
If you are thinking of adopting a mouse or a rat as a pet, came to the right place, because in this PeritoAnimal article we will show you the differences of both animals including physical characteristics, intelligence or behavior.
Discover all the differences between rat and rat as well as curiosities that will surprise you as they are intelligent and social animals that you will enjoy if you are considering adopting one.
Don't forget to comment if you have any questions or if you want to share photos of these two rodents with our community. Let's do it!
physical differences
For a start we must be clear that the mouse and the rat are not of the same species. The rat belongs to the genus Rattus which includes up to 57 different species such as rattus rattus or Rattus norvegicus. The mouse in turn belongs to the genus Mus and we found about 38 very different species including the Mus musculus, known as the house mouse.
Physically and in general we can distinguish a mouse from a rat by the size: rats can measure up to 30 centimeters, while the mouse is smaller, conforming to 15 centimeters (although some can reach 20).
However, the best way to physically distinguish a rat from a mouse is the physiognomy it presents, checking small details: rats tend to have the largest legs and the smallest mice. The rat's ears are smaller compared to the rat's.
A rat's whiskers are usually longer than a rat's, as they have a slightly reduced visual ability, something they make up for with a highly developed ear and sense of smell.
The rodent's color is another physical difference to take into account, as rats are usually dark in color (brown, black and grey) and mice combine light and dark colors (brown, white, grey).

Behavior differences between mice and rats
Next, let's distinguish a little the behavior of these two rodents:
- Voles are capable of showing very different behaviors to express your emotions. We can identify a happy rat when it jumps, moves its tail or grinds its teeth. On the other hand, when she feels threatened or tense, she usually manifests high-pitched low-pitched squeaks, biting and even hitting wildly. It is recommended not to bother a rat that is squealing, showing teeth or bristling with fur.
- Voles are very social animals that enjoy the company of other rats. They tend to clean each other, sniff and show affection.
- In turn, rats are also very social animals that must live in the company of others of their species. You should only pair one male with several (sterilized) females unless two males have been bred together since birth. Otherwise, serious conflicts may arise.
- The rat does not usually show aggression as quickly as a mouse, however, it is able to stand on two legs (with the help of the tail) and prepare to attack if necessary. We can say in general that are more docile the rats, although this depends on the character of each individual specimen.