13 breeds of furry cats

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025


There's a lot longhaired cat breeds and we usually find very cute crossbred felines. The long coat is something that captivates many people, and no wonder! The wonderful effect of the fur is fascinating. Today we are going to show you 13 varieties of feline breeds that have very long fur.

All these extraordinary breeds need frequent brushing and more specific care, when compared to shorter-haired cats. They are taken care of as a show of affection, as they are constantly expressing their affection to the tutors, either with licks or with their peculiar purr.

In this article by PeritoAnimal we will show you the best 13 breeds of furry cats or long-haired.

13 breeds of furry cats

This is the top of furry cat breeds:

  1. Maine Coon
  2. Angora
  3. Persian
  4. Himalayan
  5. Norwegian of the Forest
  6. Holy of Burma
  7. Somali
  8. Ragdoll
  9. Balinese
  10. American Curl
  11. Cymric
  12. Whipped Cream Tiffany
  13. Selkirk Rex

Read on to learn more about each of these longhaired cat breeds.

1. Maine Coon

The Maine Coon cat is large, is a furry cat breed of North American origin. Its weight in adult males can reach up to 11 kg, with the exception of obesity cases that reach up to 20 kg. Females are smaller. The Maine Coon cat has a long, dense and smooth hair, and has a wide variety of colors.

It is one of the most affectionate, friendly and intelligent breeds. Likes a family environment, preferably with children. A peculiarity of the Maine Coon is that, unlike other cats, it like water and bathing. He's a good swimmer and usually spends time with other pets. He's quite lazy and eats a lot, so it's important to control his fur. Find out more about Maine Coon care in our article.

2. Angora

the angora are furry cats of a very ancient race, coming from Turkey. have the long, silky hair. It can have different colors, but the most beloved (because they are considered the purest) are white, with eyes with heterochromia (one eye of each color).

Are very smart cats who can learn and obey different orders. They like to spend time with one or two people as much as possible, as they need peace and quiet, they don't like a lot of agitation. They are affectionate but don't like to be touched often. They like to climb to the highest places in the house and to remain there serenely contemplating the landscape.

They follow their owner at home, wherever he goes. However, it should be noted that they do not always like other pets, the Angora cat prefers to feel that it is the most important of the house.

3. Persian

The Persian cat is from one of the furry cat breeds best known in the world. These cats are from ancient Persia (present-day Iran), they have a peculiar mood. Persians are medium in size, weighing up to 6 kg.

It's a cat with a extremely long fur and with a big variety of colors solid or bright mottled. The morphology is the same among the different types of color, with the exception of the Chinchilla variety, which is a little smaller than the rest. The length of their fur, their flat face and their short, round furry tail make these cats look fluffy.

Are smart, shy and lazy. They sleep a lot and take over the sofa. They can live without enthusiasm with other pets. Its fur periodically requires special care from a professional, since in the fur care recommendations of the Persian cat, this is one of those that need more dedication.

4. Himalayan

Its origin came from a cross between Persian and Siamese cats. The Himalayan cat weighs about 5 kg and its fur characteristics are identical to those of the Persian: long, thick and soft.

Both are furry cats, but it is in his face where we find the difference between him and the Persian cat. They inherited the Siamese genetics and that's why they have blue eyes, but its coat color, along with dark mask on face and ears, is a typical heritage of Siamese cats.

The care of the Himalayan cat is very simple, as they have a very familiar, serene and affectionate character. They are very intelligent and harmonious, get along well with other pets.

5. Norwegian Forest

O Norwegian Forest Cat it is a direct descendant of the great Nordic wild cats that the Vikings had on their ships, with the function of controlling the rats that lived in the wooden ships.

It is furry cat breed it is big, its weight can reach 7-9 kg. It has a lively and amiable disposition. It is very strong and agile, which is why it is not recommended for those who live in an apartment. It is a pet that lives best on farms or in houses with large gardens. Only then can he coexist with other pets peacefully.

6. Holy of Burma

O holy cat of burma is a semi-long-haired breed. It is similar to species originated from a cross between a Siamese and a Persian. This furry cat has a silky, shiny body.

is a cat from large, weighs from 7 to 8 kg. Its morphology is similar to that of the Siamese, but larger, massive and hairy. It does not have the fur as dense and long as the Persian cat and its neck is taller. His cute face is very similar to the Siamese, only hairier. You can also have a variety of colors, but with a unique feature: their paws are always "shod" with white "socks".

