Home remedy for dog with bloody diarrhea

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 7 March 2025
How to Stop Blood In Your Dogs Stool (Best Proven Remedy)
Video: How to Stop Blood In Your Dogs Stool (Best Proven Remedy)


Diarrhea in dogs is common in the daily life of many animals and becomes a problem when your pet has it and you can't help it. This gastrointestinal problem can have many origins, present in many forms, and be associated with other symptoms.

However, some situations are more serious than others and the important thing is to know what to do to improve your puppy's condition. If you want to know more about this problem and what is the best home remedy for dog with bloody diarrhea, continue reading this article by PeritoAnimal.

Dog with bloody diarrhea: other symptoms

Diarrhea is defined as the increased frequency and volume of fecesyou are of the animal, arising as a result of diseases that affect the entire intestine or parts of it, interfering with normal functioning. A dog with diarrhea may have the entire digestive system affected or only part of it (stomach, liver, pancreas, small intestine and/or large intestine). And, depending on the extent of the disease or problem, it may have different associated symptoms, such as:

  • Vomiting;
  • Nausea;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Dehydration;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Weight loss;
  • Fever;
  • Apathy;
  • Abnormal posture and gait.

THE dog diarrhea is not a disease, but rather a symptom of one or more diseases. Furthermore, diarrhea can indicate a certain type of illness, whereas when you are in front of a dog with bloody diarrhea, it can indicate another type of illness. It is very important that you know that any uncontrolled diarrhea can develop into bloody diarrhea, however, bloody diarrhea can also appear suddenly as the first symptom. For these reasons, you should keep your pet's routine in check so that you can explain the entire history to the veterinarian.

Dog with bloody diarrhea: types

The color of blood in diarrhea can have several shades, being classified as:

Dog evacuating blood: hematochezia

It is characterized by the presence of fresh blood, bright red in color, in the feces. Hematochezia is usually associated with to the lower portion of the digestive system (large intestine). In these cases, the blood has not been digested and is therefore expelled in its natural color and may appear involved in the stool or in the form of separate drops of blood. Diarrhea in this portion of the intestine may also have mucus, causing a dog with bloody gelatinous stool, which can be very serious.

Dog evacuating blood: melena

It is characterized by the presence of digested blood, dark in color, in feces and with a very bad smell. It is usually associated to the upper portion of thedigestive system and many tutors recognize this situation because the stool has a tarry appearance. In less severe cases, it is more difficult to identify dogs with dark diarrhea than with live blood (hematochezia), since large amounts of gastrointestinal blood are needed for the dark color to be identified in the stool. That is, dogs with mild to moderate gastrointestinal bleeding may not have melena. This type of feces is of more concern, as it can be associated with tumors in elderly dogs, gastric ulcers and cases of severe intoxication or poisoning.

A little trick for you to identify blood in your dog's stool is to place the stool on white absorbent paper and watch for a reddish tinge on the paper. If this happened, it is very likely that the stool contains blood. In the article dog with diarrhea with blood, you can find more information on this topic, including causes, treatments and diagnosis.

3 Home Remedies for Dog With Bloody Diarrhea

First of all, it's important that you know that diarrhea and/or vomiting that persist for more than 24 hours they are reasons for alert and concern, due to the physiological imbalances that the animal may have. Therefore, in these situations, always ask the veterinarian for help to treat the problem. It is equally important to remember that if the animal is very debilitated, is a puppy or elderly, you should never self-medicate it and that a simple home remedy may not solve anything.

  • First of all, you must remove all of your dog's feed/food for 12 hours, to help calm the intestinal mucosa;
  • Do not remove water. leave always fresh water available;
  • At the end of the recommended fast, start the white diet, which consists of boiled rice and chicken, no spices or bones, and offer small portions to your pet and assess the attitude. For one to two days provide only this food;
  • Then, and if the puppy has not had any more episodes of diarrhea, introduce the usual food of the dog along with the white diet, but in small amounts and for meals;
  • Finally, just resume the feed and observe the animal's behavior.

If the diarrhea persists, it means that something more serious is causing the diarrhea than just being sick. At that point, it's time to ask the vet for help. Next we'll give you a list of some home remedies for dogs with gastroenteritis who have diarrhea. These drugs are used to calm the gastrointestinal tract and reduce diarrhea, but they do not stop the blood loss or what is causing it.

Home remedy for dog diarrhea with aloe vera (Aloe)

Aloe vera is well known for its healing and healing properties. However, it is also very good for calming the gastrointestinal tract and relieving symptoms such as bloody dog ​​diarrhea. You can use it in the form of juice and apply directly in the dog's mouth or in the drinking water about 1 milliliter three times a day.

Home remedy for dog diarrhea with cinnamon

This spice, in the proper proportions, can be used to control nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. To do this, just make an infusion in a cup of tea with a stick of cinnamon or the equivalent of half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Allow to cool, strain and apply in the drinking water or offer directly to the dog.

Home remedy for dog diarrhea with canned pumpkin

Pumpkin soothes the intestinal mucosa and prevents diarrhea in dogs. You can give small cubes (1-3) along with the ration. If your dog is also vomiting, check out this article by PeritoAnimal on medicine for dogs with diarrhea and vomiting and learn more about the subject.

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Home remedy for dog with bloody diarrhea, we recommend that you enter our Intestinal Problems section.