- How does the cat recognize its owner (or rather, its guardian)?
- Do cats miss guardians?
- Does a cat forget its owner or guardian?
- Adapting a Cat in a New Home

Of the many myths that circulate about cats, perhaps the best known is the one that gives them great independence. This means that unscrupulous people have no remorse when it comes to leaving them to chance on any street, taking it for granted that they will be able to survive without human support. However, this is not quite the case. Cats are domestic animals, that is, they depend on their guardians. That's why, as we'll see in this PeritoAnimal article, the cats miss the tutors and from their home.
How does the cat recognize its owner (or rather, its guardian)?
Cats are animals of remarkable intelligence that, like dogs, evolved together with the human species. So while they retain some characteristics, say wild ones, that fascinate us, they have also developed a domestic side from which they are connected with their human family. Cats relate to us using all of their senses, and with all of this they invent an image and elaborate their memories.
In addition, they are very attached to their routines and it is easy for them to be stressed by changes that seem insignificant to us. Therefore, cats they perfectly recognize both their family and their environment.. Cats miss their owners and, in general, their home, if they are separated from them. For this reason, they are also animals that do not react well to changes or being away from their guardians when they go on vacation, for example. If this is the case for you and you want to know if cats miss guardians so that you can organize your vacation without disturbing their well-being, don't miss the article: "I'm going on vacation - where to leave my cat?"
Do cats miss guardians?
Cats miss their owners and from their home to such an extent that they can even let themselves die when they are abandoned, as the animal protection associations that collect cats in this situation are well aware. Not all, but a considerable percentage of these animals suffer so much from abandonment that they are overwhelmed by stress. They stop drinking and eating and end up getting sick and dying.
If we understand the importance of routines for this species and have the opportunity to see a cat's reaction before a change in its environment, such as the arrival of another cat at home, it is easy to understand the stress that the animal makes. lose all its references to both place and attachment figures, since cats, although not in the same way as dogs when they are not pack animals, establish an important connection with their human reference. In a family, this person is usually the one who spends the most time, feeds him, plays with him, etc. The cat, on the other hand, shows its dedication by rubbing itself against the person and purring, mainly. Other cats come running to the door as soon as their carer arrives home and greet him, too, with meows of greeting.
So, in general, cats choose their guardians, or like more than one person, depending on the bond they establish.

Does a cat forget its owner or guardian?
The cats remember their former owners throughout their lives. Thanks to the established bond and the cognitive ability they demonstrate, they are able to fix the memory of the person they live with and keep it for years. That's why, when separated from them, cats can miss people and be so affected by abandonment. Fortunately, although they never forget their old family, many are able to accept being part of another family and be happy again.
Although cats don't forget, we can see that, with age, they lose their cognitive faculties. It is the same process that can also affect humans in an unavoidable way when associated with aging. In these cases, we may notice that they are out of place, that their patterns of rest and activity are altered, that they lose their appetite, that they stop cleaning themselves, etc. In any case, even if you suspect that the changes are due to age, you should consult a veterinarian to rule out that they are caused by a treatable physical illness.
Adapting a Cat in a New Home
As we've already said, cats miss their owners and remember them throughout their lives, but it's possible to adopt an adult cat, even if it's old, and have it adapt to a new home. For this, it is essential to offer what is known as an enriched environment, in which he can perform activities typical of the species, such as playing, climbing, scratching, climbing to high places from which he can take care of his territory and, of course, sleep and rest, even better if he is in the sun. A litter box or two, always available fresh clean water and good quality food, as well as deworming, vaccinations and relevant veterinary check-ups are the keys to ensuring a good life for them.
Afterwards, it's just a matter of being patient, not forcing the contact and giving space to the pet to adapt to your new home and establish a new feline-human bond with you. In the beginning, if we see you stressed, we can use calming pheromones to try to calm you down. Offering food as a reward can make him associate the tutor with positive elements. In animal protection associations and kennels, it is possible to choose, among a large number of cats, the one that seems to us best suited to our living conditions.

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