
teach your cat a name

It may be difficult for you to know how rai e a cat and, even more, know how to teach him to come to you when you call him by hi name, but believe that it i not omething that complicated if you u e th...

Food Allergy in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment

Allergie ari e when the immune y tem develop an adver e or exaggerated re pon e to an allergen, leading to the relea e of high amount of hi tamine. In food allergie , thi immune hyper en itivity it i ...

what chickens eat

Do you want to know what chicken eat? In thi PeritoAnimal article, we're going to talk in detail about feeding chicken , but it' important to point out that we're going to focu on chicken ...

the squirrel as a pet

The quirrel It i a pecie of ciuridae family rodent. The e chari matic mammal u ually mea ure between 20 and 40 centimeter and weigh between 250 and 340 gram . They inhabit the fore t of five continent...

How to make a cat stop meowing

You cat like to meow all the time, a it i , after all, the way they have to a k for attention and communicate with u or with the environment.Mo t of the time we find it funny and amu ing, but the wor ...

What is a dog's mustache for?

All dog have mu tache , long or hort. They come out of the muzzle and have a harder, firmer texture than hair. ome people cut them for ae thetic rea on , eeking to meet certain race " tandard &qu...

All About Border Collie

The Border Collie i probably one of the mo t popular dog today. The numerou qualitie make him become an extremely ver atile dog, which tand out for it per onality, intelligence, loyalty, predi po itio...

Chow chow

O dog chow chow i originally from China and i probably one of the mo t popular dog breed in the world. It hould be noted that the mo t out tanding feature of the Chow Chow i the color of your tongue, ...

Cystitis in Cats - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Cat , like u , can uffer from illne e that affect their urinary tract. THE cy titi It i one of the mo t common problem uffered by cat and can cau e great di comfort if not treated properly.It i a comm...

Why does my cat do paw massages?

If you have a cat or cat in your hou e, it i likely that you know what we are talking about, cat are animal that like phy ical contact and to relate to tho e they live.Among the interaction they u ual...

Mare in heat - Symptoms and phases

The mare come into heat timulated by the increa ing photoperiod during the long day of the year, that i , when there i more unlight and heat. If during the e month the mare doe not become pregnant, th...

Cat Flea: How to Identify, Causes and Solutions

If you have one or more cat at home, you may know that thi i a common problem, both in cat with outdoor acce and in cat that don't go out. Like any feline condition, the flea on cat hould be preve...

How to get the Persian cat out of knots

One of the main feature of the Per ian cat it long, oft fur. But, the truth i that to keep it beautiful, hiny and healthy we have to pend time taking care of it with regular bru hing and bathing.The P...

How to make a dog bed step by step

if you ju t adopt a dog or if you already have a four-legged friend at home, you hould know that one of the e ential item to en ure your dog' comfort i a bed. A dog bed hould be uitable for your i...

Aloe vera for dogs - Benefits, application and conservation

When we talk about aloe vera, we mu t be aware that it i a millenary plant, with multiple u e and benefit for human and animal health. At different time in hi tory, it wa di covered that it i a plant ...

Cats dream?

Cat are one of the dome tic animal that we can ob erve leeping for hour and hour . Therefore, it i logical that, a tutor , we a k our elve , at lea t at ome point during your re t, if cat dream or hav...

How to build an aquarium

Before choo ing to et up an aquarium, the tutor mu t con ider the animal ' welfare and an wer ome que tion uch a : do they have enough pace to move around? Do you have quality food? Are there plac...

Dogue de Bordeaux

O Great Daneand Bordeaux, dogue de bordeaux or French ma tiff he i one of the mo t appreciated molo o dog for hi character, good natured and impo ing appearance. Many people do not imagine that behind...

Names for parrot

The name maritaca, maitaca, baitaca, maita, cocota, are common name given to bird belonging to the order P ittaciforme . The name people give them depend on the region and generally often refer to all...

Home remedy for dermatitis in dogs with Aloe Vera

The kin i a very important organ becau e not only doe it have a protective function again t the external environment, but al o becau e on multiple occa ion , di order that affect your pet' organi ...