- Cats Pregnancy Symptoms
- Necessary material
- How long does it take for a cat to get pregnant
- The great day has come
- kitten in labor
- Breast-feeding
- after childbirth

If your cat is not neutered and has access to the street and consequently to other cats, sooner or later she will get pregnant. While instinct tells you exactly what to do, even for first-time mommy cats, it doesn't hurt to lend a little extra help at this all-important time.
There are three stages of help: pre-delivery, during delivery and after delivery.
In this article by PeritoAnimal we will show you the different steps to be followed in each of the phases. This way you will know how to help a cat give birth.
Cats Pregnancy Symptoms
If you suspect that your kitten may be pregnant, you should take her to the veterinarian for confirmation. The signs to watch out for are: swollen belly, enlarged breasts, and the cat licking her vulva a lot.
If the veterinarian confirms the pregnancy, you should be prepared for that time. During the following months, the veterinarian will follow up of pregnancy and at the right time will determine the number of kittens that will be born!
It is very important to take into account the care of a pregnant cat so that the entire process takes place in the best possible conditions and that the cat has a perfectly healthy pregnancy.

Necessary material
You must be prepared in case things don't go as planned.
- He must have pointed to the veterinarian's phone number.
- You must have a carrier prepared so that if you need to go quickly to the veterinarian.
- Choose the most peaceful place in the house to build the nest for birth.
- You can get a box with high sides and put old towels or cotton cloths inside.
- Buy latex gloves, clean towels and betadine or similar disinfectant.
- Have clean, sterilized scissors nearby.
- You may need to buy specific powdered milk for cats and your own bottle as well.
- Buy sterile gauze.
How long does it take for a cat to get pregnant
THE gestation of a cat usually lasts between 65 and 67 days.
During the first month and a half of pregnancy you should continue to give your cat the usual diet. After that, you should change to a ration suitable for puppies, because it is a more caloric ration, which allows a greater energy supply with less food intake. Fetuses put pressure on the cat's stomach and she has less appetite.

The great day has come
On the day the cat is going to give birth, you will notice that she is very restless and does not eat anything. Very calmly and lovingly start accommodate her in the nest you prepared for childbirth.
If you notice that you have any green or bloody secretion or fluid in your vulva, immediately report it to your veterinarian and follow the instructions he gives you. Unfortunately, this is not a good sign and serious complications are most likely occurring and you may need to put the kitten in the carrier and head to the clinic.
If you don't see any unusual signals, keep your distance and let nature play her role. The cat, by instinct, knows better than you what to do. don't stress, but watch carefully.
kitten in labor
Before going into labor, you will watch the cat meticulously lick her vulva to clean it. After that, the contractions begin.
When the time comes, the waters will break and the cat will expel the amniotic fluid. Soon, the first baby will be born. If all goes well, each puppy will be born with an interval of 30 to 60 minutes. If it is taking too long, call your veterinarian right away.
You must control whether the cat breaks and releases the puppy from the amniotic sac and cleans it properly. If you see that the cat is not doing this, put on her gloves (after washing and disinfecting her hands) and very carefully break the bag at the level of the puppy's face. With the help of sterile gauze, clean the puppy's face and snout so that he can breathe properly. Return the puppy for the cat to smell and finish cleaning.
It is very important that you verify that the cat expels and eats the placenta after childbirth. Each offspring has a distinct placenta and it needs all the nutrients that are in the placenta.
The cat will cut the umbilical cords with her own teeth. If she doesn't, call the veterinarian and he will tell you how to act.
Puppies are born with an interval of 30 to 60 minutes as we told you before. It is very important that no puppy or placenta remain inside the cat, as this situation can be fatal.
After being properly washed by the mother, the puppies look for the mother's breasts to feed. It is first time they are breastfed is essentialfor cats' lives, as it is when they ingest colostrum. Colostrum is essential for the immune system of puppies.
If you notice that there are any offspring that do not suckle, there is probably some obstruction. Pick up the puppy very carefully and place it upside down. Shake it gently to force out the fluids lodged in the lungs.
If absolutely necessary, that is, if he is not able to breastfeed directly from the mother, give him kitten milk from the bottle.

after childbirth
Be aware in the first hours after delivery and ensure that the cat is calm. It is totally inadvisable for the whole family, neighbors, friends and acquaintances to come and visit the cat in the first few days. During the first week it is very important that neither the mother nor the children are startled. There just needs to be one person around to make sure everything runs smoothly.
At no time can you lack fresh water and a good ration. Place the sandbox close by so it doesn't have to travel too far. Ensure the box is always meticulously clean.