- Liver failure in dogs: what is it?
- Liver disease in dogs: symptoms
- Liver disease in dogs: causes
- How to Treat Liver Disease in Dogs

The liver is an organ of great importance, as it intervenes in vital functions such as the elimination of waste products, the detoxification of the blood and the production of enzymes. In this article by PeritoAnimal, we are going to talk about the consequences caused by pathologies that affect its functioning, which in this case, causes canine liver failure. We will see below what it is liver failure in dogs, symptoms and treatment. Keep reading!
Liver failure in dogs: what is it?
The main problem of liver disease is that its first symptoms are non-specific, which means that they can be confused with other diseases, thus delaying the diagnosis. the dog can stop eating or start eating less food, lose weight, vomit, or to a lesser degree, have diarrhea. It is also important to note if he drinks more water and urinates more than usual, at this point you should seek veterinary assistance.
As the disease progresses, O liver will start to inflame and your cells will start to die. This fact causes its conformation to be modified, hardening irreversibly. this is what we know as cirrhosis. The liver has the ability to compensate for its functions until most of the cells are dead. At this point it will fail and symptoms will appear as we will see below.

Liver disease in dogs: symptoms
What are the symptoms of a dog with liver problems? The most common, caused by liver failure in dogs are:
- Jaundice: when the liver does not perform its work properly, bile accumulates in the body and this is what gives a yellowish tinge to the mucous membranes and eyes. Furthermore, for this same effect, it is possible to notice that the urine acquires a dark brown color.
- encephalopathyliver: as its name suggests, it consists of the brain inflammation due to toxins in the blood, such as ammonia. With this change the dog will be uncoordinated, disoriented, weak, we will notice changes in his behavior, hypersalivation or stupor. This symptomatology appears and disappears. In advanced cases, seizures and even coma can occur.
- ascites: it is the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, in this case because the serum proteins decrease and the tension in the veins that carry blood to the liver increases.
- hemorrhages: can occur spontaneously in cases where liver failure is more advanced. They usually appear in the stomach, intestine, or urinary system. Thus, we can see blood in feces, vomit or urine. Bruises can also appear on different parts of the body.
- Edema: Edema is the accumulation of fluid in the extremities, it may also be associated with a reduced level of serum proteins.
It is important to know that liver failure has many causes. Therefore, we must diagnose the disease of origin to treat it.
Liver disease in dogs: causes
As we said, different problems they may be causing liver failure, such as intoxication (by insecticides, lead, drugs such as paracetamol, etc.), hepatitis, leptospirosis, filariasis, Cushing's syndrome, diabetes or tumors, both primary and as a result of metastasis.
The liver can also be damaged by the presence of gallstones or pancreatitis. Also, some abnormal veins, known asshunt, can prevent blood from reaching the liver, so the toxins are not eliminated and the dog will have hepatic encephalopathy. There are different types of shunt, some may be congenital, while others may arise from a cirrhous liver.
How to Treat Liver Disease in Dogs
As we have already said, the treatment of liver failure in dogs depends on the cause that gives rise to it. To reach the diagnosis, the veterinarian may resort to bloodtests, ultrasounds, CT scans computerized or biopsies. If we are facing an infection, it must be treated with the appropriate medications, always prescribed by the veterinarian. Obstructions and some tumors can be resolved with surgery. In the case of shunt, it is often also necessary to intervene and, if this is not possible, the encephalopathy it produces will have to be treated.
In short, it will be the veterinarian who will decide the treatment of the disease, which usually involve establishing a specific diet and various medications to improve clotting, prevent seizures, or prevent ulcers. Recovery and prognosis will depend on the damage that were caused to the liver.
Read too: Hepatitis in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment
This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.