
How to train a stray dog

Educating or training a dog can be different depending on the breed. However, take more or le to learn, all dog mu t follow the ame line in their education that allow them to relate properly and maint...

Chlamydiosis in Parrots - Symptoms and Treatment

Parrot are exotic bird , but they are increa ingly taking on the role of pet . Due to their numerou attribute that make them exceptional pet , uch a their friendline , intelligence and their need for ...

10 fun facts about dolphins

You dolphin they are one of the mo t popular, chari matic and intelligent creature from the animal kingdom. With that expre ion that look like they're alway miling, they're a ymbol of joy and ...

Is a dog mast good or bad?

You may have already heard about the ma truz, al o called the anta Maria weed, which ha the cientific name Chenopodium ambro ioide . the herb, a lot u ed in Brazilian folk medicine, i ea y to recogniz...

How to catch my guinea pig?

Guinea pig are very en itive animal with very delicate bone . Mo t piggie have a tendency to jump off your lap when you try to put them in their cage. The e jump can lead to eriou bone injurie and ome...

Japan Animals: Features and Photos

Japan i a country located in Ea t A ia, compri ing 6,852 i land that have an exten ive area of ​​more than 377,000 km². Thank to thi , in Japan it i po ible to find up to nine ecoregion , each wi...

Tips for removing tear stains in dogs

Did you detect brown or reddi h pot under your dog' eye ? THE epiphora happen when the dog' eye crie too much, thi i u ually the re ult of blockage in the duct , due to poor diet or an allergy...

Bach Flowers for Insomnia in Dogs

Did you know that the pha e of canine leep are very imilar to the pha e of our leep? Like u , dog al o dream and can al o have variou leep di order , uch a in omnia.However, the main difference i that...

How is the changing of the fur of cats?

Cat caretaker know that their fur will alway accompany them wherever they go, a both at home and out ide, we can find one or two fur on our clothe . If you have one cat lo ing hair, we empha ize that ...

Why does my cat tear up so much?

Although cat can al o experience adne and pain, the cau e of your tear i not the feeling . We often ee our cat with exce ive tearing and we don't know if it' normal or not.Normally thi i nothi...

Tibetan Spaniel

Tibetan paniel are mall A ian dog with a wonderful per onality. They are good companion dog , do not require much phy ical activity and care i not much different from the re t of the dog . Are ea y to...

Why did my dog's character change

Your puppy' character can change due to everal factor , lived experience and even for no apparent rea on over time.A a re ult, they can become more ympathetic, fearful or aggre ive, in thi article...

How to clean my cat's teeth

A much a your cat i very intelligent, intuitive and practically ju t lack talking, there are certain kill and dynamic that are not li ted within their dome tic nature, uch a cleaning their teeth.Unlik...

Mites in cats - Symptoms, treatment and contagion

Para ite , both external and internal, are one of the main enemie of the well-being and health of our pet in general. But if we top to think about how uncomfortable it i to have mall being reproducing...

Care of blind dogs

If your puppy ha become blind with age or due to ome illne , you hould bear in mind that the animal will need ome pecial attention to get u ed to it new reality. A puppy that i born blind will live mo...

How to help cat give birth

If your cat i not neutered and ha acce to the treet and con equently to other cat , ooner or later he will get pregnant. While in tinct tell you exactly what to do, even for fir t-time mommy cat , it ...

Home Remedy for Urinary Infection in Dogs

Our puppie are like a part of our family, and if there' one thing we're worried about, it' eeing them ick. One of the mo t common illne e , not only in human , but in animal a well, i urin...

How to scare away geckos?

Gecko are reptile that adapt well to different habitat and are pread acro almo t the entire planet. Therefore, our hou e are al o u ually inhabited by the e animal becau e there they find the appropri...

Dog reproduction: anatomy, fertile stages and castration

THE canine reproduction it i a proce that generate many doubt among their caregiver , o, in thi article by PeritoAnimal, we will explain how dog reproduce. The objective i not to promote uncontrolled ...

Adaptation of puppies with other puppies

Do you like dog and want to have more than one at home? Thi i omething that ound great in theory, but in practice it i a little more complex than imply adopting another pet to live with you under the ...