How to teach the dog to lie down

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 February 2025
How to Teach a Dog to Lie Down - 5 Alternate Methods for All Dogs
Video: How to Teach a Dog to Lie Down - 5 Alternate Methods for All Dogs


Teach your dog to lie down with a command it will help to develop his self-control and will be very useful in everyday life with your pet. Remember, it's a difficult exercise to teach all dogs because it puts them in a vulnerable position. Therefore, you must have a lot of patience when train your dog to lie down with a command.

The final criterion you must meet is that your dog lies down with a command and holds that position for a second. To meet this training criterion, you should break the exercise down into several simpler criteria.

We tell you the training criteria you will work on in this exercise: your dog lies down when you signal; your dog lies down for a second; your dog lies down even when you are on the move; your dog remains lying down for a second, even if you are on the move; and your dog lies down with a command. Remember that you must train him in a quiet, closed place with no distractions, until he meets all the proposed training criteria. Keep reading this PeritoAnimal article and find out how to teach the dog to lie down.

Criterion 1: your dog lies down when you signal

Bring a little piece of food closer to your dog's nose and slowly lower your hand to the floor, between your pet's front paws. As you follow the food, your dog will lower his head, then his shoulders, and finally lie down.

When your dog goes to bed, click with a clicker and give him the food. You can feed him while he is still lying down, or make him get up to pick it up, as in the photo sequence. It doesn't matter if your dog gets up after you click. Repeat this procedure until your dog lies down easily each time you lead him with food. From that moment, gradually reduce the movement you make with your arm, until it is enough to extend your arm downwards for him to lie down. This can take several sessions.

When lower arm is enough to make your dog lie down, practice this sign without holding the food. Every time your dog lies down, click, take a piece of food from your fanny pack or pocket and give it to your dog. Remember that some dogs are reluctant to lie down just to follow a piece of food; therefore, be very patient with this exercise. It may take several sessions.

Also remember that some dogs lie down more easily when they are already seated, while others lie down more easily when they are standing still. If you need to sit your dog to practice this exercise, do so by guiding him as you do in training for sitting. Do not use the sit command with your dog. When he goes to bed with the signal (no food in hand) for 8 out of 10 reps for two consecutive sessions, you can move on to the next training criterion.

"Lay down" for competitions

If you want your dog to learn to be lie down standing, as is required in some canine sports, you should include this criterion as soon as you get him to lie down. To do this, you will only reinforce behaviors that approximate what you want.

However, remember that this cannot be required of a small puppy or dogs whose morphology makes it difficult to lie down when standing. Nor can this be required of dogs with back, elbows, knees or hips problems. Training your dog to lie down while standing involves one more criterion; therefore, it will take you longer to achieve the desired behavior.

Criterion 2: your dog remains lying down for a second

Make your dog lie down at the sign, with no food in hand. when he goes to bed, mentally count "one". If your dog holds the position until you've finished counting, click, take a piece of food from the fanny pack and give it to him. If your dog gets up while you count "one", take a few steps without clicking or feeding him (ignore him for a few seconds). Then repeat the procedure.

If necessary, use shorter intervals, mentally counting "u" instead of "one" for a few reps. Then try to increase the amount of time your puppy is lying down until he mentally counts "one." You can do 2 or 3 repetitions of the previous criterion before starting the sessions of this training criterion.

Criterion 3: your dog lies down even when you are moving

Carry out the same procedure as in the first criterion, but trotting or walking in place. Also change your position in relation to your dog: sometimes to the side, sometimes in front, sometimes diagonally. At this stage, you must also ensure that your dog lies down. in different places from the training site.

You can do a few reps without moving before starting each session of this canine training criterion. You can also take food in hand and do the full movement, lowering your hand to the floor for the first 5 reps (approximately) of the first session, to help your dog generalize the behavior.

Criterion 4: your dog remains lying down for a second even if you are moving

Do the same procedure as for the second criterion, but trot or walk in place while signaling for your dog to lie down. You can do 2 or 3 repetitions of criterion 1 before starting each session, so your pet knows that the session is about the bedtime exercise.

Go to the next criterion when you reach an 80% success rate for 2 consecutive sessions.

Criterion 5: your dog lies down with a command

say "down" and signal with your arm for your dog to lie down. When he lies down, click, take a piece of food from the fanny pack and give it to him. Do several repetitions until your dog begins to lie down when you give the command, before signaling. From that moment, gradually reduce the signal you make with your arm, until it is completely eliminated.

If your dog goes to bed before you give the order, just say "no" or "ah" (use either one, but always the same word to indicate he won't get the piece of food) in a calm tone and give some steps. Then give the order before your dog goes to bed.

When your dog associates the "down" command with the lying down behavior, repeat criteria 2, 3, and 4, but use the verbal command instead of the signal you make with your arm.

In the following video, we offer you more advice for those who want to know how to teach the dog to lie down:

Possible problems when training your dog to lie down

Your dog is easily distracted

If your dog is distracted during the training session, try practicing somewhere else where there are no distractions. You can also do a quick sequence by giving him 5 pieces of food before the session starts.

your dog bites your hand

If your dog hurts you when you feed him, start offering it in the palm of your hand or throw it on the floor. If he hurts you when you guide him with food, you will have to control the behavior. In the next topic, you will see how to do this.

Your dog does not lie down when you lead him with food

Many dogs don't lie down with this procedure because they don't want to put themselves in a vulnerable position. Others do not lie down simply because they try to do other behaviors to get the food. If your dog doesn't lie down when you lead him with food, consider the following:

  • Try starting your workout on another surface. If your puppy doesn't lie down on the tile floor, try a mat. Then you can generalize the behavior.
  • Make sure the food you are guiding your dog with is appetizing to him.
  • Move your hand more slowly.
  • If you want to make your dog lie down from a sitting position, move your hand forward a little after lowering it almost to the floor. This movement forms an imaginary "L", first downwards and then slightly forwards.
  • If you want to lay your dog down from a standing position, direct the food towards the middle of the animal's front legs, then back a little.
  • Try alternatives to teach your dog to lie down.

Precautions when teaching the dog to lie down with a command

When teaching this exercise to your dog, make sure he not on an uncomfortable surface. Too hot or too cold surfaces can prevent the dog from lying down, so make sure the ground temperature isn't too high (you just need to touch it with the back of your hand to check the temperature).