Names for donkeys

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 20 September 2024
54 Best Donkey Names - Complete Donkey Name Ideas For Your Pet Donkey
Video: 54 Best Donkey Names - Complete Donkey Name Ideas For Your Pet Donkey


Have you recently adopted a donkey there for your house or farm? Did you know they belong to the family Equity like horses and zebras? At their ears are unmistakable, as well as that cute muzzle and their very special temperament.

There are many breeds of donkeys, as such, their size varies widely. Their appearance is quite different from horses, although they belong to the same family. Their ears are huge, they have a very small crest and their neck is shorter. THE tail theirs is more like that of a cow.

At vocal qualities donkeys are also unmistakable! Who has never heard a donkey braying iii-ooohhhh iii-ooohhh!

If you've recently adopted a donkey or were born on the farm and are looking for a name, you've come to the right place! The Animal Expert prepared a list of names for donkeys and mules. Keep reading!

Names for donkeys

Before starting our list of suggestions with donkey names, we emphasize that the donkey is the animal resulting from the crossing between a donkey, donkey or also called ass with a mare. And mule is the name given to the female donkey. Due to the crossing of individuals of different species, normally donkeys and mules are born sterile, that is, they are not able to reproduce.

Having clarified this point, it is important to know that the size and physical characteristics of the donkey vary according to its breed. You can use his characteristics to choose the name. The important thing is that you choose a name that you like and that it is simple if you want the donkey to respond to his name. Ideally the name should have two to three syllables, to facilitate learning. It is also important that the name is easy to pronounce.

donkeys are very friendly animals. Their nature makes them excellent companions for children! If you have children, let them participate in the naming process. This will increase their bond with the animal.

These are some of the possible names for male donkeys:

  • Arthur
  • Peanut
  • Burrito
  • Coffee
  • Cosmos
  • Comet
  • Gray
  • Dave
  • donkey
  • dumpy
  • Eddy
  • Elvis
  • Floffy
  • fluffy
  • Fresh
  • Bill
  • Gilberto
  • Stallion
  • Jack
  • Jacob
  • John
  • Jingo
  • Jazz
  • Kong
  • manel
  • Matreco
  • trickster
  • Milo
  • Mickey
  • Strawberry
  • Nestor
  • oscar
  • Pedro
  • Pixie
  • Poncho
  • Silver
  • Shrek
  • Dizzy

Names for female donkeys (mules)

Did you know that donkeys love to rest? It's true, they are most active in the morning and at the end of the day.

Have you adopted a female and are looking for a name for her? Did you know that if one day she becomes pregnant, the gestation period will be around 12 months? A whole year to bear a kitten and that's why they are born so strong, weighing around 8-13 kg, and are able to stand upright within 30 minutes of birth.

If a puppy was born on your farm and that's why you are looking for a name, surely you know that weaning occurs around 5 months and at 2 years of age you can already mate.

If you've recently adopted a donkey, see our list of names for female donkeys (mules):

  • Anita
  • Anocas
  • Arminda
  • Olive
  • Bia
  • Bibi
  • Doll
  • Beautiful
  • Carlota
  • Carlona
  • Camila
  • Heart
  • Diana
  • weasel
  • didi
  • Delilah
  • Donkey
  • Pains
  • Emily
  • entertained
  • Emerald
  • fifi
  • Fiona
  • fatinha
  • Fontanelle
  • frida
  • Wilhelmina
  • Guide
  • Guga
  • Cat
  • Hilda
  • jenny
  • mila
  • Micaela
  • Micas
  • Kite
  • Popcorn
  • Silver
  • Rita
  • Rafinha
  • Samira
  • sissi
  • tati
  • Titan

And since we're talking about donkeys, do you know what hoof animals are? Check out this other PeritoAnimal article.

names for mules

Did you know that the donkey can also be called a mule? When one donkey and a mare cross they give rise to a mule or a mule, as we explained in the previous section. The name comes from Latin mulus which was originally used to refer to any descendant of two different species.

The mule's appearance has several donkey-like characteristics: large ears, small hooves, hairless tail at the root. On the other hand, it has several horse-like characteristics: height, body, neck shape and teeth.

The mule has been widely used for jobs that need strength and endurance, either as a means of transport or for agriculture. Currently, the use of this animal for work is decreasing in more developed countries, since the machines perform the work previously done by mules.

If a donkey has mated with your mare, it will soon have a beautiful mule in your equine family. Here are some of the possible names for mules:

  • Friend
  • Alice
  • absolute
  • Beauty
  • Baroness
  • little star
  • Carol
  • Carmen
  • Chris
  • Crystal
  • Dhara
  • Donna
  • maiden
  • Eline
  • epona
  • Drizzle
  • gaia
  • Little girl
  • India
  • envied
  • Jade
  • Raft
  • Mexican
  • Honey
  • little girl
  • Blizzard
  • pandora
  • Paula
  • Princess
  • Purity
  • lady
  • lana
  • Legend
  • Luna
  • Queen
  • selenee
  • Sarah
  • Stephanie
  • Tyrant
  • tuca
  • Venus

Names for popular donkeys in English

We also present some options for donkey names that are very popular in English, especially in the US and UK, which might interest you:

Names for popular donkeys in English

  • lucky
  • king
  • Colorado
  • Barley
  • kentucky
  • Jupiter
  • Colt
  • Bolt
  • tank
  • Lincoln

Names for popular mules in English

  • river
  • Piper
  • Bailey
  • Willow
  • Elanor
  • Velvet
  • Ellie
  • gypsy
  • Juliet
  • big mama
  • daisy
  • peanut
  • Morgan
  • Molly

If you have more original or funny ideas for names for donkeys or mules, share them in the comments! You can also see our list of names for horses and mares, who knows, maybe you don't have the ideal name for your donkey?

If you want to read more articles similar to Names for donkeys, we recommend that you enter our Names section.