
The exercise of domestic cats is one of the basic and essential pillars for our pet to enjoy a Great life quality, although we cannot forget other essential factors such as food, hygiene and health care, rest and, of course, our company and love.
A domestic cat needs to practice physical exercise because, through it, it will achieve complete well-being, feel better physically and keep all the structures of its body in good shape, in addition to enjoying balanced behavior. In this PeritoAnimal article, you'll find ideas to keep your feline as healthy as possible. Keep reading and find out all about the exercise for cats obese, fat or normal!
indoor cats
If your cat doesn't have access to the outdoors, it's essential that you find a way to let go of his instincts and thus exercise. Although this is a little more complex than that, it's very easy to fulfill this goal. through play.
Below, we suggest some ideas that allow your cat to exercise indoors:
- It is practically essential that you have a scraper at home. There are many types of scraper for cats, and some of them even include other accessories for your feline to play and sharpen his nails, something essential for him.
- You catnip dispenser toys are another excellent option. Cats love this plant and there is no doubt that they will keep chasing the toy continuously until they get the catnip, as it is also called.
- Any toy that moves or is tied to a rope is perfect for triggering your cat's predatory instinct that won't get tired of chasing you.
Tip: Also visit this article to learn about 10 cat games and entertain your pet while he exercises.

The cat that enjoys the outdoors
According to many ethologists, the cat is an animal adapted to domestic life, which does not necessarily imply that it is a domesticated animal. By this we mean that this animal has a great need to stay in contact with the outside environment.
We cannot say that not letting the cat out is a bad thing. In fact, this practice entails some risks, but it is convenient to say that when there are small prey to hunt, trees to climb and a wild environment, the cat ends up exercise naturally, in addition to following the your instincts.
Allowing the cat to explore his instincts in a natural environment, such as your garden, will make him practice physical exercise as something that is part of his nature. If the diet is adequate, the risk of suffering from feline obesity disappears almost completely.
However, you must ensure that your pet stays on the vaccination schedule, as follow-up determines when the cat can go out on the street without taking risks related to its immune system.
You need time for the cat to exercise
The options we've shown you above will help make your cat exercise in a home environment, but also it is very important that you actively participate and that you dedicate at least 20 minutes a day to interact with your cat through games and games.
In addition, you may also want to take the cat outside with your supervision and control. This is possible, yes, if you teach the cat to walk on a leash, something that can be very beneficial if he is just used to being indoors.