dog vomiting green

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 7 March 2025
Dog Throwing Up Green Vomit
Video: Dog Throwing Up Green Vomit


The vomiting behavior can indicate several issues that may be happening in your dog's body, such as eating something that is toxic, being allergic to feed ingredients, excessive heat, infection by viruses or bacteria, among other causes.

If your pet is vomiting, don't panic! Even if the situation is worrisome, you need to remain calm to be able to help your dog. There are several factors you can assess to understand whether or not this behavior indicates something dangerous to your pet, such as the color of the vomit. if you have a dog vomiting green at home, we at Animal Expert bring this article with information that can help you.

Why is the dog vomiting green?

Before we explain about the causes that can make your dog vomiting green, you must be asking the reason for this coloration.

Vomiting with the green color contains bile, also known as bile, a greenish-yellow fluid produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. Bile is released into the intestine when the animal feeds and has the function of breaking the food into small pieces to facilitate the digestion and absorption of nutrients from the food. When your dog has an irregular condition, there may be contractions in his intestines, which promotes the exit of all substances present in his digestive system, including bile.

Cases of dog vomiting green bile can be serious, so you should pay attention if your dog is exhibiting other different behaviors such as:

  • energy difference
  • Dehydration
  • Diarrhea
  • Weight loss
  • Weakness

Even if it's not a pleasant task, you should be aware of aspects of your pet's vomiting, such as:

  • vomiting consistency
  • Traces of plant, blood, food, feces
  • How many times has your pet vomited
  • vomiting color
  • how long has your pet been vomiting

This information is very important for the veterinarian, as this way the diagnosis can be made more precisely, as well as the treatment regarding the cause of vomiting.

Causes for green puppies

Biliary vomiting syndrome:

Also known as bilious vomiting syndrome, this syndrome occurs when bile backs up from the intestines into your pet's stomach. This reflux can happen for several reasons, such as:

  • When the dog has not been fed for a long time
  • When the dog eats an exaggerated amount of food
  • When the dog eats an exaggerated amount of grass
  • When the dog drinks an exaggerated amount of water
  • When the dog feeds on very fatty products


Allergies are responses of the animal's immune system to a substance that should not cause a reaction, such as pollen, food, among others. If your pet ingests something he is allergic to, he may vomit in an exaggerated way, which will cause green vomiting.

You can count on your veterinarian's help to identify what may be causing your dog's allergy. There are numerous situations in which your dog may have allergies, such as:

  • Develop allergies to foods you regularly ate
  • Having an allergy when the dog starts to eat a new or different food
  • change of environment
  • Environmental cleaning products

Gastrointestinal Diseases:

In these cases, your dog may be vomiting green and having diarrhea. Gastrointestinal disorders cover many causes that may be directly affecting your dog's gastrointestinal system, which can be:

  • Cancer in any organ of the gastrointestinal system
  • inflammatory diseases
  • Ulcers
  • Parasitic Infections

In these cases, it is important to follow up with your veterinarian to identify the clinical condition of your animal, and thus carry out the correct treatment for what is making your dog vomit green.


Pancreatitis is an endocrine disorder that results from inflammation of the pancreas. This disorder can be the result of a poor diet, with large amounts of extremely fatty products, and vomiting with bile usually occurs from 01 to 02 days after eating the fatty food. In addition to vomiting green, your dog may experience diarrhea and an upset stomach.

Viruses and bacteria:

A dog vomiting green can be a sign of infections caused by viruses and bacteria, in addition to promoting green vomiting, these infections can cause other symptoms in your pet, as can happen in cases of distemper and parvovirus.

Intestinal Blocks:

If your dog ingests your toys, bones or even your fur, there is a chance these objects will cause blockages in your pet's intestines. In these cases the dog starts vomiting without signs of bile, but when the animal's stomach empties, the vomit starts to turn green. Animals with blockages in their intestines may even stop feeding, lack energy and experience severe abdominal pain.

These cases are extremely dangerous and they urgently need to be monitored by their veterinarian, because to remove the blockage, treatments need to be carried out with surgical intervention, or with an endoscopic procedure.


The behavior of ingesting plants, such as grass, is common for dogs. However, if they consume these vegetables excessively, they may vomit a green liquid. But you must be careful with which plants your pet may be feeding, as they can be toxic to your dog, causing from diseases such as gastroenteritis, even poisoning.

What to do if your dog is vomiting green

Before carrying out any procedures, it is essential that you take your dog to the veterinarian, as only he will be able to diagnose and treat your animal as accurately as possible. There are some things you can do at home to treat your dog that is vomiting green:

  • Hydrate: The vomiting behavior causes your animal's body to lose a lot of fluid, and this situation can worsen the dog's clinical condition, altering blood pressure, energy, among other aspects. That's why it's important that you give your pet water to keep it as stable as possible. But be careful, do not exaggerate the amount of water when hydrating your pet, because if the amount is too much, the dog can end up vomiting even more.
  • home remedies: Herbs are good home remedies for both dogs and humans. To treat green vomit, you can use ginger, chamomile, and fennel, as they soothe stomach irritation, nausea, and animal discomfort. You can chop these herbs and mix them with the dog's food, or make tea and mix it with water for the dog to drink.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.