What is an animal stereotypy?

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 21 February 2025
Swaying, weaving, head bobbing - stereotypic & abnormal behaviour
Video: Swaying, weaving, head bobbing - stereotypic & abnormal behaviour


Especially in the zoo, in animal refuges or in small and unsuitable spaces, we can observe what stereotypies are in animals.

they are about repetitive actions that the animal carries out without a goal, very clear examples are the dogs that circle themselves without stopping or barking. Sometimes they can be related to a mental problem, although in general we talk about severe stressful situations that result in stereotypies.

Want to know more about it? find it out what is an animal stereotypy and how or why it happens in this PeritoAnimal article.

Why does it happen?

As we mentioned, stereotypies are repetitive movements that are consequences of stress and usually occur in animals that live in captivity, such as shelter dogs, zoo animals, etc.

Its main cause is the inability to satisfy its natural behavior, whether due to lack of space, food, a drastic change in your life or little physical activity. Stereotypies are clear examples of distress directly related to the five animal welfare freedoms.

It is important to understand that once we offer an animal all the stimuli or factors it needs, stereotypies can be reduced and even disappear. It won't always be like that, it depends on each case.

examples of stereotypies

On the internet we can see a large amount of videos circulating in the humor sections in which we can observe stereotypes. It's normal that those who don't know what's really going on with the animal find it interesting and funny, but in reality it's not at all fun, as it's an animal that is suffering.

Do you believe that your dog or other nearby animals may be suffering from stereotypies? Next, let's explain the most common stereotypes that we can find in animals:

  • bite the tail: It is the most common stereotypy that dogs tend to develop and consists of walking around trying to bite the tail.
  • barking non-stop: It is another clear example and very common in refuge dogs, they can spend hours and hours barking aimlessly and without any stimulus to provoke. They can also cry.
  • Self-directed or redirected aggression: In this case the animal hurts itself, usually in the paws and tail, sometimes it can also redirect aggression to inanimate objects or people.
  • Concrete repetitive movements: Walking side by side, jumping, turning around, etc.
  • Hunting: Another example of stereotypies are those animals that hunt animals, flies (including invisible animals) as well as chasing lights.
  • excessive licking: Sometimes it drifts in bites.

What should we do if an animal suffers from a stereotypy?

We must understand that most of us are not qualified to offer an adequate therapy to any animal, we could confuse the symptoms of a disease with a stereotypy or worse, not know how to treat it and make the situation worse. For this reason it is essential resort to experts: the ethologists.

After observing the animal, the ethologist will offer a diagnosis in which he will rule out mental and/or physical problems and confirm the cause of the stereotypes: frustration, conflicts, aggression, lack of space, separation anxiety or others.

Offer the proper treatment

Any animal that suffers from stereotypies is communicating its discomfort abroad, for this reason it is essential to offer a fast and effective treatment before getting worse. Not all stereotypies can be resolved.

Some options:

  • change of environment
  • Socialization
  • behavior modification
  • Medicines
  • Physical activity
  • Stimulation
  • Elimination of punishment
  • anti-stress games
  • Affection and love

Although some of these options can be caused by ourselves, the truth is that in some cases we will have to resort to the help of a professional who will best understand the specific situation of the animal.

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.