
Advice to prevent the dog from pulling the leash

You advice to prevent the dog from pulling the lea h will depend on the pecific ca e of each dog, a thi i not a generalized problem or lack of education, it i a much more eriou problem that re ide wit...

How do you know if a cat is deaf?

If your cat never react to loud noi e , doe n't come when you open a can in the kitchen, or never come to greet you when you get home, it may be that he ha a hearing problem.Cat are intelligent an...

Can you give ibuprofen to a dog?

In almo t every hou ehold, you can find ibuprofen, a very common medicine that can be purcha ed without a pre cription and i often u ed in human medicine. Thi may make caregiver think it' a uitabl...

How to Make Homemade Dog Ice Cream

Would you like to make ice cream for your dog? Do you want it to cool down and enjoy an amazing treat at the ame time? In thi new PeritoAnimal article, we ugge t 4 very imple dog ice cream recipe to p...

My dog ​​doesn't want to eat: what to do

when the dog doe n't want to eat it i cau e for concern for the caregiver , ince, in general, dog u ually have no problem devouring everything they have on their plate and till keep a king for foo...


hichon aro e from a cro between Bichon Fri é and hih-tzu dog . Therefore, it i a cro bred dog that ha become increa ingly popular for it beauty and per onality. Thi dog tand out for being active...

Why do cats wag their tails?

Cat move their furry tail practically all day long. At the ame time, they are very communicative animal . The e two fact are related to each other. The movement of the tail tell u much more than we be...

Care for a neutered cat

Taking care of our pet i a big re pon ibility, omething that hould not be taken lightly. It i very beautiful to have a pet, a cat or cat for example, and it i al o very beautiful when it ha puppie . H...

Mange in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment

cabie i a kin di ea e, cau ed by a micro copic ectopara ite that can occur in different pecie of animal , including human , and exi t all over the world. It i infected by contact, produce a erie of y...

Gray Persian Cat - Image Gallery

We can con ider the Per ian cat a exotic becau e of it peculiar face or the long, ilky coat it ha . They have a quiet character a they like to leep and relax anywhere. They are al o affectionate and i...

chinchilla feeding

Chinchilla are herbivorou rodent with a high average life expectancy, a they u ually live between 10 and 20 year . The e animal are very ociable, e pecially with their pecie , o it i recommended to ha...

Guinea pig scurvy: symptoms and treatment

We've all probably heard of a di ea e known by the name of curvy or vitamin C deficiency, but we may not know that thi pathology can al o affect guinea pig , quite often ince it i not uncommon for...

Lykoi or Wolf Cat

If you've heard or een a lykoi cat he wa certainly urpri ed, a hi appearance re emble a wolf and, for that very rea on, doe not leave anyone indifferent. It i one of the newe t breed of dome tic f...

Can a dog eat pumpkin? - Benefits and amounts

Pumpkin belong to the Cucurbitaceae family, which al o include chayote, cucumber, melon and watermelon and i a very common food in the human diet. Pumpkin are u ed in weet and avory recipe , and even ...

chicken names

More and more people choo e to have a chicken a a pet. chicken are animal very clever. Anyone who think chicken are tupid i orely mi taken. A recent article publi hed in the magazine Animal Cognition ...

Jack Russell Dog Names

Having a new family member i a great joy! Even more o if it' a furry friend. A dog, in addition to being a faithful companion, can be a great friend for your children. Hour of fun and affection wi...

black and white dog breeds

The FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale), known in Portugue e a the International Cynological Federation, officially recognize more than 300 dog breed . Thu , there are dog breed of a...

Dog cancer: types and symptoms

Dog , like human and other animal , are animal u ceptible to cancer. Cancer i a group of di ea e cau ed by uncontrolled cell proliferation. Thi uncontrolled cell growth produce an exce of ti ue known ...

How to Decrease Ferret Odor

If you've decided to adopt a ferret a a pet, you may be wondering if thi i the right animal for you. Among the frequent doubt about ferret and their care, the bad mell alway appear a a cau e of ab...

teaching the dog to walk together step by step

Dog are amazing animal capable of learning a wide variety of order to make u happy (and al o receive ome treat in the meantime). Among the order they can learn, we find that of walking with u , very u...