
What is an animal stereotypy?

E pecially in the zoo, in animal refuge or in mall and un uitable pace , we can ob erve what tereotypie are in animal .they are about repetitive action that the animal carrie out without a goal, very ...

The 10 most affectionate dog breeds

Before adopting a dog, many people learn about the per onality or general characteri tic of a particular breed. Thi proce i very important, a it will depend on our being happy in the future with our c...

Teach the cat to use the litter box

If it' the fir t time you're going to welcome a cat into your home, you hould familiarize your elf with the fact that thi animal i wilder than it might eem, in addition to being captivating, i...

Why does my cat reject her puppies?

By nature, cat are very good mother , even when they have their fir t litter. It i part of their natural feline in tinct, o it i normal for them to know how to take good care of their puppie without t...

My cat steals food from me, why?

Have you ever found your cat climbing the kitchen counter trying to teal a piece of your food? Or, almo t climbing the table to teal food from your plate? If the an wer are ye , don't worry, becau...

Afghan Hound

O afghan hound or whippetAfghan i a dog originally from Afghani tan. It i con idered a very pecial breed by tho e who had one, ince the combination of per onality, energy and phy ical appearance of th...

How does the dog see its owner?

Thi i a very frequent que tion among all of u who live with the e bigwig on a daily ba i . How do you ee my dog? Doe my pet ee the world the ame way I do or other animal do?To an wer thi que tion, Per...


You ferret or mu tela putoriu hole they are a mammal thought to have been dome ticated about 2,500 year ago. It i known that Cae ar Augu tu ent ferret or mongoo e to the Balearic I land to control rab...

Differences between rat and rat

If you are thinking of adopting a mou e or a rat a a pet, came to the right place, becau e in thi PeritoAnimal article we will how you the difference of both animal including phy ical characteri tic ,...

Equine encephalomyelitis: symptoms and treatment

Equine encephaliti or encephalomyeliti i a extremely eriou viral di ea e that affect the hor e and, al o, the human being. Bird , even if infected, pre ent the di ea e a ymptomatically and without uff...

dog vomiting green

The vomiting behavior can indicate everal i ue that may be happening in your dog' body, uch a eating omething that i toxic, being allergic to feed ingredient , exce ive heat, infection by viru e o...

Home remedy for dog with bloody diarrhea

Diarrhea in dog i common in the daily life of many animal and become a problem when your pet ha it and you can't help it. Thi ga trointe tinal problem can have many origin , pre ent in many form ,...

How many eyes does a fly have?

All that we call flie are in ect belonging to the order dipther of arthropod . De pite the difference between each pecie , they are all identified by the average ize of 0.5 cm (with the exception of g...

Kodiak Bear

O kodiak bear (Ur u arcto middendorffi), al o known a the Ala kan giant bear, i a ub pecie of grizzly bear native to Kodiak I land and other coa tal location in outhern Ala ka. The e mammal tand out f...

My cat's fur falls out - What should I do?

If your cat ha hair lo , it i very important to get informed to identify the cau e , po ible olution and warning ign that will help identify when it i time to go to the veterinarian.It i a common and ...

Animals that live under the sea

At aby al fauna you can find animal with urpri ing phy ical characteri tic , worthy of horror movie . The aby al being of the deep ea live in darkne , in a world little known to human being . They are...

The best funny animal pictures

You, like u , from PeritoAnimal, love to ee image of animal and can pa hour having fun with photo and video of them?That' why we decided to create thi article with the be t funny animal picture . ...

Hairballs in rabbits 🐰- how to avoid it?

Rabbit , like cat , inge t large amount of hair in their cleaning e ion , which i conducive to the formation of o-called hair ball in the tomach. However, unlike cat , rabbit cannot vomit, which mean ...

Names for Siamese Cats

Everyone know iame e rat mainly for their unique appearance. The e cat originate from Thailand (formerly called iam) and have a my teriou air and deep gaze. Due to the per onality and unique appearanc...

The 5 most wrinkled dog breeds

Ironically in the dog world, it eem that wrinkle are a ymbol of tenderne and beauty, and the more wrinkle , the more adorable it will be. Thi i omething we human could al o learn to ee and appreciate....