Birth Control Methods for Dogs
Deciding to adopt a dog and bring it home i a great re pon ibility, which i not only about meeting the need of our pet and trying to provide it with the be t po ible well-being, it i al o nece ary to ...
8 things dogs do to get attention
When you have a pet at home, in thi ca e we are talking about dog , there are many thing that we do not know about them. It i difficult for u to under tand if when they do certain behavior they do it ...
How do cats see?
The eye of cat are imilar to tho e of people but evolution ha made their eye ight focu on improving the hunting activity of the e animal , predator by nature. Like good hunter , cat need to under tand...
How long does a cat with feline leukemia live?
Feline Leukemia i one of the mo t frequent and evere viral di ea e that affect the immune y tem, e pecially in younger cat . It i not tran mi ible to human , but it i u ually tran mitted more ea ily b...
Jealous dog: symptoms and what to do
People often attribute emotion or feeling inherent in human behavior to animal . However, claiming that dog are jealou can be a very mi attributed term, a there are everal rea on that can explain why ...
Is it possible to have a pet otter?
THE otter i an animal belonging to the mu telid family (Mu telidae) and there are eight different pecie , all protected due to the imminent danger of extinction. If you're thinking about having an...
How to scare away bees and wasps
With increa ing temperature , it i not uncommon to find wa p or bee in our garden , patio or while walking. Like all in ect , they play a role in the eco y tem, e pecially bee , which are a key player...
Can I give valerian to a dog?
We are becoming more and more aware of the need to treat our pet in the mo t natural and re pectful way po ible, a thi implie , in mo t ca e , le damage to their body and le change in it phy iology.Ho...
Dry nose on the dog, is it bad?
There are ome a pect of our puppie that we till don't know about, ome even worry u , uch a dry no e. It i very common to a k the que tion whether a dog' dry no e i bad, a the popular conceptio...
Restless dog: causes and what to do
On a daily ba i , it i common for our furry one to how a lot of energy to play, walk and perform other activitie , but al o enjoy their moment of re t and relaxation. However, ome tutor are concerned ...
Pemphigus in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments
At kin di ea e are ome of the mo t dreaded di ea e for dog owner . Not only do they deteriorate an animal' phy ical appearance, they can al o ignificantly reduce it quality of life, dangerou ly co...
Why does my dog follow me to the bathroom?
Many people, even if they like the ituation, wonder why their dog follow them to the bathroom. A dog' attachment to it human companion i a natural and denote a good relation hip between the two. H...
Vitamins for Malnourished Cats
Great nutrition i e ential for keep our pet healthy, ince food i directly related to the body' functionality and i a therapeutic tool a effective a it i natural that we mu t take into account when...
Types of Lions: Names and Characteristics
The lion i at the top of the food chain. It impo ing ize, the trength of it claw , jaw and it roar make it a difficult adver ary to overcome in the eco y tem it inhabit . De pite thi , there are ome e...
Benefits of Tall Dog Feeders
Elevated feeder are a good option to feed our dog . On ale you'll find different model to choo e from, but if you haven't decided to buy one yet, in thi PeritoAnimal article we explain all of ...
elderly dog behavior
At the time to adopt a dog, mo t people prefer to opt for a young or a puppy, alway avoiding the one that are of advanced age. till, there are many people who choo e the oppo ite, giving a dignified e...
Neurological Diseases in Dogs
The nervou y tem i extremely complex, we can de cribe it a the center of operation of the re t of the body, regulating it function and activitie . At neurological di ea e in dog they can re pond to a ...
Animal Euthanasia - A Technical Overview
Euthana ia, word originated from the Greek me + thanato , which ha a a tran lation "good death" or "death without pain", con i t in the conduct of hortening the life of a patient i...
Most common diseases in puppies
When acquiring or re cuing a puppy from the treet, ome common problem may be more apparent uch a mange, ringworm, flea and tick . Other problem may till be incubating or in their early tage in which y...
My cat only had one puppy, is that normal?
If you decided to breed with our cat and he only had one kitten, i it normal for you to worry, ince cat are generally known to reproduce wildly, i that your ca e?In thi PeritoAnimal article, we will t...