in brachycephalic cat breeds

Brachycephalic breeds are those that include a head a little larger than other breeds of the same species. In the case of cats, the Persians and the Himalayas are an example of brachycephalics. These cats also have a flat nose which comes with a taste far more powerful than the rest of cats.

All of this, in principle, does not constitute any inconvenience to the cat's health. So if you have one of these at home, it's completely normal for him to snore.

The most common respiratory diseases

If your cat has never snored and you suddenly notice he is snoring, and may even be increasing in intensity, it is possible that he has some pathology that is compromising his respiratory system. The most common causes are:

  • Asthma: Some cats are prone to develop asthma. This is a dangerous condition, as it can produce an attack that leaves your cat breathless, causing his death.
  • Bronchitis and Pneumonia: can be confused with flu or cough, but worsen as the Asians pass, and should be treated immediately.
  • feline cough: Cough is very dangerous for cats, eventually evolving into an infection that severely affects the respiratory system.

In addition to these examples, there are other viral or fungal infections that can affect your cat's breathing and make her snore, so you should be aware if this phenomenon arises overnight.

The cat suffers from allergies

As with people, some cats are sensitive to certain substances that are found in the environment, like the pollen of flowers that spreads with the arrival of the season. This type of allergy is called a seasonal allergy.

Likewise, it is possible that the allergy is caused by a cleaning product that is used at home, or even by the presence of dust or sand. In either case, only the veterinarian can determine the source of the snoring and prescribe an appropriate treatment.

the presence of a tumor

Nasal tumors, also called paranasal polyps, obstruct the airways causing the vibration responsible for the cat's snoring. If this happens to your pet, take it to the veterinarian right away to determine if it is necessary to remove the tumor.

Your cat has always snored!

some cats simply snore when they sleep and this does not imply any problem with their breathing. If your kitten has always snored and doesn't have any other symptoms that indicate something is wrong, you don't have to worry about anything. In this case, when asking the question "My cat snores, is it normal?", the answer will be: yes, it is very normal!

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.