- the dog's sense of smell
- Citrus smell, horrible for dogs
- Vinegar
- pepper
- Alcohol, in all its versions
- Nail polish, unbearable for them
- Chlorine, ammonia and other cleaning products
- mothballs
- Perfumes without exception
- Does your dog hate other smells?

O dogs' sense of smell it is completely different from humans, so it is not surprising that we have different tastes when it comes to deciding which fragrances seem pleasant and which aromas we find unbearable. For us, the smell of urine and feces are part of the aromas that cause us the most rejection, however for dogs they are odors that provide them with information of great interest to them.
Many of smells that dogs don't like they are in our house and we can even take them with us, causing our furry companion to feel uncomfortable in the nose and an unpleasant situation. If you want to meet them and find out which fragrances repudiate dogs, continue reading this article by PeritoAnimal and start taking action.
the dog's sense of smell
Smell is the most developed sense of dogs, having between 150 and 300 million olfactory cells, values that compared with the 5 million cells that humans have are exorbitant. In this way, they are able to identify each of the particles found in the air or objects, and determine exactly where the perceived smells are. For this reason, many dogs are used to search for people who have disappeared during a catastrophe, detect narcotic substances or even diagnose diseases such as cancer.
Dogs, on the other hand, are animals with a great olfactory memory. This means that, just as we are able to recognize a person by their image, puppies recognize us through our scent. Therefore, it is essential to let an unknown dog sniff us before petting him, or not hinder two dogs that sniff each other.
Having such a sensitive sense of smell, it is not surprising that the dogs get excited every time they go outside, as it is a whole world of smells that they perceive and want to discover. In addition, it should also come as no surprise that they are resistant to certain aromas that are pleasing to us, as they perceive this smell more intensely. For you to know the smells that dogs hate, below we show you a complete list.

Citrus smell, horrible for dogs
The scent of citrus is one of the most appreciated aromas for us, and its fragrance is capable of lasting hours in our home. Therefore, we are in the habit of buying products that have this aroma and filling each room in the house with them in order to offer a lasting smell and give us a feeling of freshness. However, for our furry companions it is different, this being one of the smells that dogs don't like.
Remember, dogs have a 40 times better sense of smell than we do. So, if the citrus smell is already intense for you, imagine how your dog must perceive it. It is such a strong aroma that it can reach cause respiratory irritation of the animal, causing an uncomfortable and unbearable sensation.
Citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges or grapefruit have smells that dogs can't stand, but the fragrances they hate most are the ones that dogs can't stand. essencial oils of this type of fruit. Oils are concentrated products that emit a much more intense odor than the fruit itself and, therefore, the animal perceives a stronger smell than the food. Thus, if you want to use a citrus scent to prevent your dog from urinating in a certain area of the house, we recommend that you use natural fruits and avoid putting oils within reach. The objective of this technique is to prevent the animal from getting close to this concrete space, not to offer it an unpleasant coexistence.

Vinegar is another of the home remedies to prevent dogs from urinating at home because it is also part of the smells they hate. As with citrus, the aroma of this product is so strong that it is unbearable for dogs. However, apple cider vinegar has great benefits for puppies, so depriving them 100% of it is not advisable either. We must learn to use it and know how much to apply so that it is as little inconvenience as possible for the animal.
Apple cider vinegar is very effective in preventing the dog from smelling bad. However, since this is one of the odors that puppies don't like, we should mix it with your usual shampoo and thus reduce its fragrance. Do not apply this solution to the head area and be sure to rinse well.

Pepper is a food that owes its spice to a series of natural chemical compounds called capsaicins, composition that produces a very unpleasant smell for dogs. Directly smelling this food can cause respiratory irritation, itchy nose and constant sneezing in the animal. Therefore, it is essential to know the foods prohibited for dogs and prevent them from getting close to them.

Alcohol, in all its versions
O antiseptic alcohol it's a smell that puppies can't stand, so applying it to their skin is totally inadvisable. In the case of a wound, the most recommendable thing is to clean it with water only and consult the veterinarian so that he can indicate how to disinfect it.
Depending on the degrees the alcohol contains, it will be more or less uncomfortable for the animal. However, that's not to say that alcohol used as an antibacterial gel isn't one of the smells puppies hate, as their sensitive sense of smell is also able to detect it and determine that you don't like it.
On the other hand, the alcoholic beverages they are also unpleasant for dogs, especially those with a higher degree of alcohol.

Nail polish, unbearable for them
Although for many people the smell of nail polish is pleasant, puppies hate it. As they are composed of such a large number of chemical compounds, among which formaldehyde, nitrocellulose, isopropyl alcohol and acetate stand out, the fragrance of the enamels is really unpleasant for dogs, causing sneezing and itchy nose of your four-legged friend.
On the other hand, nail polish removers are also part of the list of smells dogs don't like due to their chemical compounds, with acetone being the most uncomfortable for them. Therefore, we recommend that opt for acetone-free nail polish remover and apply all these cosmetic products away from dogs.

Chlorine, ammonia and other cleaning products
We like cleaning products with fresh, intense and fragrant smells, and we end up buying them forgetting that our furry friends hate them. Both chlorine and ammonia are products that not only have strong smells that dogs hate, but are also highly harmful for them. Inhaling them directly may cause irritation to the airways and esophagus. In addition, ammonia produces an aroma that is very similar to that of dog urine, so you can relate it to the presence of another animal in the house and remain in an alert position.
Although the products mentioned are the most uncomfortable for dogs, all cleaning products with strong smells, such as bleach, have unpleasant smells for them. Also, remember that they hate citrus scents, so all products with those scents will cause rejection in your furry companion. Try cleaning the house while another family member takes the dog for a walk to avoid turning this chore into an unpleasant experience for him.

Mothballs are generally used as a pesticide due to its degree of toxicity. Precisely the chemical compounds that form it to be such a toxic product not only cause an unpleasant odor for the dog but also convert it into one of the things that can kill your dog. Ingesting just one ball can cause severe damage to the animal's liver and central nervous system, causing vomiting, diarrhea and seizures. The consumption of more than one can lead to death.

Perfumes without exception
Have you ever noticed that after putting on perfume, if you try to hug your dog, he will reject you? Your faithful companion hates the scents of perfumes, without any exception. As they are products made with a multitude of chemical compounds, the aromas they give off are unbearable for them. However, the reason why perfumes become one of the smells that dogs hate is not only this, the same reason that makes us adore their perfumes has the opposite effect on them. In this way, just as we realize how pleasant it is the perfume to bring a different aroma to our skin, dogs don't like it because it acts as a substitute for our body smell. Remember that dogs recognize us by our scent, if we mask it with a different one it is not surprising that they hate this unpleasant fragrance that prevents them from identifying us.
What about perfumes for dogs? There are also smells that I can't stand. However, and as long as they are of quality, when they are products made for them, they are not harmful and we can apply them sparingly. This means that it is not recommended to perfume the animal every day, the amount of perfume that the canine hairdresser applies to him during his visit to the beauty center will be sufficient.

Does your dog hate other smells?
As with humans, animals have their own taste, so it is possible that not all of the mentioned smells are unpleasant for him.It's not an exact science, and it can happen that one dog is able to stand the scent of an orange while another completely hates it. With regard to citrus scents, the ones that animals usually hate are the essential oils of lemon, orange, grapefruit, etc, more than the fruit itself. If you notice us smells dogs can't stand they are generally from human-created chemicals rather than natural elements such as food. This way, if your partner hates a smell that is not on this list, leave a comment and tell us everything!