How do I know if my cat has a worm

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 1 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
Intestinal Worm Symptoms in Cats
Video: Intestinal Worm Symptoms in Cats


As much as we keep our cat indoors at all times, and not letting him have access to the street, parasites and worms can find other ways to infect cats. Cats catch worms easily, and one of the main forms of transmission are the fleas that transmit worms popularly known as solitary, are of the same family and gender as Tapeworm (Taenia), it's called Dipylidium. Other common forms of transmission are contact with infected feces, or through milk, if the mother has not been properly treated before or during pregnancy, the most common worms of these forms being Hookworm and Ascaridae.

Because of this, even if your cat does not have access to the street, it is important to deworm it and deworm it periodically. The Animal Expert prepared this article to help you in how to know if my cat has a worm.

How to identify worms in cats

Some cats, even with worms, do not always have a disease. However, as these parasites feed on the nutrients that the animal ingests, which is obviously not very healthy for the cat, there are always some signs that something is not going well in this animal's body. However, some signs and symptoms may take some time to appear, so it is important to deworm the cat periodically, always under the guidance of a veterinarian.

If you suspect your cat has a worm, some clues can help you identify the problem. Therefore, PeritoAnimal has prepared a list with symptoms and tips that you can inform the veterinarian.

  1. Check the animal's feces: Most of the worms of veterinary importance that infect domestic cats parasitize the intestine, so changes in the stool are one of the first symptoms you may encounter. If your cat's food has not changed, but the stools have changed to a very dark color, pay attention to this, and inform the veterinarian, as it may be blood, which may indicate that it is a worm that parasitizes the small intestine of animals. Soft stools and persistent diarrhea may indicate that the animal's intestine is highly infested with worms, and extra care should be taken with kittens, as they dehydrate relatively faster than adults.
  2. Examine the cat's gums: The cat should always have pink and red gums, white gums and depigmentation are usually symptoms of anemia in a cat with worm.
  3. swollen abdomen: A cat infested with worms tends to have a very swollen abdomen, which is popularly called "coxinha", as the thin chest and large belly resemble the silhouette of a drumstick. This is quite common in puppies whose mother was not dewormed before giving birth, passing the worms to the puppies.
  4. skinny cat: Weight loss is a very common symptom of worms, as the parasites feed on the proteins and nutrients that the cat ingests, or the animal's blood. As intestinal lesions also make it difficult to absorb food, the cat begins to lose weight.
  5. Coat changes: Parasitic infections can reflect throughout the animal's body, and also in the cat's fur, as there is poor intestinal absorption of nutrients, the cat's coat can also become dull, brittle and dry, like our hair when there is deficiency of vitamins. A messy coat is usually due to the cat not licking itself, which is also a symptom that the cat is not doing well. When examining the coat, look for fleas, as if it does it is a strong indication that it may have worms, too.
  6. vomiting: Although not very common in worms, it can be a symptom of a health problem and the cat will need a veterinary evaluation.
  7. Changes in appetite: As the diversion of nutrients from the animal to the parasite occurs, the tendency is for the cat's appetite to increase, as it really feels hungrier, in the case of Tapeworm. On the other hand, other parasites can make the cat's appetite decrease, even with the diversion of nutrients, which can worsen the animal's condition, so it is necessary to be aware of this symptom.
  8. Changes in behavior: Another symptom of worms can be lethargy, when the cat is more sleepy and without energy, which should be reported to the veterinarian, since the tutor is the person best able to notice changes in the behavior of your pets .
  9. Investigate the cat's environment: Check the bed the cat sleeps in and the litter boxes, if he has worms you may find parasite eggs. Pay attention to the fact that the eggs of hookworms and ascarids are invisible to the naked eye, and can only be verified through a stool examination under a microscope. However, if you see small larvae, similar to a grain of rice, it is a strong indication that the cat is infected with Dipylidium, the tapeworm.

How to Treat Tapeworm in Cats

Tapeworms, also known as solitaires, are a very common worm that infects cats. Named after Dipylidium and is transmitted by fleas. Therefore, if the animal has fleas, it is very likely infected with this parasite, too. Because of this, in addition to an anti-flea, the cat will also need to be treated with specific wormers.

So that your cat is not contaminated with Dipylidium again, it is important to keep it flea free at all times. Follow these tips from PeritoAnimal on How to eliminate cat fleas.

white worm coming out of the cat

This white worm that comes out of the cat are actually tapeworm segments (Dipylidium) that is infecting the cat. It can reach up to 20 centimeters in length and feeds on blood, has a whitish color and its segments, which are released in the feces, resemble white colored larvae similar to a grain of rice. It is often possible to observe these segments, which are called proglottids, in the region of the animal's anus and in the cat's fresh feces. In the environment, they are not resistant, so they dry up, taking on the appearance of rice grains or sesame seeds.

It is important to be aware, and despite being rare, this worm can infect humans, being considered a zoonosis.

Tapeworm dewormer in cats

Many of the wormers for cats are broad-spectrum, meaning they treat the most common worms that infect cats, including the Dipylidium, the tapeworm.
However, all medication including dewormers can only be prescribed by a veterinarian, as the treatment may vary depending on the size of the infestation and the symptoms the animal presents.

Cat Worm Remedy

The worm remedy, also called a dewormer, for your cat will depend on which worm is causing the problem. So the treatment that the veterinarian will give you will be based on the symptoms your cat has. However, there are also some cat worm home remedies that can help with the treatment.

To find out which worm your cat is infected with, you will need a stool exam, also known as the parasitological copro exam, since the eggs of most worms are only visible with the aid of a microscope.

Home remedy for cat with worm

If it turns out that your cat has a worm, some home remedies can work, like pumpkin seeds, for its laxative properties, or dry thyme. Note that if the cat has diarrhea, it is not a good idea to treat it with pumpkin seeds, as this can worsen the dehydration condition.

It is ideal to always consult a veterinarian, as home remedies for worms are never 100% guaranteed to work.

If you want to know more about deworming in cats, PeritoAnimal has prepared a complete guide on Dewormer for Cats - Complete Guide!

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.