It is a very intelligent, active and sociable breed. He doesn't like to be alone and is kind to his family. Accepts well the company of other pets. It is very sexually precocious, as females can reproduce from 7 months and males from 9 months.

7. Somali

The cat Somali is similar to the Abyssinian cat, but unlike the cat that has short fur, its fur is semi-long. It is not a big cat, it can weigh 4 or 5 kg, and the females are smaller. The diversity of colors varies between reddish brown and cinnamon. The texture of its fur is dense and silky.

They are very agile furry cats with a rebellious character., since their temperament is identical to that of a puppy, even in adulthood, which means they will be the No. 1 enemies of curtains and sofas. They like to jump and are very active, especially females, and they tolerate other pets well. They are loving, sweet and always looking for affection from their tutors. It is recommended to have a garden or terrace so they can develop their muscles and do the physical activities they need.

8. Ragdoll

O ragdoll cat is a cat from the United States since the 60s. It has a large size and can weigh up to 9 kg, females are always smaller. They have long or semi-long fur. Its physical appearance resembles that of a European cat crossed with a Siamese, but more similar in face and structure to the European. It has very soft fur which, thanks to its quality, don't usually do us.

The main characteristic of the Ragdoll cat is that when you put it on your lap, it relaxes completely. However, because of its weight, it is not recommended to hold it upright. The Ragdoll cat meows in a very weak voice, barely audible.

this is probably the gentlest race of all. It is a homely cat, very clean and affectionate. He is intelligent, he enjoys the company of children and the elderly a lot. It is passive and withdrawn with other pets and can be easily overpowered by them.

9. Balinese

O Balinese cat is furry cat breed from the United States that was officially recognized as a breed in 1960. With the crossing of Siamese with the longhaired breeds, a breed structurally similar to the Siamese, but with the the longest and silkiest hair.

Its weight is 5 to 6 kg. Its physical characteristics are identical to a modern Siamese: triangular head, large V-shaped ears and slanted blue eyes typical of modern Siamese. The color of its coat is similar to the colors of the Siamese, but its length, density and silkiness are superior.

A characteristic of race itself is the loyalty to its owner, but not overly familiar. He tends to ignore the other inhabitants of the house, concentrating his affection and attention on just one person. However, as he is calm, patient and gentle, he politely admits to the rest of the family and loves to be pampered. Likes to socialize with other pets and is patient with children.

10. American Curl

O american curl cat is a little known breed. Its main feature is the strange arrangement of their ears that fold back. It is a very recent breed that originated by spontaneous mutation in 1981 in California. In 1983 they began to participate in competitions.

this is one of furry cats that have different ears. If not for this particularity, he would be similar to a European cat with long hair. Usually your eyes are yellow, green or blue. The variety of colors of its fur is very extensive. The American Curl is a intelligent, social, familiar and curious race. He likes to socialize with people, he is always affectionate. It is friendly to other pets.

11. Cymric

This furry cat breed has an enormous ability to jump, due to the strength of its hind legs. Originally from the UK, he is medium-sized and has a life expectancy of 8 to 14 years.He can adapt indoors, such as apartments, as well as love an outdoor area to play in, and love to exercise.

Are known to have a admirable intelligence and for being very kind. They usually establish an intense affectionate relationship with their family members. They don't like to be alone for a long time.

12. Whipped Cream-Tiffany

That furry cat is known for his docile temperament. Your fur must be brushed daily, to avoid the formation of knots. It also requires your guardian's special attention when it comes to feeding, as cats of this breed tend to overfeed and can end up obese.

Chantilly needs a lot of space to play as he loves daily exercises. they become very attached to your tutor and are very faithful. They can be found in shades of brown, with yellowish eyes.

13. Selkirk Rex

This breed includes both those with short fur and those with long fur. Their coat resembles that of sheep, as they are quite curly. He has a lovable temperament that can be compared to the Persian cat as they have many characteristics in common.

They are highly recommended for those who have never had a pet, as they are not difficult to live with, they love children, games and lots of affection.

How to care for longhaired cats

To care for a long-haired kitten, you will need to have special cares. One of the essential cares is the daily brushing. Cats need to be brushed so that there is no possibility of forming knots, as these knots are not good for the fur and lose some of its shine.

Also, it's very important to have be careful with your cat's food long-haired, as the food eaten by him directly interferes with the quality of his coat.

In this article by PeritoAnimal, you can check which are the ideal brushes for long-haired cats.

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