My cat spreads sand - effective solutions!

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025


Does your cat spread the sand from his box like it's a party and he's throwing confetti? He is not the only one! Many domestic cat tutors complain about this problem.

If you are looking for solutions to not be sweeping up the sand your cat has spread every day, you have found the right article! PeritoAnimal has written this article especially to help tutors with the typical "my cat spreads sand, what can i do?". Keep reading!

Why does my cat spread sand?

First, it's important that you understand why your cat spreads sand. Understanding your feline's behaviors is an essential step in improving your relationship with him!

You've probably already watched the normal deletion behavior of your domestic kitten that lives in your house or apartment and needs it in a litter box. When cats use the litter box or litter, they usually follow a pattern of behavior. First, start by inspecting the sand in the box. Then they dig a little to get a depression in the sand. After that, they urinate or defecate and most cats try to cover their droppings. This is the moment and that the cat gets excited and the confetti party begins!

In fact, this behavior of cats is perfectly normal and wild cats do exactly the same. Cats bury their feces for two main reasons: they are very clean animals and avoid the attention of predators or other beings of the same species. However, not all cats bury their feces. If your cat is defecating outside the litter box, you should consult your trusted veterinarian to rule out possible pathological sources.

Although this behavior of covering up the waste is completely normal and this has the consequence of sometimes spreading sand everywhere, there are some solutions!

Cleaning the sandbox

cats are extremely clean animals! There's nothing a cat hates more than dirt. Surely you've watched your feline clean itself for hours on end. They take care of their fur and do everything to be always clean. They expect the same from their sandbox, which is always clean! In their natural habitat, wild cats choose clean, sandy places so they can take care of their needs and then cover or bury them.

If your cat's litter box is too dirty, he has to go around and mess around with the sand a lot in order to find a spot clean enough for him to urinate or defecate. Inevitably, if the sand is too dirty, it will dig and rummage until you have a clean area, and that means: sand spread everywhere! Some cats dig to the point of taking their droppings out of the box.

Therefore, the ideal is to keep the box as clean as possible and you will find that the amount of sand that comes out will be much less.

Types of litter for cats

The type of sand can influence the amount of sand that comes out, as the cat may feel that it needs to dig more with one sand than another. Ideally, try different types of sand and choose toyour feline's favorite. Cats' preferences are very particular, as is their personality.

The amount of sand can also be the cause of this problem. Too much sand means that there is not enough height in the box and the sand comes out as soon as the cat starts digging. On the other hand, insufficient amount of sand forces the cat to dig a lot more to cover his droppings, which ends up creating the same problem. The ideal is to have between 5 to 10 cm height of sand. Thus, the cat can comfortably burrow and bury the feces without difficulty.

If you would like to know more about the ideal type of sand, read our article on what is the best hygienic sand for cats.

type of sandbox

Most of the time, the problem is with the sandbox. Ideally a sandbox should have 1.5 times the size of the cat. We all know that most sandboxes available on the market are much smaller than ideal. No wonder a fair amount of sand ends up coming out. Cats should, at a minimum, be able to get around themselves easily inside the box. Remember that when digging the cat throws the sand back and if the box is small, there will not be enough space behind the cat and the sand will end up coming out of the box. Read our full article on what is the best cat litter box.

THE box height of sand is also important. Even if the box is big enough, some sand will come out if the sides are too low. You should choose a box with some height on the sides to prevent the sand from coming out for this reason. This point is especially important for cats who are experts at digging! You, better than anyone else, know your feline and will know how to identify the most effective solution for his case.

If after reading this article you have concluded that the ideal solution is to change the sandbox, you should do it gradually. Cats need an adjustment period to the new box. Start by placing the new box next to the old one for a week or two, until you notice that the cat starts using the new box more often. When your cat is used to his new box, you can remove the old one!

Some cats don't know how to use the litter box, if this is the case for your cat, you should teach him how to use the litter box. In addition, you should be aware that your cat always uses the litter. One of the first signs that something is wrong with your cat is when your cat starts to dig out of the box. It's important to visit your veterinarian twice a year to make sure your little one is okay!

If you have more than one cat, read our article on how many litter boxes to have per cat.